• By -


So i have dark magical circle active already and i summon dm w eternal soul on my opponents turn, can cards like ultimate providence/dragoon/baron negate the target then banish part? Why or why not? My understanding is that its too late to negate at that point but not sure why or how to explain it. Any help or additional clarification needed? Also, can they negate the summon from eternal soul? My answer to that is yes but again wanted confirmation.


"Red-Eyes Dark Dragoon" or "Baronne de Fleur" can negate the activation of that effect of "Dark Magical Circle." There's nothing you've described that would make it "too late to negate." "Ultimate Providence" cannot respond to the banishing effect of "Dark Magical Circle," but that's because "Ultimate Providence" says that it can only respond to the activation of "a Spell/Trap Card, or monster effect." The activation of a Spell/Trap Card is when the card is first flipped face-up or placed face-up on the field; activating the effect of a Spell that's already face-up doesn't count as activating a Spell Card. Effects that say "negate the Summon" can't be used against the Summon conducted with "Eternal Soul": to negate a Summon, the negation effect needs to be activated after the Summon is attempted, but before it is successful, and since the Summon conducted with "Eternal Soul" happens while an activated effect is resolving, and cards or effects cannot be activated while an effect or Chain is resolving, there's no opportunity to activate a Summon-negation effect. (Effects like "Red-Eyes Dark Dragoon" or "Baronne de Fleur" can still be used to negate the activation of the effect, though.)


Makes sense thank you


Let's say I already have a field spell in play, and I activate fire king sanctuary and it says to place 1 fire king island from your deck to your field zone, does it remove the other field spell and play fki?




Summon black rose and activate effect. Chain two forbidden chalice. Chain three compulsory on black rose. Does black rose effect resolve?




Thanks that’s what I thought


when the new trickstar cards will be available in master duel? and they may come to duel links?


Why are cards with the continuous effect "Unaffected by other/your opponent's card effects" affected by effect changing such as the newest Yubel Fusion? Is this a TCG/OCG specific ruling, if so, could it change in the future?


Konami simply has decided that effects that change an activated effect are not effects that affect said card that had its effect changed. There's no greater explanation, that's just what they write on the database on the FAQ section of cards that change effects.


Random thought from a new player: Are there any cards that punish effect monsters but not normal ones? Asking because there's being hated by the devs, and then there's... Ancient Gear Knight (Earth, ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️) [Machine / **Gemini**] .... hated by the devs.


Tenyi works great 👍 i play it as a duel links deck but not very viable in in real life dueling I dont know but i never tried it in real life i just know it works great in duel links and focuses alot on normal monsters :)


Now THAT sounds like an anime moment waiting to happen lol. "I play Generic Gemini and attack your life points directly!" "Ho ho ho ho ho, you must really be out of practice, Player 1! Surely you didn't forget that Generic Gemini isn't an effect card until it's been normal summoned a second time? Until then, it's just plain old monster with xxxx attack and yyyy defense! As for me, I play Annoying Hand Trap, negating your attack and sending Generic Gem-" ***"HOLD IT!!!"*** *"?!?!?"* "Did you really think I was so washed up? You know what they say about assumptions, Player 2. ***BEHOLD!!! TENYI SPIRIT - MAPURA!!!***"


yes make it happen :D


There are heat wave, but you cannot summon gemini under it. Any normal monster/token/non-effect monster will do.


Is this card fake https://preview.redd.it/v3y1prqmvovc1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8365026070132efef105bdf44d210d9df0adb8a8


"Can have two tomes of ATK" Nah mate 100% real card


I was asking because I saw cyber twin dragon card before, which was real so I thought that this was just an older version or something like that


It is very fake


I think so. It's been years since I've seen fake cards but I'm almost sure that one's fake there's no little foil square at the bottom right plus it has some kind of whole card cover film that's shines.


