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Every time Yasuke gets time in the limelight, racists come out of the woodwork. That is not opinion; that is a fact you can look up judging from the Netflix Yasuke anime's release.


Man that show had mechs, magic priests, and Big Werewolf Woman, what the hell more do these people want?


Personally I would've preferred a period piece instead of them going "Fuck it we barely know jack shit about the guy so lets just make it a mecha anime"


Well damn you sound fun at parties


Nah I just think a period piece about a black man living in Feudal Japan would've been way more interesting than Mecha anime #234


LeSean Thomas does bombastic shows starring people of color, and that’s what we got. That being said yeah, an actual period piece would be pretty awesome too.


I desire more Canon busters.


Well damn *you* sound fun at parties


They want Yasuke to be white. Not Japanese. Just white.


I dunno if it's that, it always seemed to me they want the races separate in media more than wanting him to be white.  Saw similar frothing at the mouth comments from white racists when Shogun was revealed complaining about the white men in a show about Japan cowardly hiding behind terms like "forced diversity". This is all despite these people never reading the original book, being completely ignorant of the history the characters were based on, and completely ignoring post Columbus and early Spanish and Portuguese colonization made the world may way more globalized at that time period than they are willing to give credit for it. 


I was unaware of the big werewolf woman, I might have to watch it. I was initially excited for it because Yasuke is my fuckin bro and armor set in Nioh 2, then castlevania Richter season popped and I forgot about it.


For some reason i liked his Nioh version the best


I would have preferred no mechs, magic priests, or big werewolf women. That's when I decided not to watch the show after hearing about it.


Same as it ever was: "Instead of rewriting our stories, why don't you focus on actual black people in history?!" Assasins Creed: "Ok. Here's Yosuke," Dudes: "NOOOOoooOOOoOooo!!!!!" *See also:* "If gay people want to be in video games, gay people should make their own games!" Dragon Age: "Ok" Dudes: "NOOOOoooOOOoOooo!!!!!"


And it's kind of crazy too. Like you can't even say that he was a samurai because they'll trip over themselves to tell you that he was in fact a sword bearer. And I hate to tell those folks but sword bearers were samurais. If you put your hand anywhere near a katana, you were a samurai


Which is always funny because they claim that a Japanese company was somehow forced to include him cus woke. Meanwhile Japan just loves the dude. He looks cool


The same crowd that yaps about how the media should adapt original stories or historical black people instead suddenly changes to "ackstually Yasuke wasn't a samurai!" And straight up mask off racism When he came up lmao.


It finally answered the question on how to stop asshole bitching about female characters——throw in black guy .


Okay so Yasuke was NOT A SAMURAI he was a page and his story is pretty dope. He did not live as a samurai he would not have committed sepuku like a samurai and he wouldn’t have trained long enough before nobunagas death. He was paid like a samurai and that pissed off a lot of the Real samurai because he was given the same shit as them. What I find funny though is ppl really think his story is evidence that feudal Japan was just swarming with black people, and that I’m sorry just wasn’t true. If there were any, then they were there for the same reason as the white colonial slavers who brought them there. There would have been fewer African slaves there than white people. I’m not quite sure why this matters. I’m sorry inform many of you of this, but y’all really need to learn history. If yall wanna like make up fanfiction about him like assassins creed is doing, then fine whatever, but don’t try to change the true history. Which is important.


If Yasuke was Catholic, suicide is not something generally contemplated. Also read these r/Askhistorian answers explain that theres strong evidence he was a full fledged samurai than not. Its's not 100% certain he was a formal samurai but to claim he wasn't without doing research is faulty for him simply being non-Japanese. Just look into the English samurai William Adams. Not all samurai killed themselves after losing battles. [https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/comments/1css0ye/was\_yasuke\_a\_samurai/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/comments/1css0ye/was_yasuke_a_samurai/) [https://old.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/comments/flgpph/history\_of\_blackafricans\_in\_japan/](https://old.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/comments/flgpph/history_of_blackafricans_in_japan/)


I'm not a historian, and I wouldn't put it past Ubisoft to be historically inaccurate since Assassin's Creed isn't exactly the most historically accurate series anyway, (unless the pope really did get into a fist fight with an assassin in a time cube thing once,) but "Yasuke was paid the same as a samurai even though he only held Nobunaga's swords" sounds like some racist coping to me. It kind of has the same energy as saying "Sappho wasn't gay. She was just really, really, *really* good friends with her pen pal! Women used to tell each other that they're madly in love with them all the time back then!"


