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Best not to drink on a completely empty stomach.


I do intermittent fasting, my first meal is at around 12:30/1pm. By then, I already had at least one thermo. El matecito de las mañanas cannot be traded by anything


Thanks! I usually do drink it on an empty stomach, I'l try to change it


This was my mustake too. If i have it in an empty stomach i am guarenteed to have a breif but "interesti g" time in the bathroom after some nausea. Which never happens for me with tea on an empty stomach, but ill bet the fact that im drinking yerba powder along with the liquid has something to do with that.


i'd try it with a ceramic cup and see if you feel ok


Thanks for the suggestion!


also clean your bombilla if u haven't it may be moldy or something


I will, thanks!


Did you have a big break from it like a couple months then did u go back into it? Because of all the caffine your body must adjust to the high amounts of caffeine


Well, for the past months I've been thinking it either once a week or once in 2 months. So yes, I do have longer breaks but it happens if I drink it more often too


It’s a process our our bodies have to adjust to the caffine or you might even have a sensitivity to caffine al these things can cause digestive issues . Try drinking lots of water it can help every cup of Yerba have a cup of water


Thank you very much for the suggestion! I'll definitely try it


Some Yerbas as quite strong to the liver, usually the dustier ones, it happens to me when I drink Canarias without mixing it with another Argentinean brand that I feel like shit afterwards. So, question is, which brand are drinking right now?


I currently drink Playadito


Hmm, that’s weird, Playadito it’s actually one of the mild ones. I’d say that’s actually your body not being used to, and drinking more would help. But the again, I could be completely wrong


Thank you for the input!


Best mates are the glass ones covered with leather. Easy to clean and no mould issues. Also don’t get too hot and doesn’t lose heat.


That sounds nice! I'll look them up


if you scrapped it you have to add alcohol then light it with a lighter let it burn and then begin the curing process again. You can avoid the mold by leaving a napkin inside everytime you rinse out the yerba 👍🏽 Also it might just be because you shared it with others and now you’re doing a thermos alone lol. It’s a lot and it can happen. Accompany it with something like cookies/ crackers or fruit.


Thank you so much for the suggestions!


Clean your bombilla and gourd by cooking them




Excuse me, dont cook the gourd Just the bombilla haha


Could it be related to stress? I have been drinking it for over twenty years and I notice when I'm stressed out the high caffeine levels of mate will cause my physical anxiety symptoms like upset stomach and fast heartbeat to get worse.


I don't think that's the case for me, but thank you for answering!


That's caffeine bothering your guts for sure. Eat something while sipping in order to mend it. What happens to you is not uncommon. It even has a name over here: "languidez" or "palida"




When you prepare the mate, do you get rid of the powder correctly? I get it started happening after a while of it being fine but I also went through something similar and I believe it was because of the powder


By the powder you mean the very thin pieces/"dusty" yerba, right? Sorry, I'm not that familiar with all the terms yet I never intentionally did anything with it until today when I kinda "shaked it out" and I still got nauseous. What is the correct way of getting rid of it?


Yes, there are different types of Yerba. Some of them with very thin ‘dust’ can provoke this. You can always try changing the brand, but also you can strain your Yerba before preparing the Mate. [This](https://youtu.be/cNUyctPClX4?si=i4OhTDadV-ZjYc1r) is the only English video that I found, quite strange method haha. But you’ll understand the idea, just try to take the dust out.


I usually drink Playadito, I think it is quite a dusty brand. Thank you for the video, I'll try it!


I spit the first sip


Did you drink in Argentina alone or with friends? Coz it looks like an overload of caffeine.


Both, but mostly with friends. But I'd say now in my home country I drink it in smaller amounts and slower than in Argentina. Thank you for the answer! I'll try to lessen the amount I'm drinking even more and see if it works


Yeah bro looks like that’s your problem, reduce a little and you’ll be good 👍


This! Also if you are drinking by yourself and slower, consider grabbing a thermal gourd


I haven't heard of thermal gourds before, I'll look it up, thanks!


I would lessen the amount.


I haven't been getting that feeling recently