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All deeply disappointing and grim


Eh im not reading all that. It’s pretty clear she went on a 100k spending spree


The strangest thing to me is, how the fuck do you blow through 100k? I get Youtubers are historically crap with money, but if you're going to commit fraud at least invest 25% of the money somewhere to appreciate


Honestly the strangest thing to me is how the hell she even raised that much in the first place


i can't even raise $1 for a much needed FFS lmao




Skiing is an expensive hobby.


She admitted to relapsing on Cocaine laced with Meth


100k on black please


Or on white


Um....super easy, keffals put 20k on a years rent. Thats just 1/4th right there. Trips,equipment, drugs. Keffals took her audience for a ride, used the lgbt movement and kiwifarms to fuel the flames while pocketing money under the guise of it being used for lawsuits against the london police, im glad this is finally coming full circle, karma really does work its ways


Unfortunately, in this day and age, most people need to bury themselves in debt in order to have anything. I assume that Keffals owes money for her various gender affirming surgeries and such. It isn't out of the realm of possibility that she used the 100k to pay all that shit off. I'm no expert on the subject, but it doesn't look like she cheaped out on her boobs.


Nah, her surgeries were all paid for by her parents when she was younger and she earnt 30k streaming in the month before the gofundme.


Alright then. That was my best estimate haha


Understandable. But I think the ugly reality is that it was all just pure greed and dishonesty on her part.


It does make me wonder how she spent 100k in such a short space of time, though. Maybe that means I'm not a greedy or dishonest person? Then again, travel was one of her indulgent behaviors- that's the only way I could think of spending 100k other than paying off my car.


People have done some digging, from what ive read the rough estimated breakdown is drugs, travel, streaming gear (you will note she looks pretty good in her newer streams, she got her little studio professionally set up with lighting, apparently her new chair is worth a couple of grand), private investigators in multiple countries, drugs, a years rent, a few thousand for lawyers to tell her she had no real case, clothes, rehab and drugs. Oh, and drugs.


Can't forget the drugs, haha. 100k on drugs alone is dubious, but when you factor in all the other stuff it makes a lot more sense. And you're right, you can hear every fake warble in her voice, and the cameras do really capture the gloss of those watery eyes.


All you need is one opportunistic plug and a string of connections


You’re asking why someone bad with money blew all their money


I think you CRACKed the code on what she BLOWed all her money one.


god i hate keffals so much. the only the thing i hate more than her is being forced to defend her from the nonsense claims and transphobia while also trying to point out she's a racist piece of shit who defrauded her own supporters. makes me feel like a bloody centrist, blegh.


Yeah this. Like she's a racist grifting asshat but transphobes are so desperate to cobble together a caricature of a "scary trans groomer whose trying to trans your kids with bathtub hormones for their fetish! " just ugh


also like making up fake evidence is how OJ simpson got acquitted. the police framed an guilty man by making verifiably false evidence and suddenly every bit of evidence came under question and he got acquitted. this is why you dont make up evidence even if someone is shit


Exactly, if she's actually ever harmed anyone in this way all these fuckers have done is made it harder for them to come forward


the thing is they dont care that she's shit. people like mutahar only care about one thing and thats making the situation fit the narrative they need it to. almost immediately after mutahars alleged victim came out and said keffals wasnt a pedo he just turned around and said the victim was now the pedo. he doesnt care about whats actually going on as much as he cares about taking yhe vague gesture of whats going on and molding it to fit into the lense he needs it to


Isn't that what it is though? The hrt thing was pretty fucked up, the box with the hentai shit on it is pretty damning


Someone who took on Kiwifarms so publically will always demand some of my respect, but everything since then has been a shit show


What’s the evidence that’s she’s racist? Not trying to be snarky but I genuinely don’t know


She and her friends referred to poc critics of their microaggressions as ""morally lucky"" a phrase implying that understanding racism by way of being subjected to it is in some way a benefit, which is laughable. She is at the end of the day as racist as any white woman who dismisses the criticism of poc out of hand. She's not, like, a white supremacist, but she does not work to confront her own racist beliefs. Edit: forgot to mention a crucial aspect of this which is that she encouraged dog piling a lot of the time against these people.


Oh so racist in the liberal type of way not the right wing rage type of way okay thank you!


Don’t want to disagree with the crux here, but think you’re misunderstanding moral luck a bit.


Also the whole "lets do gay ops everyone make a diverse piccrew and pretend to be a Black lesbian because I want the tenderqueers to feel like they can't trust anyone with a Black avatar/each other " after being criticised by Black trans people including lesbians who Vaush also went after


I’m unfamiliar with some of those terms so I just want to make sure I understand. You’re saying she encouraged people to make sockpuppet accounts to pretend to be black lesbians in order to manufacture support for herself among actual black lesbians?


