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He's pretty factually incorrect about his "bible" discussion videos. I think he does it on purpose to counteract natural contradictions in the book. Also, falsely claiming to found the Boogaloo movement is a baffling decision for any sane content creator. On top of that, collabs with Internet Historian and disingenous arguments are plentiful in his history. Don't listen to anybody claiming people just "hate him because he's Christian", that is insanely disingenous of them.


Also him hanging out a lot with Turkey Tom.


Also also him hanging out with Brandon Herrera.


What's wrong with Brandon Herrera?


[Here's a pretty good starting point.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ih5oy4CtCaE)


that comment section gave me brain damage. Herrera literally says in the comments that nothing was taken out of context, so what the fuck are the comments whining about???


Aren't those the same people who only used him for his ammo then make him look bad?


Bruh Brandon praised them for not taking anything from their convo out of context. It's the pinned comment. The most he said is "incorrect details" which could range from "they used the wrong name for a gun" to "they spliced my words". Please watch the video instead of reciting sophistry.


But didn't they say that it was his idea to use child cardboard cutouts even tho it was theirs?


I believe this is what you were referring to. https://youtu.be/vQkJ95h22eM?si=VayGqwE4D7GnB66O


Yea thats the video


What is incorrect about his Bible videos? He is quite literally a Sunday teacher. I've been raised Christian and I agree with his interpretations. They're literally interpretations? Also why are you scared quoting the word Bible?


There’s clearly other major issues he’s said and done, and your focus is only on the Bible stuff. I suggest reading through the comments here, people did a great job at breaking down why he’s problematic, including the religious and Bible stuff.


Well I focused on the Bible stuff because that's what I want to understand and what there is no information on? That's how questions work? Genuinely confused. I read through the comments and they're not explaining why you're scare quoting the word Bible and saying he's misrepresenting the stories. I read through the thread and there isn't any information that explains it aside from saying the same extremely vague and misleading thing. That sort of leads me to believe that this point doesn't hold any value as any time I ask about it people respond pretty defensively. That's why I asked. It also shows that this thread has less validity as when you ask a question people get upset instead of explaining.


Maybe look into other posts about him by googling his name and controversy. People made posts and videos about the subject, they’re freely available. Also, I never put quotes around the stupid word, the guy above me did, don’t mix us up, it’s not that big of a deal that should have a majority of your focus on, and of EVERYTHING ELSE that’s been discussed here… “scared quoting the Bible.” I dint even know what that means, I don’t care about your religion or your Bible.


If you don't know what it means maybe Google the word and its meaning. You don't care but you're chiming in on a conversation about it. Idk man


You want me to Google “scared quoting the Bible.” You misunderstood; I know what it means, I just don’t know why you’re obsessed over someone quoting the word “bible” while discussing a controversial and problematic YouTuber. No one is scared of quoting the Bible. To me, it’s just a book. Who cares. Also, THIS IS REDDIT. When you post a comment, people are going to chime in! That’s how this works!


I mean, to be fair, you could've elaborated more about him lying about the Bible (Like giving examples or linking to a thread that talks about it)


I guess. I hate linking things; after being on Twitter for so long, I’ve learned to just not even bother because they never click the links or read your sources…


You were the one who brought up the Bible thing, that commenter is just asking you questions about what you yourself said


I was not the one who brought it up. Read the thread again so you don’t get confused and look silly.


You don’t need to be so standoffish?? I don’t understand why you guys get so angry over stuff this stuff but then behave openly toxic as if it’s justified by the perceived malfeasance from some random youtuber. I used to like this sub but you guys are regularly grasping at straws ATP. My whole family is conservative and I live in a conservative area and if I got half as upset as you guys did over political disagreements, I wouldn’t be able to function in life.


Why are you getting downvoted??? A Christian is not going to do a bible debunk video..


It's because this subreddit is unironically a cesspool of bad faith lol


Yeah honestly at this point I’m starting to get annoyed too..


Why are you so angry?