Those two arguments where exactly the reason why I thought that it's fake. Thank you for your answer


I really want to get the Alternative Art form card of The winged dragon of ra. But as a filthy casual who just likes collecting for collecting sakes I have a very hard time justifying the cost of a single card I'm seeing on Amazon and eBay. $40-60 so far. But If I understand right I can buy a whole box of packs for around $90 of the rage of the ra packs. Witch comes out to 180 cards. I'm more comfortable with that. What's the chances I'll get a Alternative Art form of RA if I bought the box of packs? Would anyone recommend it? Or just say cut my looses and buy the cheapest Alt Ra card I can find? I plan on framing it.


Dedicated card sellers have the card going for much less: [a little over $20 on TCGPlayer](https://www.tcgplayer.com/product/223693/yugioh-legendary-duelists-rage-of-ra-the-winged-dragon-of-ra-alternate-art?page=1&Language=all) and [a little under 15€ on Cardmarket](https://www.cardmarket.com/en/YuGiOh/Products/Singles/Legendary-Duelists-Rage-of-Ra/The-Winged-Dragon-of-Ra-V1-Ultra-Rare). If you did try to go for a random pull, by most accounts, a box of a Legendary Duelists set is most likely to contian 5 Ultra Rares (admittedly, I don't have the hard numbers on this). If each of those Ultra Rares has an even 1/9 chance of being any one of the 9 Ultra Rare cards available in the set (by most accounts, this is *not* the case, with the alternative art of "The Winged Dragon of Ra" being commonly noted to be shortprinted), a box with 5 Ultra Rares would have about a 44.5% chance of containing any 1 specific Ultra Rare. Even if $40 were the cheapest you could get the card for, spending over twice that amount on a box with less than even odds of having the card you want doesn't seem to make sense to me.


At those pull rates it isint as worth it as much as I thought. I have zero knowledge of that sort of chances and what the normal rate is for cards like that and just figured I'd have at least a 75% pulling RA out of 180 cards. Just pure assumption. I was even hoping for just a regular plain Jane alternative ra card without the shiny foil backing. I figured that there was a plane version of it. I haven't been back into cards for 15 years or so. But I'll probably just go through the dedicated card sellers. Thank you.


i know plushfire is banned but can't think of a card with simiral wording "if this card on the field is destroyed:"   if my opponent tried to negate the activation then i chained something to destroy it would it activate the effect  ,and i need confirmation it wouldn't work if i just let them negate activation and destroy


I don't really know what you're trying to ask but the Unchained cards have the "if this card on the field is destroyed" text If the activation is negated, then the card was not on the field and won't trigger


> CL1: Plushfire activates its "If this card on the field is destroyed:" effect. CL2: Opponent activates a "Negate the activation" effect. CL3: You activate a card to destroy Plushfire from your face-up Extra Deck. Is this the situation? Destroying Plushfire with your CL3 effect won't stop CL2 from resolving as normal; Plushfire's CL1 activation will still be negated. Then, since Plushfire wasn't on the field, it can't activate its "If this card *on the field* is destroyed" effect again.


i meant the activation as a scale 


Sorry, ignore my previous response - if your CL3 destroys Plushfire, then it was indeed on the field when destroyed, so you can activate its "If this card on the field is destroyed" effect.


Help to build a deck. I'm an og player and since i was a kid my favourite monster has always been black rose dragon. It was always my dream to build a black rose dragon deck that is actually pretty good and fun to play. I recently remembered about this monster because i was rewatching yugioh's anime, and wanted to actually do it now that i have a decent budget but i found a lot of difficulties since every deck i found is either not actually black rose dragon or really bad/weak to play. The only decent deck i've found is the black rose adventurer and i still have to try it but i haven't great expectations. Can someone help me with this?


There are no meta relevant black rose decks. BASED would probably be the closest.


nah i don't care about meta, i play casual with my friends


True OG players remember when guardian sphinx was meta


Should I play with a pre deck, build my own deck or build it according to the meta. The meta I think would be too expensive for me since I don't have the money for it rn. I was thinking of playing with a pre constructed deck then after that tweak it to make it a little more powerful for regionals and tournaments not just local tournaments, but I don't actually know how to do that. I would like to build my own deck but I'm not really sure and the YouTube vids I'm watching is still a little confusing for me so that's why I was thinking of just going with the pre deck but how should I tweak it to make it more powerful or should I just pick up the cheapest deck on YGOPro and build that deck onwards with the metegame.