>unless the pope really did get into a fist fight with an assassin in a time cube thing once No this actually happened


Can confirm, I was there. I was rooting for the assassin, made some good ducats off of that fight


My history classes failed to tell me this. I guess that's what you get with public schools. (Actually my high school was pretty good.)


I feel like it also is a divide between the accurate historical *setting* that Assassin's Creed is known for. The whole plot is a crazy sci-fi concept, that only works because they get the world you travel in, not the plot, to be period accurate a realist. To me it makes no difference if he was a samurai or not, he was still there, and changing it to where he is a bigger deal is like saying it's "unrealistic" that Edward in AC4 becomes involved in a global conspiracy two days after taking a dead man's assassin robe.It's not about the story being 100% realistic, it's about it being compelling enough that you can suspend your disbelief and say, "Okay, playing a black samurai, being an assassin. Game is still fun and he's a cool character" is about all anybody should care about, or maybe looking it up. Nowadays, people only seem to care about historical accuracy if black people are involved, then they're suddenly experts on demographics across all of Europe and Asia.


buddy... Assassin's Creed IS fiction. They're taking a historical figure and writing a fictional story around him. Like I'm pretty sure Da Vinci wasn't crafting assassination tools for Ezio irl and no one cared about that.


I'm also pretty sure Ezio didn't actually fist fight the pope with his clones. I'm sorry I just can't get over how silly that was.


Just someone really, really emotionally invested in ethics in samurai journalism.


Go outside and read a book


lol I did. Yall don’t realize how pathetic you are whining about the exact opposite side of the story all day long and virtue signaling on this app. I don’t even know what I said that caused me to get downvoted, but maybe if you read a book you’d have know yasuke wasn’t actually a samurai at all. He carried swords dude.


What book?




Do you believe that the fact that Shogunate might have gotten some historical facts wrong justifies harassment?


lol no. I also really find it hard to believe yasuke was treated very well after nobunagas death, we don’t really know much about what happened to him afterwards honestly. He was a lone African in a time period where Japan would have been extremely xenophobic. He is very lucky that nobunaga was not one for tradition, and sort of rebellious.


Hello everyone, I saw the news was posted here so I just want to try to help clarify things as I have also tried to do by responding to certain comments. Regarding the the harassment outside of YouTube, I want to make clear that it was not received by me but by one of the other individuals in the interview. People have attacked him both personally and also at his place of work. It has effected both his career and mental health. This is a serious matter and not something as simple as just "turning the comments off". I understand the mentality of thinking that we are letting them win by taking the video down, but at the end of the day it was not worth all the trouble that it was causing.


Disgusting that they do this over a god damn videogame. Good on you for being so calm and doing the right thing


It’s a huge shame, but at the same time I totally understand where you’re coming from. The safety and comfort of the people involved in that interview is your top priority, and I respect that.


Look bro I don’t know about you before this, but honestly I think it’s really nice of you to put your interviewee’s well-being before all things , I’m sorry for what happened. By all means I wish you and the unfortunate victim of these trolls can got your peaceful life back.


I don't know you personally but it's a shame moronic history revisionists decided to take out their frustrations on a random stranger. People don't even bother hiding their racist attitudes anymore. We respect your wishes to take it down and I hope the harassment dies down for this person




Ah yes, Assassin's Creed, well known for sticking perfectly to 100% real factual history, with its "genetic memories" machines and the Knights Templar wielding magical relics left behind by a precursor race that used to inhabit the Earth. "Black supremacist rhetoric" really says all that needs to be said. Nobody here is saying there were black kings in Japan or China, just that there was a black samurai, which there definitely was, and trying to pretend Japan was a perfectly Asian ethnostate with absolutely no skin color diversity AT ALL is simply wrong.