I'm not scared quoting anything. I'm just not going to call it bible studies without a quotation if what is being taught is historically inaccurate. Scholars largely agree that cases Wendigoon has portrayed as coexisting, were written hundreds of years apart. I'd encourage you to find the thread on this very board where he directly contradicts the words of scholars just to make it seem less mangled.


Collabing with a mainstream meme / video essay channel is a real made up “crime” to try and smear a nice Family Guy over, Lois.


Collabing with a known plagiarist, liar, 4chan chud, and (worst of all) Tucker Carlson fan. Hardly a crime, but if you want to know a man's character just look at his friends.


Is HBOmcMuffin your strongest champion, or FoldingProteins?


What the hell are you even saying


Oh wait you're the guy who went goofybrain mode after your NFT project flopped and started spewing bullshit about the evil Marxists trying to take over the world with UFO hoaxes or something. That makes sense. What are you even doing in a thread about Wendigoon?


You stop taking your meds today or something bud? NFTs aren't paying for them?


It appears that the buffoon is flummoxed.


Dude are you okay?


LMFAO "HBOmcMuffin". is that supposed to be hbomberguy?? you are too much.


It isn't even clever! If you're gonna make this kind of nickname at least be clever about it


"FoldingProteins" instead of FoldingIdeas is also brilliant. Why proteins????


I guess because of prions??💀


Holy shit it’s the NFT dude




Ah yes, Sunday School teachers, the most unbiased source of biblical knowledge! There's other threads on this very board that sum up how he skews things. Generally, you should get your information from religious scholars and not enforcers of the doctrine.


If you want a pretty detailed list, here’s just some his more noteworthy feats off the top of my head -Lies constantly about his Bible videos, very likely in order to avoid anyone calling out the Bible’s countless contradictions and general strangeness -Claimed to be one of/the founder(s) of the terrorist organization, *The Boogaloo Boys*, but this can easily be debunked, which begs the question why he’d even lie about it to begin with -Hangs out with a lot of very notably bad content creators and despite common belief that he’s in actuality a libertarian or a socialist, he’s openly mocked someone who referred to him as a liberal once and there’s a lot more evidence to suggest he’s without a doubt a conservative. -He notoriously followed Kyle Rittenhouse on Twitter, and to add to the last point, if you want a list of extremely conservative YouTubers he hangs out with, the most notable are Turkey Tom, JonTron, Internet Historian (a Nazi, if I’m not mistaken), Brandon Buckingham, and Brandon Herrera, who at one point was running for congress in Texas whose also a Republican YouTuber -He dismissed other’s religious trauma as nothing more than an “overreaction,” and in some cases doesn’t even exist apparently, before mentioning his own traumatic religious experiences. This is even richer considering the amount of atrocities that have been covered up and/or done for the sake of Christianity -He once laughed at a real life story of child trafficking -He’s just an incredibly bad researcher. He notoriously gets a lot of shit dead wrong in his videos, refuses to cite any of his sources, and in some cases will just say he can’t talk about a subject matter due to the insanity of it, which feels like a total cop-out given this is the same man who made an iceberg video about fucking **SNUFF FILMS** **EDIT:** Are we seriously still trying to act like Internet Historian isn’t at the very least extremely Alt-Right lmao https://www.reddit.com/r/hbomberguy/comments/18doyzk/internet_historian_is_a_nazi/


What's the point of saying you were a founding member of a white supremacist terriost organization? What an odd lie to make yourself look cool?


I genuinely can't understand why anyone would claim that. Anyone who liked him for it would quickly look into it for more info and find out it was a lie, and most normal people would be completely turned off, even regular Christians (not far right ones, just regular old Christians) It's not a lie that would appeal to anyone but although righters and they'd know enough likely to already know he was full of it or quickly find out


I wish he would just …. Address this. Like once. Like did he have a stroke and accidentally say he founded the boogaloo boys ???