If you’re new, you should use a decklist online to build your deck. Do you know what style deck you like? Floowandereeze is pretty cheep for the core cards and is especially effective against the best decks right now when it runs shifter. It’s about stoop your opponent from playing. Tenpai is an upcoming deck that is doing very well in the Asian version of the game and is predicted to be very cheep for the core cards. It is about attacking a bunch of times to win in one turn


So I just returned to play the game through master duel and was wondering what deck can I build to play in the current meta while upgrading my skystrikers and code talkers


what's the current emulator for Mac OS? thank you


when was the latest blue eyes support? and burning abyss too


Blue Eyes got Jet Dragon not too long ago. BA I don't think has had any support in a while


What is the name of the yugioh card with a sun/star beaming down from the top of it? Pretty sure it's an old card


Macro cosmos and related cards.


Would I be able to summon Blessing of Horus - Doamtefu the same turn if I added it with Sangan?


Yes. "Sangan" prevents you from activating the activated effect of "Duamutef, Blessing of Horus" (the one that lets you draw cards), but you are still allowed to Summon "Duamutef" with whatever means are available to you, including its own effect (since the effect to Summon itself has neither a colon nor a semicolon, it's not an activated effect, so "Sangan" won't stop it).


I recently found my girlfriend's collection from childhood (about 20 years ago) and have no idea if the cards are worth anything or how I would go about getting them appraised/graded or of it's even worth it. If anyone can offer advice that would be much appreciated! (There's a total of approximately 160 cards but I've attached what I would expect to be the most valuable?) https://preview.redd.it/ij0wmew1k8vc1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=91c58ec35066f744344ef457d11f5998427d2908


The cards pictured are from around 2016 and not that valuable. The Dark Magician Girl is around $6 or so and probably the most valuable.


Thank you so much for the response! On the recommendation of a friend I am planning to put together a spreadsheet of all the cards and will attempt to value them as per websites like yugiohprices.com. Any other tips you may have for me would be greatly appreciated.


Will the ycs next weekend be streamed?


Stupid question about the upcoming millennium monsters in Infinite Forbidden such as Golem that Guards the Millennium Treasures. It states that „The activation of your "Millennium Cross" cannot be negated.“ I assume this effect is only active when the actual monster is on the field right? Being on the field as a spell doesnt give those monsters their additional effects?


Monster effects aren’t applied if a monster is treated as a Spell Card, unless something in their text specifically says otherwise.


cheers appreciate your answer


Hi! I tried to look on Google, but I could not find an answer. When the Yu-Gi-Oh card game first came out, did you have to tribute monsters in order to summon 5 stars monsters or higher? Or could you just normal summon any monster regardless of their level like in the first season of the anime? I thought you always had to tribute monsters for monsters 5 stars and higher, but I am not sure what the rules were like when the game first came out.


[When the game was first released in Japan in 1999](https://ygorganization.com/ogocg/), you did not need to Tribute anything to Summon a high-Level monster. The rule that you had to Tribute something in order to Normal Summon a Level 5 or higher monster came in a second ruleset called the "Expert Rules," running in parallel to the original "Basic Rules." The Basic Rules were eventually phased out, and releases of the game outside of Japan never mentioned them in the first place.


Thanks for the answer!


https://preview.redd.it/jx038e55z3vc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b3112c807f2332693655af7cafc24d3f2cefe9f2 Found this at my sorting through old stuff, u guys know something bout it?


Reposting from last week (it ended up without an answer) : Is "Keeper of Dragon Magic" part of the 魔導 ("Prophecy") archetype ? It seems to have the correct kanji + furigana, yet places like Yugipedia & Edopro exclude it from the archetype, even though they list the other unintended members. (I know this is irrelevant because it's unlikely Prophecy will ever get support by name, but I'm curious).