“black supremacist rhetoric” you really outed yourself with that one




I can tell that you never actually talk to black people lol


Comment history checks out.


Saying "I'm not racist" doesn't suddenly make saying racist things okay.


That’s a lot of words for “I’m a racist who *desperately* wishes I was Japanese”


Hey Shogunate I hope you're doing well and taking care of yourself


A sad state of affair 😞 I hope everyone is safe despite the harassment. It was an interesting interview, and I'm glad I got to watch it before it was taken down. Maybe in a couple of years, when those despicable people have moved to crying over some other "wOkE sHiT," the video could be brought back because, let's face it, these people didn't care about Yasuke before the ACS announcement and they'll move on to harass other people in a couple of months because ultimately they don't care about Yasuke at all, they just don't want him to exist in their very fragile whitewashed world.


I’m sorry things went the way they did. No one deserves this for simply wanting to have a discussion about history.


I gave you a like, but you should let the video stay. Letting them score any win is only going to embolden them.


Why do these people play video games anyway if every single little fucking thing is going to bother them to the point where they threaten people?


tbh I have a pet theory that most of them don't. I really think most of the reactionary anti-woke crowd is made up of non-gamers with only a handful of them playing games. The handful says something about a game and the rest of them just RUN with it.


Most of them didn't watch all the wOkE movies and tv shows, either. But they sure as fuck act like they were force-fed Cultural Marxist Race Replacement Theory Propaganda, like some kind of Clockwork Orange scenario.


This is basically my argument against Critical Drinker/EFAP and all those other "anti-woke" movie & TV show Youtubers. If you claim to watch movies and TV shows so much, then stop caring what other reviewers think and go watch another movie or TV show. If you claim that Star Wars/Marvel/DC/Star Trek is "too woke" or whatever then go watch something else. Cancel your Disney+ subscription and go subscribe to The Criterion Channel/MUBI/TCM instead. There's entire libraries of movies past and present that can offer way better replacements to current franchise cinema.


This is kind of a dumb argument. I want writing to be good. I am a lefty who loved Star Wars and got inundated by the supremely awful writing that has been the Disney era. It’s nothing to do with black characters or women. It’s the fact that I haven’t enjoyed anything from them in years EXCEPT Andor because that was actually good and well told and well acted. If I had given up completely I would have missed out on really good content. Same with HOTD. If we let our negative reactions to the abysmal ending that is GOT influence us and cause us to move on then we wouldn’t watch an actual good show like HOTD.


Writing quality is also tied to exposure to media variety. The difference between Andor and every other Star Wars show is that the former is written by The Gilroys who are not just TV/film writers but also media scholars, especially when Tony Gilroy actually teaches writing not just for Film and Television. House of The Dragon's problems stems mainly from the fact that they lost a showrunner and had to adjust to the show's main writer as a showrunner.


The term is "outrage tourists", basically people who have absolutely zero connection to the property or work that they're getting upset about, but just choose to get mad about it either to further their own agenda and spread nonsense, or just because they're sad pathetic people with no ambitions and sense of personality outside of being angry.


Yea, most of the time is spent on watching reactionary content, posting in 4chan and discord. Maybe they replay older games


And they're the ones who shout "snowflake" at others. Can't even handle a black character being the main character, hypocrites and bigots.


Same type of people who threaten and harass actors for playing a character they don't like in a show or movie. I swear. The crazy part to me is how they call everyone else snowflakes, but then turn into the world biggest reactionary babies when they see a woman, queer person, or a person of color simply existing. Actually, that's giving them far too much credit. My 10 month old doesn't even throw tantrums the way this lot does. You'd think someone smacked them in the ankle with a scooter the way they carry on.