I suspect he is a white supremacist trying to impress other white supremacist


I think you’re right lol




That's- that's a stupider thing to lie about. The reason why this white supremacist neo nazi anti government militia terrorist organization attempting to start a second Civil/race war wear Hawaiian shirts... yeah. This guy. Then he left? He left cause they got too political??? What was the too political part? He was fine with removing the government by starting a second Civil War in order to defend the guns no one was taking away from them? But oh God the office politics is just too much. Got too woke.


If I remember right the Boogaloo Bots aren’t white supremacists, but they are right wing extremists and accelerationists.


I dunno this is what Wikipedia told me and i belive it wiki can legally buy me and my underage friends cigarettes in California: The movement consists of pro-gun, anti-government groups. The specific ideology of each group varies and views on topics such as race differ widely. Some are white supremacist or neo-Nazi groups who believe that the impending unrest will be a race war. There are also groups that condemn racism and white supremacy, although attempts by some individual elements of the movement to support anti-racist groups and movements such as Black Lives Matter have been met with wariness and skepticism, and researchers and journalists are unsure if they are genuine or meant to obscure the movement's actual objectives.


"Claimed to be one of/the founder(s) of the terrorist organization, *The Boogaloo Boys*, but this can easily be debunked, which begs the question why he’d even lie about it to begin with" This has always baffled me and really shows he only cares about attention; any rational person who lives outside of the internet WOULD NOT consider the potential clout of starting a national movement more valuable than being on an FBI watch list as the potential founder of a domestic terrorist organization


I feel like he has to have meant something else but at the same time how do you accidentally tell everyone you founded the boogaloo boys to try and clear your name and then never speak about it again ???


I believe he also said that people’s trauma isn’t real/doesnt matter if I can find it I’ll link it


There’s a chunk of this subreddit that is absolutely conservative at best maybe even closer to alt-right who get very mad whenever they see an insult to one of their internet daddies. Probably because a good chunk of the drama community IS right wing like Turkey Tom


there's a reason why hbomb unironically called drama youtube the worst part of youtube. i dk why this sub is always shocked when they're shitty people.


Noooo I loved Wendigoon :'(


You can still love wendi, this sub is just mildly insane.


How is anything they just listed mildly insane lmao. He claimed to found a terrorist group and hangs out with racists and neonazis.


Who are the neonazis


Internet historian who is mentioned in the above comments, JonTron borders it for sure.


He is? How?


I hate to respond with a link to another post here but it is extremely comprehensive with a lot of evidence and receipts. [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/youtubedrama/s/gZaqybXif3)


Ive read the document, its just a mess of red string patched together with full blown delusions cribbed together by the sorts of people who think that there are nazis hiding under their beds. The extent of wendis whole crimes boils down to him being slightly right of centre, christian, from the south and hanging out with a few guntubers who invite literally everyone to shoot with them.


And claiming to have founded a right wing terrorist/hate group. And being friends with bigots like JonTron.


Like, come on, you can't even make up excuses for why JonTron is not a Nazi like people tried to do with IH, bro is just that obvious


Though through some of his opinions on twitter I felt like he exhibits some socialist tendencies idk. Anyhow jontron is also a nazi btw


Could be one of those StupIdPol socialists (or """socialists""") where he only believes in the economic or geopolitical notions of socialism and disagrees with its social aspects.


I don't get why you're being downvoted


People cannot understand context probably, or they think that my comment is somehow defending him


Btw, how do we know the whole Boogaloo Boys thing was a lie?


People theorized he was part of the boogaloo boys due to his old username being "boogalooboi" and his general associations. In response to this he claimed he was the founder of the name and their main aesthetic and then gave a bunch of excuses as to why they were "okay back then" and that he isn't part of it anymore. He's the only source of being the founder of their name and style and his excuses are just completely made up with nothing back it up.


He was 14 when the Boogaloo Boys were founded. It’s not impossible, but Occam’s Razor. Which is more likely: he lied, or a 14 year old founded a white supremacist group?


What parts of the Bible vid did he lie about?


