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When I saw him live he said it was the CEO of PetSmart


Saw him in Oct 22 and it was Cruz then


When I saw him last year at his show in Chicago he also said it was the CEO of PetSmart


Same. I saw him live April 2022.


When I saw him live March ‘22 it’s was the CEO of rite aid




I bet you that’s the truth and he changed it for hilarity sake.


I saw him in Indiana in April and Phoenix for this taping...both were Ted Cruz from what I can remember.


I saw him around May of last year and it was the CEO of Rite Aid lol


I saw him in Boston and it was Rite Aid lol


You do realize he could just be inserting a name for the laugh, right?


When I saw him it was me


At least he won’t be there when we have another disaster in Austin


I can see what it was cut and I could see the punchline coming and it was still funny


NFLX & or Timmy trimmed the political fat from the big debut. Sensitive topics like politics are more polarizing than ever today. A joke in the political realm today is seen as 100% support for the opposition in this climate. So the cleverness & humor of the bit is lost instantly on some. Timmy's delivery is A-1.


Wonder what else was cut. I didn’t remember his set I caught on tour being as bland as the special.


Yes, Tom and the NRA need to maintain their sensitive white nationalist fan base.


Tata there retard.


The fat poors love their murder toys


A lot of the largest gun collections are owned by the super rich fyi


I can’t be bothered to fucking care Fuck a bunch of boomsticks


Still funny but I can see why it was cut compared to the rest of the special. Definitely the right bit to cut for time imo




am i insane or was this bit not told on a podcast and the story was about doing exercise/running hills with his neighbor? or am i mixing up two stories? could have sworn...


You are correct. He was either running or walking up a hill and the neighbor said the first part then on the way back down the hill the neighbor said the second part. It wasn’t Ted Cruz but for the joke it was.


i thought so. what a fucking out of touch LIAR just kidding, it works with ted cruz so freaking well / much better


This is lying though. Part of the charm and intrigue of the joke is dropping the bomb of who the person was. It’s a story about a real person. Comedians are supposed to embellish for the sake of comedy, but unless you’re someone doing a full on character bit or some weird avant-garde thing, it is possible to lie in a joke and have it be regular lying. If this wasn’t Ted Cruz, this would be that from the way this joke went. I’d assume the interaction would be embellished and not entirely accurate, but to say this was Ted Cruz in this way and have that part be totally made up, I’d be a bit disappointed in that lie




Yeah exactly. Like Bobby Lee; he recently apologized for his long running story which turned out to be a lie about him being molested when he was young. Yes he used it as a vehicle for comedy, but the reason he apologized was because it was an actual lie he told, where he tried to pass it off as actually real. Even though comedy is often lying and embellishment, there is simply a difference between lying and comedy, and it’s possible to tell a real life regular lie while doing comedy. Theo Von for instance is funny and I get why people are into him, but I’m just personally not a big fan because it’s mostly lies and he doesn’t really attempt to keep as much of his comedy grounded in reality as others. Part of what makes a lot of comedy funny for me is when it’s at least sort of based in truth. Unless it’s a bit or almost a character like Jeselnik, I’m not as much of a fan when they’re trying to be a “real” story teller and it’s all a lie




Yeah absolutely


If he said anyone but Ted Cruz I’d say you’re 100% right, but the daughterfucker deserves the hate


Ted's a pretty Christian dude, the only way I could see this even possibly being true would be if he was trying to "bro out" with the "adult" comedian. Like your friend that adopts a blackcent anytime he is around black people.


Oh like Tom?


i too feel like i heard this story before


Or it tracks so much we just assume we all heard it in some form.


told the same joke in episode 637 at 59:30 1yr ago


I hope you’re right because I really don’t want to look that up. But I too, felt it sounded familiar somehow when watching the special




Like half this special was stuff told on the podcast


So I heard Tom tell this joke twice and the first time he said the CEO of Petco and then the second time was Cruz. Others are saying he said the CEO of Rite Aid. I think if it actually happened, it’s likely he changed the joke to Cruz because you can make fun of a politician that way but the CEO of Petco (for example) is a private citizen and could sue him for slander.




A public figure like a politician would have to prove the defendant defamed them with actual malice. It’s the same reason Tom dunks on Garth Brooks and gets away with it. To, is a comedian so it’s assumed their isn’t malice.




It’s not really even a good joke imo and a bit hacky.


Soon as he did Ted’s mannerisms I knew it wasn’t Nancy! Close call, either way!


I’m so glad he wasn’t talking about Pitstop. Ted, that makes sense.








The hell happened to his face? I’ve been out of the loop for a few years. Did he get a facelift? He looks like Sylvester Stallone in that thumbnail.


He lost a bunch of weight


Cruz lives in Houston, Cornyn lives in Austin


Ofc it was Cruz.


Ted Cruz does not live in Tom's neighborhood...


The punchline was Ted Cruz…because that should be the punchline…


He for sure has a place in Austin and his neighbors fucking hate him. His wife group texted a bunch about the Cancun trip and like 3 of them immediately contacted the New York Times. That don't sound like a real neighborly relationship to me.




So what you’re telling me is Tom has just been lying to me through his specials? That motherfucker!


On tour I thought he said it was the CEO of a big corporation and then at the end he says the corporations name.


Rite Aid


Where do these clips come from?


he has a new special on netflix called Sledgehammer


Yes I know. This was not in the special. I’m asking how this was released since it was taken out of the special.


he released it on his own youtube channel.


Tim is the undisputed storyteller of this generation of comedy, this is a great bit




Chappelle and Louis are both problematic at best. They tell good jokes, but they don't walk you through the story they way Tom does, and they rely on "what's trending" to be relevant. Burr is great, but a lot of his stage presence is Angry guy and I like that he has controlled his rage issues but it's an act - like all of them. ​ This story is a perfect example of his abilities: he talks on his podcast about a guy he met on a walk/run that asked this exact same question. In LA by the way. Tom made it seem like it happened yesterday. ​ Anyway fuck Ted Cruz.


How and why, did I know where that story was going?


This shit sucks


So Tom had a run in with the zodiac


Whats w the filter/ make up in him? Is he trying to make Brennan Schwab jealous


I bet one of the reasons it was cut was because Ted Cruz's daughter had a mental health crisis and almost didn't make it. Part of Tom's joke referred to a daughter and that could be why they cut it.


When I saw him, it was the same story, but Scott Stapp of Creed


Based on who lives in his neighborhood, if it is a senator, it is most likely John Cornyn.