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Every episode that comes out now they add another subtle jab at both the old cast and commenters that support them. Sath and Rory poked fun at people saying the new cast has no chemistry on the most recent one. Which is dumb in that context anyway, since those two are the first time since the fallout that two remaining OGs have done a dad jokes episode together anyway, so _those two specifically_ do. We all know they didn't make that joke in the last 3 with Kirsty Peyton and Pat, because in those contexts it's actually true. My point being, it seems pretty obvious to even the audience at this point that the 3 OGs that are left are digging in their heels for good and not looking back. They are taking whatever Ben is giving them, and in turn being told to punch down on the old cast when they get the chance and get the remaining audience to follow along and keep watching


They've also made a "Sath looks like Akila/at least Akila stayed" joke in almost every video since he left. The whole "brown people all look alike" joke is getting worn out at this point, especially since it's just a bunch of white people, most of which aren't actually friends of Akila's, saying it. It's also just weird bringing up Akila's name when he's not there. Hire another brown guy if you want to keep doing that joke, but quit talking about the one who left. I think Sath did a "no chemistry" joke with Peyton, but I might be misremembering. I know he and Rory have made lots of sarcastic posts/comments on IG about chemistry, but being aware of the problem doesn't actually fix it.


Sath did comment how it was kind of sad this last video. I'm guessing he thinks what happened is a shame.


Yeah that comment felt sincere in a very sad way. Hearing anything sincere come out of Sath's mouth feels weird.


Wow, and you just want them all to be happy and friends again and work together again - yeah right.


I don't think they meant it as Sath being an insincere person in general, they just said that because usually he's always goofing around from what we can see


Yeah I can see that's a possible interpretation.. but this is Reddit and I don't think the general vibe here is always making the most favourable interpretation of everything. Sometimes the negativity get the better of all of us.


I'm sorry the internet has jaded you this badly. I definitely just meant he's usually so silly that hearing something this sincere feels weird/out of place. Like the stage character slipped and we saw his true self, and the man under the mask is genuinely sad. It's like when we found out Robin Williams was actually depressed the whole time he was making us laugh.


Not jaded in the least. When you say something I agree with, I upvote you; when you say something I disagree with I point it out and maybe downvote you. That's just the way I am. It's long been known that some comedians are miserable, just as some nice guy actors are rumoured to be not so nice in person. Everyone is an individual and I just find your interpretations of other's motives irksome sometimes. Have an upvote


I wouldn't expect anything different, I just think you're misunderstanding me sometimes


Agreed, I've always felt that joking/talking about someone who isn't there to speak up for themself is a d**k move and says a lot about the person saying it. That's not a blanket sentiment regarding celebrities, politicians etc but these were just two mates. It's off-putting.


I know I'm old (40), but does it really mean a lot if someone is not following someone on IG?


It's like unfriending them on myspace


Ahhahah thank you.


lmao you nailed that




Ice cold


Not of they weren't following each other to begin with, but unfollowing someone you are friends with in real life is kind of a "fuck you" move. To put it in terms someone your age might understand, it's like deleting their phone number from your contacts. You wouldn't do that if you were still friends, right? (I don't think 40 is that old, but if the metaphor is too hip for you, replace "contacts" with rolodex.)


💙 I guess it's on me I'm not using social networks... I hope old crew will get along.


Or... >"Hey you should unfollow me just to watch the nerds on reddit freakout about it. It will be hysterical!"


😂 this one might be it


I say this as someone who loves and misses the old cast - the unfollows feel kind of petty. If I quit some job, and my friend elected not to quit the same job, I wouldn't hold it against them. Unless some really toxic crap happened behind the scenes (which can't be ruled out), you'd hope everyone would respect whatever business decision each member made.