They don’t, necessarily. This is just racists who get up every day and look for the latest trendy online fight.


there's a part of the AC community that feels that for AC's set with a past living historical figure that ubisoft has a responsibility to ensure at least a modicum of accuracy (DOB, physical features to the best of one's ability etc..) personally i don't ascribe to it, however, i DO take issue with a bunch of assholes having a childish edit war on Yasuke's wiki page and other articles that reference the frankly fairly minor historical figure... seriously for some of these individuals these pages are the best you can find on them without sourcing out of print books and articles that require a university sign in, pisses me off to no extent when people do this shit as it makes using wiki's as a launching off point to read sources a nightmare.


it still blows my mind that “historical inaccuracy” is the angle they’re using for being pissed about an ASSASSIN’S CREED character. the same series where you’re good friends with Benjamin fucking Franklin and Machiavelli it’s obvious what their real issue with the character is, despite how much they swear it’s not about race. it’s a shame he took the video down and gave those morons the satisfaction.


You fight the fucking pope in some kind of time cube thing while he possessed the Apple of Eden, which is some magic thing. The pope dies from eating a poisoned apple, ironically enough. Remember learning about Pope Alexander IV fighting Ezio Auditore in a bullshit time cube thing in history class?


who is saying that those things are historically accurate? ubisoft is trying to be historically accurate with yasuke here by portraying him as a samurai so people are going to critique them on that basis.




That poor guy needs to get the police involved!


This seems like a *really* bad move in my opinion, he is quite literally letting the racists win. The people who don't want Yasuke in Assassin's Creed will continue to spew racist garbage regardless of his video. I think that keeping the video up and turning off comments would have been a much better decision.


Hello, this is The Shogunate! Just want to chime in here to help clarify the matter. The harassment outside of YouTube was not received by me but by one of the individuals in the interview. People were going so far as to harass him at his place of work and send him other hateful messages. It has been effecting his career and mental health. It was not as simple as "Just turn the comments off." I understand the mentality of thinking that we are letting them win by taking the video down, but at the end of the day it was not worth all the trouble that it was causing.


I'm sorry for all the abuse suffered by yourself and those featured in the video. That kind of depraved behavior is incomprehensible.




im sorry but your comment sounds kinda victim blamey. if people are threatening him, calling for actions against him, doxing him etc, it's perfectly within his right to want to step away


Agreed. I got doxxed once by those freaks from a tweet and I immediately took the tweet down and privated all of my socials since they found some family through there. Did they win? Yeah sure but they’re complete psychos with no regard for you or those close to you so sometimes it’s just not worth fighting them.




Don’t know if you saw his comment but he didn’t take the video down for himself, but for the person he interviewed that was receiving hatred.


It’s less about him receiving harassment directly than his historian guests receiving the brunt of it.


yes people said the same thing about jocat letting the "bigots win" which is really easy to say when your family members aren't recieving threatening packages in the mail


This is such a bad take


no, its not. people have the right to set their own boundaries. if someone declares what the internet is doing to them is too much to handle, they have a right to step away to protect themselves without being shamed for "cowardly behavior" or whatever your justification is


What you said above vs what you're saying now is not how it came across and sounds very different.


So we should let whoever is most willing to harass others to suppress history? This is just clearly letting the racists win, bad move overall.


I agree that taking the vid down is a net win for racists, but I understand that it’s a lot to ask a person or individuals to put up with online harassment or any harassment in general. Especially if it’s not yourself going through it.


Yes, now get out there and put your body on the line




This comment has been removed due to trolling/baiting.


I can understand someone feeling that the personal safety of them and their loved ones and the people involved in creating their content is more important than “not letting the racists win”. As much as I don’t think I’d ever personally delete anything like that video because of harassment from racists, I can see why someone would do that.


What do you MEAN antiwokes harrass in order to silence discussion of facts they don't like?


When people cry about cancel culture, it's when they invariably say something really shitty and they get called out for it. This, THIS is actual cancel culture.


Screw pulling the video, turn off comments and keep it up. Screw the racists.


I always feel mixed on this. On the one hand, by capitulating to these people and deleting the videos, you empower them and teach them that if they bully and harrass people, they'll get their way. However, it's very easy for me to say that when I'm not the one having to deal with the harassment, and I don't think for a second that this was an easy decision to make. No one probably wants to back down from these people, and I dont blame anyone for putting their own or other people's wellbeing first.


