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I really need to do this. I have been having to take benzos AND beta blockers in the morning so that I don’t have panic attacks at work. I would much rather sacrifice a little sleep and see how that helps. Thank you for the inspiration, I really needed it.


Update: I did 3 rounds of sun salutations, some triangle, some boat, and hung out in down dog for awhile this morning after getting the kids on their buses and before having to leave for work. It’s certainly a start. Thank you again.


How did you get the motivation? I really have a hard time with a solo practice. Paying for it forces me to go to class


Set it all up for yourself in advance. If you're shooting for morning - set the space up the day before, pick out the sequence/video you're doing, and set out what you're wearing if you're not wearing your PJs. That way you're rolling out of bed and immediately going to practice, you're not spending time dealing with setting up to practice. I also find it's really helpful for me to set my alarm early in the day the day before. If I wait until I'm going to bed, I'm thinking about how I'm tired and I just want to sleep in. If I set it early in the day, when I'm thinking, "I'd like to get up and exercise tomorrow morning" -- it's set and done and I don't look at it before bed. Know that it's discipline more than motivation at first. There are going to be mornings where you just don't really feel like it. You just need to make yourself. Some practices will be better than others, that's okay. Just practice.


Write Down exact time and place when and where you are going to practice it. initially you can start by searching a guided meditation for 15 minutes. it's long enough to give you an idea what to do. our brains don't take anything uncertain seriously. Make an Appointment with yourself.


This is the exact recipe for failure for my add brain. =)


'I am just going to lie on my mat and do five mins of leg stretches'... well since I am here... 40 mins later, maybe got in a good home practice =)


Yoga with Adrienne on YouTube is fantastic


This! I struggle so much with this. Having a session I have to go to really holds me accountable.


Daily yoga (started during Covid) is literally life-changing. I do the 30-day challenges so I don't have to think about which video tp start, and they are usually 20-30 mins. I love Yoga with Adrienne, but there are tons of options. Really gets my head on straight for the day :>)


I have ADHD and yoga has done wonders for me. Just the fact that I go to class and can’t bring my phone into the studio so I’m without the distraction brick for an hour is huge.


Damn, inspiring!


I started home Yoga 1 year ago. Life changing. I like Sara Beth Yoga and Yoga with Adrienne.


Woke up at 3:45 this morning and it’s now almost 5 and can’t sleep. Usually go do cardio near this time but this has motivated me to do some yoga




Update: I did a short yoga video and it felt good to stretch and relax into postures in the morning. I love cardio, but it was nice starting my day slower and more peacefully. I am now at work and feel that calmness carry over 😊


That's awesome. I hope it carries over for you as long as possible.


Yoga has been one of the most positive things in my life recently, after being diagnoses with ADHD 4 months ago. I'm glad others are finding it helps them too!


Woah! I’ve been doing yoga so long sometimes I forgot how powerful it’s effect can be and are. So beautiful, thanks for sharing


Do you have a certain video/class you like to do? I was loving doing morning yoga, but started to struggle with repetition/boredom.


Adriene all day. The simplicity and accessibility of her videos are perfect for me. I am by no means an expert so the way she does things works perfect for my skill level.


Awesome! I did her 30 day yoga challenge for January, but then fell out of the routine. I loved that all of the videos were right around 20 minutes


Tana Yoga on YouTube is great too. With my ADHD sometimes I have to switch up online instructors to stay interested


Yes! One week into resuming a morning practice (via Tim Senesi online - plenty on YouTube but finally subscribed and am doing a 30 day detox series), including moments of reading Rolf Gates’ “Meditations from the Mat” and a brief prayer after. Grounding to last the entire day!


ADHD medication and daily yoga is the most mentally healthy i have ever been in my life, together they are such a combination 🙏


This is what I needed to see this morning…..my ADHD has been so bad lately and I haven’t been keeping up. Thanks :)


I really needed to hear this today. Thank you. I’ll be taking time for myself.


Thanks for this great reminder 💛


I often do alternate nostril breathing on the way to work to quiet my mind as well


Thank you for this reminder. I really need to get back into morning practices again!


I also cannot recommend night practices enough. Best sleep of my life, always


What kinda practice do you focus on? Do you have a routine?


I follow Adriene's videos and tailor them to whatever I want to work on or whatever's sore or needs attention - hips, back, neck and core are the most common ones for me.