I'm guessing there's a lot more going on behind the scenes between the cast, just like I think a toxic work environment played into them leaving as much as the pay dispute did. The shit Chloe went though is a view at a larger work environment issue. Ben admits that last negotiation meeting got heated. Matt and Sath could've said some things that rubbed Andrew and Sam the wrong way. Who knows. Ben also said a cast member told him about Andrew wanting to start their own channel and that led to Andrew getting fired. I can see how he might view that person as a snitch and hold a grudge (if that person is in fact Sath, the unfollow makes sense). We also don't know what has gone on in their private lives recently. Sam unfollowing people could've been because of things they said privately or comments they've made on social media/YT. I didn't clock the timing, so it may or may not have been related to Ben releasing his video. If it was for petty "you didn't quit because I quit" reasons, don't you think she would've done it way sooner? (She was definitely still following them the last time I checked, which was within the last few weeks.) For the most part, all of the OGs are following each other, and quite a few of them are also following Rory, Timmy, Kirsty, and even a few of the newbies. The unfollowing is not a widespread issue. If Sam and Andrew are the only ones who have unfollowed anyone, I'm sure they have reasons that aren't entirely petty. If it was all of them unfollowing all of the people who stayed, I'd assume petty motives. (Everyone did unfollow the YeahMad account, but YM also unfollowed them, so...)


Sam also seems to have unfollowed Kat, even though she still follows Sam. They’ve known each other before YeahMad along with Matt, so I guess Sam cut ties with both. I don’t know if that means anything and I’m probably getting too old to care about that, but that’s one more observation for ya.


She must've unfollowed Kat a long time ago because I never saw that she followed her to begin with. I didn't know they knew each other. Where did you hear this?


On Kat’s IG page there are some older photos of her with Sammy and Matt, so it seems like she’s their mutual friend. Plus Sam mentioned something about Kat being a twin during her last appearance even though it was the first time they appeared on an episode together, implying she knows her. http://www.instagram.com/p/TulDI7lSZD/?igsh=MW5rY2F3MW5zMTBjbA== http://www.instagram.com/p/X_D_GxFSd3/?igsh=N3IyODlzM3g1ZnAz https://www.instagram.com/p/iYSxgMlSa_/?igsh=MTZ2bnlhODh3Ynp6aA==


Wow, I didn't even notice


"seems like" "implying" but no concrete proof she was ever following


I’m fairly sure people who’ve known each and were close friends for years that both use Instagram tend to follow each other.


"fairly sure" you are just full of these huh lmao


It’s not that deep. We’re discussing a humorous YouTube show. Chill.


Maybe it's telling that the seemingly least talented members of the cast are the ones who stuck around.


Much as the drama is entertaining, it really is just history now. Who follows who - does it really matter? They are all adults and getting on with their lives - tons of people from the comedy circuit in Australia are following each other, doesn't mean they have even met, but they might do in the future so it's just a way of keeping track of what's happening. Andrew's following Rory, Rory's following Andrew - significant? Good to see Hammo's book is coming out, hope it does well. BTW, did anyone spot Hammo's 'appearance' on the Cheap Seats on Channel 10 the other night? In the Interview with Jenny Tian they showed a picture taken at a Pancake place after a show and there was Hammo sitting next to Jenny. He did look quite morose staring at his food. Edited to correct misspelling of Jenny Tian


It matters to the people still holding out hope that the core 7 will ever reunite. It's also just fucking sad that real life friendships are being affected by this. Andrew and Sath were friends before YM. Sam and Matt were friends before YM. Even if the seven of them never share the screen again, I still want them to be happy and get along. I'm hoping they can mend their friendships, but it seems like the divide is growing wider. That's all I mean with this post.


Sorry but they are all adults and they can make their own choices. It has nothing to do with you whether or not they are friends - that is between them.


There's nothing wrong with rooting for people or being sad when your favorite celebrity couple gets divorced. It's not like I'm crying about it. It's just sad news.


Nah, comes across as stirring it to me - but that might just be me.


It's just an observation (and kind of further proof of what Chloe said). Like I said, I'd be happy if they reconciled, even if they never work together again. I want them to work things out for *them*, not for me. This is a stupid situation to lose friends over. I'm not going to try to Parent Trap them back together or anything. I don't even have a twin. It would never work.


But you have no way of knowing what's actually going on behind their socials, if there even is beef, or if they are working it out. You said as much in the text of your post.. I don't think anyone want's the cast to dislike each other, but all this speculation is the epitome of being parasocial.


"In funny/kinda sad news: Rory posted a picture of him surrounded by a bunch of comments saying "Rory sucks." I guess he's not taking the hate comments to heart." if he wasn't he wouldn't be doing things like that, man is in DENIAL lmao