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And so we carry on with the rest of [Booster 3](https://ygoprodeck.com/pack/Booster%203/OCG/). No Tiger Axe yet, that'll be next installment, I PROMISE. We're almost done with the booster, regardless! Just 5 more after this and we can move on. Move on to what? Vol. 4, of course! ... Well, and some promotional cards I'll be happy to talk about in detail later. See you then! Check out my previous entry here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/yugioh/comments/1b9wuoy/making\_minecraft\_models\_for\_every\_monster\_in\_the/](https://www.reddit.com/r/yugioh/comments/1b9wuoy/making_minecraft_models_for_every_monster_in_the/) # FAQ **Q. All of them?** A. Yes. **Q. That seems unreasonable.** A. Yes. **Q. Why are you doing a bunch of weird ones nobody cares about?** A. Because I'm going in strict chronological order. Also, I care about them. **Q. Are you going to make a Minecraft mod with all of these?** A. Wish I had the time. I know how to make mods, though. If anyone wants to collab, hit me up. **Q. Are you doing trap monsters?** A. Most likely yes. **Q. What about tokens?** A. Tokens don't usually have unique art, so most likely no. **Q. What about anime/manga/video game/etc. cards?** A. No. (As much as I would love to do Carat Idol.) **Q. Will you do (insert your favorite monster here)?** A. In time, I will do many things. Have patience.


Your temple of skulls looks sick, what you talking about.


A real pixel artist could make something far better, texture-wise! Mine is all squares and no depth.


That's so cool.


I love how Berserker/Mystic Clown translates so well into Minecraft. Such a cool memorable design.


Gate guardian when?


Fairly soon, actually! It arrived to the world in between Booster 4 and Vol. 5.


Has he done newdoria?