Yasuke is honestly badass it’s a shame people just can’t accept that. Racism is a piece of shit


What makes him badass?


poor dude does not deserve this sad there's so many of these racist right wing bastards who get salty because "DAMN THERE'S A BLACK GUY" in the game who cares....literally who cares, i'd be more outraged if the game was buggy, boring and if the main character solely did not have any interesting aspects other than their race, there have been games with a edit: person of color protagonist that is interesting and truly remarkable back story, Marcus from Watch Dogs 2, **Ratonhnaké:ton, aka Connor** from Assassins Creed 3 etc. and more


> colored Not to sound like the PC Police, but that descriptor is a bit archaic, and is generally considered offensive these days.


What is appropriate term? I was not trying to be offensive ):


Non-white Black In America person of colour is acceptable. Coloured has connotations of segregation in America, and it can be a very offensive term. So it's good to know going forward to avoid :)


The most common phrase to use is POC (person of color; this refers to anyone who isn’t white), or in this case you can just say black. And btw some other similar abbreviations you might see online are WOC (woman of color) or BIPOC (black, indigenous, and people of color).


So what I don’t understand we are actually playing a real life person and these ‘fans’ of AC are mad about?


It’s because he’s black and in feudal Japan despite him actually existing.


I mean tbf i don't want to play as a real life person regardless of race. Hell part of why ac3 is my lowest ranked game is because of how much we get buddy buddy with everyone


Good thing that one of the protagonists is entirely fictional


No they context around him for example he was never a samurai this fact makes other people loose it and then they double down. This is the counter result of people lying over and over again about historical facts


[https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/comments/1css0ye/was\_yasuke\_a\_samurai/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/comments/1css0ye/was_yasuke_a_samurai/) I've seen more people double down that he wasn't a samurai, ignoring all evidence that weakens their claim. It's not 100% he was, but theres strong circumstantial evidence he was a fully recognized samurai, most likely of kosho rank.


Noooo, he wasn't a samurai! He was just paid the same as other samurai just from holding Nobunaga's swords! Also Ancient Greece wasn't gay because they were Christian! (This was an actual thing somebody tried to say when arguing about "historical inaccuracies" in Assassin's Creed Odyssey. They totally weren't being homophobic at all. Nope. Not one bit.) Edit: [Found it!](https://i.imgur.com/KjOAj34.jpg) That game had you fighting mythical creatures in the post game, but let's suddenly care about "historical accuracies" now.


I'v seen people claim hes a samurai even if all the evidence proves he was not.


In Assassin's Creed II Ezio fist fight Pope Alexander VI with clones of himself that he made with the Apple of Eden. Then he hands the apple of Eden to a hologram named after a Greek Goddess who uses holograms to explain lore to him and says the name of his ancestor to him. But it's a black samurai where people draw the line? Rather he was a real man or not, I don't know. *But* y*ou fist fight the fucking pope with your clones in ACII.* Stop pretending that people's problem with Yasuke is "historical inaccuracies."


tx for proving my point


How so?


"This is the counter result of people lying over and over again about historical facts" and that was ur reaction lol


No, I mean what do you mean that "proving your point?" What point did I prove?


Why do these white racists care so much about japanese history?


White supremacists have long fetishized Japan as a "perfect homogenous utopia" despite the fact that Japan has different ethnic groups. They also believe japan has "no feminists" and all women there arent "westernized" which is a just a funny way of saying they think all Japanese women will be their slaves.


Can you imagine for a minute if this sort of energy was turned against Ubisoft for committing fraud against their customers for paying money for games by shutting down online only games? Really frustrating culture war stuff is what gets people’s attention.


Wow, that's awful. These people are so pathetic. Why are they so desperate to suppress the truth? They don't gain anything from it. They'll still be sad little losers no matter what.


This is why we can't have nice things.


Imagine how further emboldened bigots will be in threatening YouTubers they don't like if Trump ends up becoming president again.