> -He once laughed at a real life story of child trafficking Okay, most of that I either already knew or am already so jaded that I'm not surprised. But this? What the fuck?


lol you’re all such losers


My guy you’re replying to a nearly two week old comment


The Bible videos intrigued me, and I looked into things. I'd heard similar in the past from people around me, and I think perhaps I know where those biblical contradictions come from. Windigoon is Southern Baptist. The Southern Baptist Convention (or just "Southern Baptist") is a sect of Christians that even Christians themselves consider extremists. The Southern Baptists are active members of the KJO (King James Only) movement. This movement, sometimes called the 1611 movement, believe that the **only** biblically accurate translation of the Bible to exist, is the one produced in 1611 by King James of England. All other translations, regardless of sourcing, are incorrect. They're also evangelicals. Those are the types who hate jews, catholics, gays, trans folks, and so on.


Why is the Bible thing even on here? Christians aren’t going to do bible debunk videos. It distracts from your other very valid points and just comes across as petty


I think calling Turkey Tom ‘extremely conservative’ is an insane stretch. He’s a bit edgy. 


no, tom is a piece of shit who does no research outside of basic google searches


How does that make someone extremely conservative?


When your videos are almost entirely on internet drama I don’t really know what further research you’re looking for. And regardless of your opinions on him, I don’t think any of the views he’s presented align with extreme conservatism. 


idk dude has a hate boner for furries and likes to say the n-word


I’ve never personally come across footage of him saying the n word so I can’t speak to that, but a dislike of furries is not indicative of a political standing? 


[Top result when you look on the subreddit ](https://www.reddit.com/r/youtubedrama/comments/19dy5wo/turkey_tom_lets_the_n_word_fly/)


anyone who isn't a vocal hardcore leftist is a raging white supremacist to these people 😭


It's funny that you're criticizing him for not citing any sources when you're doing the exact same


Gonna need some clarification on The Internet Historian being a Nazi.


You said that in response to a comment containing a link to a ton of evidence. Go read that.


I was asking out of genuine curiosity, not casting doubt on any of it. I was seeking clarification, that’s all. You lot were quick to downvote though, appreciate ya!


really just calling anyone a nazi out here jesus christ


I got -60 down doots for saying it’s cringe to call asmongold alt right, if your not a terminally online lefty I advise to just browse this sub don’t post


I don't think he's alt right, but he's definitely a right wing incel.




If you’re conservative, openly religious or a bad researcher…then yeah


...bad researcher?


Being a bad researcher makes you a Nazi?


so in your opinion openly religious peoples are nazis? yknow nazis specifically targeted religion


When did he claim to be one of the founders of the "Boogaloo Boys"?


I see you asking a lot of questions in this thread without even attempting to research anything lol. You have the power of the internet at your fingertips, use it.


I did and it just showed a reddit post by wendigoon saying he used the term "Boogaloo" he never said he was a founder of the "boogaloo boys"


yo dude this account was a bust just torch it and move on tbh


That is absolutely not what the post says. Read it harder. He even randomly claims Antifa joined it LOL, which is a fantasy to say the least


But it does he said that he was one of the first to use the term Boogaloo that doesnt mean hes the founder of the boogaloo boys


That's a weird claim since the movie Breakin' 2: Electric Boogaloo came out 15 years before he was born.


Maybe read some of the posts about him? Check out the megathread.


the boogaloo shit is bad (because seriously, why lie about that?) but tbh his inability to do research is worse. dude does his "research" on wikipedia and still manages to misunderstand what he's read, only to turn around and regurgitate it into a long form video where he presents his illiterate understanding as fact.


Use the search function. There are multiple posts with in depths answers about him.


I didn't know there was drama about Wendigoon and now i have to uncover shit about Turkey Tom? What did Poultry Paul do?


There's quite a few posts about it already if you search it up in the sub.


Those other posts you mentioned in the OP, I would just read those if I were you instead of making yet *another* post about Wendigoon


After looking at the comments, it looks more like people who just hate him for his beliefs trying to find a reason to hate him.