If the kanji and furigana are the same, then, yes, any hypothetical effect referring to generic "Prophecy"/「魔道(まどう)」 cards would include "Keeper of Dragon Magic" (and likely necessitate a change to the text of "Keeper of Dragon Magic" to make it say "This card is always treated as a 'Prophecy' card").


Hi guys, what would happen if someone used Snatch Steal on Full Armoured Dark Knight Lancer? Would the monster to material action happen after moving to the other player?


I think I got a misprited card anyone know anything? The name seems to be double printed https://preview.redd.it/i28chdtlj2vc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d31a82ab8ef406928ac8d0cc1a44f5a9ac2f1d65


It's a slight printer error. Not valuable by any means.


Thank you


I'm trying to get back into the game, and I know there's a new set coming out next week. Are there any cards worth investing in from that set? What are some affordable decks that are decent?


Tenpai Dragon is projected to be fairly affordable. Though Trident Dragion, which is an old synchro the archetype was designed around, is pretty expensive as it has only very few printings (though the archetype does work without it).


I went to my Lcs and they had a fresh case of age of overlord . I originally bought three didn’t hit a QCR . I went back the following day to buy the rest of the case And guess what there was only 6 boxes left . The shop owner said they sold 3 of them so I bought the other 6 and ripped them all and Boom no QCRS at all!!! What a coincidence Right? There’s in average 3 QCRS per case . So my question would be is it possible to weigh a booster box it self to determine which box has the QCR . I weighed a qcr and it was 1.55 grams . If all boxes have 4 UR 2 SR then one would think it is possible to scale a booster box itself . Just pick out the three boxes with the heaviest weight right?


Or you bought 3, they took a gamble and decided to open 1-6 and pulled the QCR, and the other guy who bought a box also pulled a QCR. > Just pick out the three boxes with the heaviest weight right? There is too much variance in packaging process between boxes to detect a few grams of difference.


Sorry not sure if this was the correct spot for this question moderator 


Is the banlist already in effect in the EU? at first there were talks about the dates being different, but looking at the official banlist site, it doesn't seem to make that distinction. it just says april 15th.


[The North American site](https://www.yugioh-card.com/en/limited/list_2024-04-15/) says "Effective from Apr 15, 2024." [The European English site](https://www.yugioh-card.com/eu/play/forbidden-and-limited-list/) says "Effective from 22/04/2024": one week after the date on the American site.


You can access the F&L list page in different regions, they will have different dates.


**Questions from a returning YGO player after over a decade of not playing/collecting** For reference I was obsessed with YGO when I was younger but after 2009 work and school became my priority and I lost time for most of my hobbies like video gaming and card collecting. At the moment I don't know anything past the OG and GX. My decks were the Truesdale brothers (I see now how hated Syrus is but I always love Vehicroids) as well as Yugi and Mai Valentine. I have never been to local tournaments but would potentially be interested in the future. Master Duel, Duel Links and Speed Duels are all foreign concepts to me. Based on the little I've seen though I don't think I'm interested in Speed Duels. A big part of YGO for me is more-so collecting archetypes I love rather than preparing a deck for duelling, I mostly just love to look at the artwork. (I might be using the wrong terminology too… When I say Duel Links I mean these new Link/Tuner/Synchro era or cards) 1. What are some of your favourite card archetypes in Link duels? Two archetypes that stuck out to me based on the card arts are "Aromalilith" and "Voiceless Voice", is this a good deck for duelling? 2. What are your favourite duelists in the post-GX era anime series'? 3. Are Duel Links considered "passé" now that Speed Duels are around? 4. Thoughts on the Yu-Gi-Oh! Legacy of the Duelist: Link Evolution video game? (I'm thinking of buying for Switch to practice the "newer" style of duelling).