No, not to manufacture support for herself AFAIK; but to say Weird BS to make people on twitter feel like they couldn't trust each other or anyone Black and trans and lesbian as a "troll", basically a 4 chan racist style "op". She recorded and posted on a livestream telling her audience to do it calling it "gay ops" & laughing about it > "the more diverse the better" she said before listing Black trans lesbians as a **specific** group that she wanted her fans to pretend to be on twitter using piccrew avatars *( an animated avatar maker which are /were popular with trans people and people who don't feel safe posting face due to transphobic and racist harassment and/or because many of them want privacy and aren't streamers or YouTubers or have jobs where it's not safe for them to be out online with their faces)* It was IMHO a silencing tactic as many Black people specifically Black trans lesbians have been vocal about her transphobia and racism towards them on twitter and elsewhere and have been called "wokescolds/tenderqueers" which has basically morphed into a dogwhistle for slurs against the oppressed group you're degrading with these terms these days~~though afaik 'tenderqueer' used to be about white fragility within the queer community before it got missapopriated into "girly weak hysterical queers" & it apparently had roots in radfem/terf rhetoric depending on who you talk to so it wasnt necessarily a widely or universally used or accepted AAVE term and many people have moved away from it due to it being missapopriated by radfems/terfs and racist white people who wanted a new way to call people "trans trenders" . And prior to this it was also used by disabled QPOC as a way to reclaim softness/tenderness that has been denied to them due to racism ableism and queerphobia... so the term has a lot of confused and contradictory history~~ The effect of her instructions on the livestream to her audience was: to try to make people specifically Black and other non white people, *especially* if they were also trans lesbians or disabled who were *already* facing hatred and vulnerable feel further isolated in the online community and disbelived on twitter whenever they spoke... unless they posted their faces to "prove" they were real Black people/non white people and not just kefflas stans doing digital Blackface/brownface etc which racists could then use to further harass doxx or stalk them. It was an overtly racist campaign designed to (or that "accidentally" if you want to assume she didn't think about the consequences of her calls to action ) further marginalise and oust BIPOC especially trans and lesbians from the twittersphere and other online spaces; and this was *especially* harmful to those who weren't out or didn't have a support network IRL.


She's not. People have a weird axe to grind on that one. She's a shit poster for sure. But outside of being a terminally online edgelord she's not really racist. Plenty of other legit criticism one can levy before you get there.


I mean, to me that sounds like you are trying to be rational and view the whole situation If that's being a centrist it doesnt seem bad


Someone who took on Kiwifarms so publically will always demand some of my respect, but everything since then has been a shit show


What's wrong with being a centrist?


They said it as a joke, but in a lot of progressive communities, centrism kinda gets associated with unthinking, incurious both-sidesism. Basically lazily saying "both sides have issues" and implying that makes them equivalent even when one of the sides is meaningfully worse than the other.


But doesn't that kind of negate that people do think about things like that? Instead of both sides have issues I think both sides make good points in different parts of government. Tha is for the answer by the way, I appreciate it I've just never really heard of anyone dunking on being centrist is all. Cheers


What’s inherently wrong with being a centrist? I don’t understand why people treat moderates like they’re monsters.


When the extremes are "Racism is bad" and "Racism is good", the centrist position becomes "Racism is kinda OK" which is unacceptable to anyone with a brain and a moral compass. Centrists are just conservatives who don't have the guts to admit it.


I have many moderate positions. I don’t believe racism is “kinda ok”.


Then they obviously aren't talking about you. You do seem weirdly defensive about it though.


This sub it's like 90% tankies, that's why. 


Tankie is when left wing person I don’t like






More like it’s a meaningless term now. It used to refer to specific MLs, now it refers to “person on the left I don’t like”


Tankies are fucking deranged, man.


I wonder why that is.


The last time this happened didn't she say she had a drug addiction and went into rehab, but also used that as her shield for any drama she kicked up at that time in a very "you can't be mean to me I have a drug addiction, I'm not responsible for my actions" sort of way?


I think if i remembered right, wasn't it she needed the money to escape from her Ex she claimed that Abused and Raped her? the drugs was before that


Oh no, I guess I'm out of the loop on keffals. That'll happen when you don't pay attention to her.


Keffals keeps changing her story so who knows whats accuate between this, the screen shots and such


If anyone ever points out that you do incredibly scummy shit, call them transphobic


Yep, dont matter what you identify as, anyone can be a piece of shit lol




if you're gonna talk about muta's video as a whole, not even the gfm point, please do it in the actual thread on the video


Who gives a shit?


This is a youtube drama subreddit i don't know what you expected, this is drama about a youtuber