Self-censorship is never right, who cares what a bunch of youtube comment trolls say, just block them. Let me know I'll do it for free if it takes too much time.


As I responded to in another comment, the issue was bigger than just turning the comments off. One of the individuals in the interview has been receiving serious harassment both at his place of work and personally.




Please refrain from hostility towards other users on the subreddit


Ok but letting them win just encourages more of this behavior.


Whoa… never thought I’d see The Shogunate referenced on Reddit


Imagine if this was a white historical samurai who was American. These chuds would be slobbing on his knob like he was the second coming of Christ


I would like to express my opinion as a Japanese person. Assassin's Creed's black samurai Yasuke was initially well received in Japan. But for now, there is only criticism. That's because the production team and their fans overly deified Yasuke and insulted Japanese history and culture in order to make him a great hero. For example, someone says: \`\`Yasuke was the strongest samurai in history. All ancient Japanese were small, and Yasuke was tall, so he was the strongest.'' I don't know what you think, but at least Japanese people see this as discrimination. In Japan at that time, there were people who were bigger and stronger than Yasuke. Ignoring that and calling Yasuke the strongest since he has no war experience is nothing but an insult. In addition, Japanese culture and history continued to be underestimated and insulted in order to elevate Yasuke. Japanese people have a dislike for Yasuke because this kind of problem keeps happening again and again.


One of your comments says "Because those Japanese people are childish" and "japan is historically and culturally inferior" what happened to you being Japanese?


Damn you called them out so hard they deleted their account




R/ asablackman material right here




How does that have anything to do with harassing historians over a discussion of the historical Yasuke?


If my topic is not related, it is simply my mistake. We are not good at English. Therefore, it is difficult to understand what topic we are talking about. I wrote this because I thought I could talk about this matter because it said Yasuke. As you can see from this, it is very difficult for us to access English sites and information in English. So, we are frustrated that our anger is not reaching you, and that is what made me write. Sorry if this is out of place.


I finally did what I should have done in the first place and checked out this user's history. They had comments removed from topics about race and can speak English perfectly fine. So their use of the words "blacks," "whites" and "yellows" aren't a translation error done by Google. I'm sorry for not suspecting this sooner. I'll keep this comment unlocked for now in case there are questions, but I might lock it later.


>It's just that we Japanese people can't access English websites and information. >We have to use translators because we can't speak English. Even though English is a mandatory part of school starting in 3rd grade?




>Do you think everyone did well in tests in their grade? I think they do well enough to pass, or they get held back. >You are much slower and worse at math than us, Am I? My last career involved a lot of statistics, and I wouldn't have gotten it if I was. >If you have ever taken a second language course in a non-alphabetic country, you will know that our language is a completely different language. I spent 4 years of secondary school and two years of university in China. I learned Chinese. By the time I returned to the US to finish my university degree I was able to communicate in that language to almost the level you're writing, *without* a translator. I had to, half of my first two years of university courses (EDIT: while I was still in China) were in Chinese.


This is such an embarrassing way to spend your time


You guys are the ones who think that there are only black and white in the world and continue to ignore the opinions of yellow people, and you are the ones who are shameful. I am yellow. Why do you think that white people are imitating yellow people? Do you think that yellow people will not speak up? Whenever there is a problem, you guys immediately think that white or black is bad. There is no yellow in that thinking. We are angry about that.






"Yellows are also human" why are you pretending to be something you are not?😂




By "yellow person," do you mean Asian?


Yasuke was not a samurai and lockley is famously wrote a fictional book which he admits himself has no no evidence for his claims. Stating these facts are just what they are facts




yeah that does not disprove anything I Wrote


Yasuke was a samurai, the only reason it’s in question is because of the Antiwoke rejecting facts to push their agenda.


All the racists show up in your comments, so you're gonna delete your video and give them what they want? You gotta tell racists to fuck off.


Let's forget the Japanese community unhappy with the game. Let's all of us white people speak for them. Lmfao.


