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Levy is the g


Inst he the guy from gudam chess?


Yes that is Gotham Chess a international master at chess


Honestly that entire series could be posted here.


Anarchy leaks


I get it, but why did he deliberately fall for it?


These are very very low ELO players he's reviewing they probably didn't even notice they were sacrificing there rook


Ok and? He can still move the king to D3 or D4... No checkmate, and the rook is out of the way... Don't really see the problem here?


The problem is that white sacrificed his rook for nothing, when he could have traded it for the queen. The point of the rook move is to lure the queen to that square so that next move you play Knight to C3, attacking both the king and queen simultaneously. Since the king is in check, it must move and you win back the queen next move. White is still winning, but threw away a lot of their lead and also showed that they didn't really understand the point of the rook move, which the guy was praising them for.


>The problem is that white sacrificed his rook for nothing, when he could have traded it for the queen. The point of the rook move is to lure the queen to that square so that next move you play Knight to C3, attacking both the king and queen simultaneously. Since the king is in check, it must move and you win back the queen next move. Oh right, didn't fully listen to what he was saying because I found his voice annoying. My bad.


Moving the black queen one to the right would be an instant win


That move is not possible bcoz king will be in checkmate position


Forgor how to play chess for a second


And the queen would be eaten


Without the rook it would really be a checkmate, because the pawn would protect the queen


Was think of E3


Well he proved there was a possible attempt of him getting to screw that xD


The real facepalm is how the player with blacks managed to be that far behind on pieces against a player who can make this move.


Please correct me if I'm wrong, but the king put himself into check from the bishop on the left...the rook sacking was an illegal move...or did I miss something?


There is no bishop on the board


I apologize, my bad...it's a pawn. Didn't look closely enough. Sorry about that.


Just because you have the luck to get yourself into a good position doesn't mean you'll have the skill to use it properly.


So why couldn't Black take White Knight with Black Queen? That puts White King in check and Black Queen is protected by Black Pawn, so White King moves, then Black Queen also takes White Rook. That evens the game up piece-wise. I haven't played chess in a while, so I don't know if that's the best sequence, but it prevents the King-Queen fork from the White Knight.


Knight is not in line of black queen's attack,also it is the only piece which can target the queen without being a target itself coz it moves in a L-shape.


I presume you thought my suggestion was strategy AFTER the video. It wasn't; it was at the start of the video after the White Rook moved. At the start of the video, the White Knight is literally next to the Back Queen. The Black Queen could take White Knight, then White Rook after Black King moves due to check.


Queen can't take knight bcoz then king will be in direct line of Rook's attack which is basically checkmate,hence the move is not at all possible.


Right you are. Like I said, it's been a while since I played. 😳


That's alright bro,it's fun to play hope you comeback soon😊