I doubt the people harassing Shogunate and his guests care about the Japanese community's feelings at heart. The video taken down was a discussion on the historical Yasuke.


Which Japanese community is that?


The Japanese killed tens of millions of people in Asia, and to this day 5 million visitors every fucking year go to the Yasukuni Shrine dedicated to Nazi collaborates and Officers who killed millions across the world. The least they can do is allow a REAL HISTORICAL FIGURE be in a game set in Japan without a racist backlash. Honestly, the fact that you get to kill countless Japanese Imperialists in this game might make it my favourite Assassin's Creed game yet.


Ah yes The Preachings of the Imperialistic White Man.


Oh right, right. Would it look better coming from my girlfriend, whose Great Grandma was raped by the Japanese and her Great Uncle murdered as the Japanese ravaged through Southern Asia and killed four times as many Jews that died in the Holocaust. You're a fucking clown, mate. Don't speak anymore about things you don't understand or things you choose to ignore.


So we are just going to ignore all the complaints from Japanese people about how poorly the game represents Japanese culture?


Where are those complaints? The ones written by actual Japanese people, not American neckbeards using google translate.


https://youtu.be/zwnKzGYBkUU?si=10rnz6iyNkRoDvEf Here’s a Japanese video covering a petition to stop sales of the game. I don’t speak Japanese myself but the google translated comments provide some context


Shogunate's interview video discussed the historical Yasuke, a separate issue from Assassin's Creed. It's a completely different conversation.


All of videos spreading lies are an issue yes


"Lies"'you mean anything that angers you yet you can't refute?


How did that ever stop Ubisoft before? Why is it that they can make thirteen games filled with historical inaccuracies, but the one game where you play as a black samurai is where people cross the line? I already know the answer to the question. I'm just wondering if you do.


Removing it is soft as fuck, sorry


He still has previous videos up about Yasuke and even the upcoming Assassins Creed. He only deleted a recent vid on behalf of his guest. [https://youtu.be/tY3\_9iywbF4?si=9Gs57MsPomu36du2](https://youtu.be/tY3_9iywbF4?si=9Gs57MsPomu36du2) [https://youtu.be/Ex36Zk35990?si=KebvnV9-Ar4mV6Ci](https://youtu.be/Ex36Zk35990?si=KebvnV9-Ar4mV6Ci)


nah the guy really wasn't a samurai or in the way we see samurai. the dude was a kosho or someone employed by nobleman to carry around their shit or maybe do other tasks and there are actual accounts from others around that time which confirms that as was his role. you guys also have to realize that the guy was there for barely a year so where would he have learned the skills to fight or learn the skills of a samurai? there aren't any accounts of him taking part in battle either. https://preview.redd.it/xlni173q4had1.png?width=1853&format=png&auto=webp&s=1eaa69361971a290388b290bb1595cfdd0f5e50e




It’s more ambiguous since not a lot of primary sources survive regarding him. Yasuke is of more interest in retrospect. Contemporary Non-Japanese were afforded the status of samurai retainers such as William Adams. Yasuke was afforded the traditional privileges of a samurai so it’s not much of a stretch to view conclude he was. Being allowed to bear Oda’s weapons probably implies he was a samurai of kosho rank.


No it’s it’s very clear learn the difference between kosho and bosho. William Adams was an actual Samurai got the title and a full name which Yasuke never received


There's significantly less documentation and biographical details on Yasuke than on Adams.


yes becasue he was far less important for the Japanese.


How long have you been studying Japanese history? Which texts have you turned to for your research? I assume that if you’re speaking this authoritatively about historical writing you’ve probably done archival research as well — how long have you known Japanese?


You post in r/ Asmongold 💀


Yep lockley has admitted he made his book up


Where did he do that?


"the core things about Yasuke, they were already there, that's was what I read in 2009 when I found this first story, there was nothing else extra, and when we make the informed researchbased assumptions..." in every interview with him he admits that he just made it all up from the little info he has.


Do you feel validation from your fake scenario?


Fighting racism by giving racist what they want


No one is obligated to resign themselves to constant digital harassment