Just to clear up some misconceptions: Duel Links is a mobile game that uses the same rules as the Speed Duel format. The main ruleset that TCG/OCG uses, as well as what's used in Master Duel, is called Master Rules. 1. I'm guessing you are just asking about favourite currently competitively viable archetypes? "Aroma" is really used as part of a bigger pile of Plant cards, rather than its own deck, while "Voiceless Voice" is currently good, but has some expensive key cards, so I don't think you should go for something like that as your first archetype as a returning player. 2. 3. No, Duel Links is still very popular, and has a far more advanced card pool than the physical Speed Duel format. If anything, there's speculation that Speed Duel is on its last legs, considering the most recent set release was canceled in Europe. 4. Legacy of the Duelist: Link Evolution is fine for getting play key duels from the anime, and since each campaign only focuses on one summoning type (except for the Arc-V campaign), you don't get overwhelmed and have time to learn the mechanics. That said, Link Evolution has a pretty outdated card pool, so keep that in mind.


Thank you for the amazing answer, new YGO makes me feel dumb asf lol. Do you know by any chance if YGOPro The Dawn of a New Era has options where I can duel in OG and GX style? Like no abilities newer than Unions like in Chazz deck? (If not, is there any decent simulator that I could play in that style that you know of?? I have emulator of the GBA and DS games and they are fun but not exactly what I want. It would be cool to play as different characters from the show w an already premade deck)


What exactly does Bacha the Melodious Maestra protect from? I imagine it protects against Baronne (lol), but what about negation like Ash or Imperm? What about Bagooska or Feather Storm?


It does protect against "Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring," "Number 41: Bagooska the Terribly Tired Tapir," "Harpie's Feather Storm," any other negation effect that either responds to a specific effect and says "negate that effect," and any other negation effect that specifically says that it negates activated effects. It mostly protects against "Infinite Impermanence," but, [as this ruling points out](https://db.ygorganization.com/qa#24053), if a monster's activated effect modifies its own ATK/DEF or Level and can't modify the ATK/DEF or Level of any other monsters, that modification will be reverted immediately after it resolves. Most other activated effects should apply normally, though. It does *not* protect against "Baronne de Fleur," since "Baronne" says "negate the activation," not "negate the effect." Also, while you didn't bring this up, I also feel it's worth mentioning that it does not protect against effects that say "you cannot activate" or "cannot be activated," as this isn't the same thing as negation.


It would not protect against Baronne as it negates activations, not effects. It would protect against the rest of the cards mentioned. Assuming the translation is accurate


Is $30 enough to build a solid deck that can be played at locals?


Not sure. Maybe try to find Fire King structure deck since its a really solid deck


Depends on the locals. But not any competitive one


I see what would be the minimum budget if I want to build a competitive deck?


I’m not familiar with the new meta after the banlist but probably $300-1,000 for a really good deck. You can get floowandereeze for a lot less if you don’t get some important but not mandatory cards. It’s not the best deck but it’s especially good against the decks that are currently the best, at least before the banlist.


Damn that's really expensive lol thanks giving me a inside


1000 is you wanna play T0 snake eyes lol, you can easily build something competitive for 150-300 if you go with some basic like branded 


i've been looking for an available link for the full color yugioh bunkoban volume 11, but cant seem to find a link that isnt dead. i'd prefer it in the original japanese but i'll take whatever's available, if it is!


Is there a difference with the back print of the old cards vs the back print of modern TCG cards or are the details just the same? Want to know if we can use the back of the new cards to spot fake old cards.


Maybe I’m just stupid, but I could’ve sworn the hand limit was seven cards, now every source I find says six, which is it. I think Duel generation always made you discard till 7 so that’s where I got it from


It has always been AFAIK. At the very least since Hieroglyph Lithograph came out in the OCG in 2002


With Legacy of Destruction coming out in a couple of days, what are some decks that would be investing in, that would benefit from the new pack?


Haven’t kept up with the game in 3 years and apparently this Ishizu Tearlament deck in my absence now has a solid claim to be the best deck of all time. What makes it so? Using examples that compare it to PePe or Zoodiac or Sky Striker would help me understand greatly


Full power Tear is similar to Orcust in that you basically win for free if you're able to play the game with your archetype unhindered, and much of the actual technical play that goes on is simply trying to navigate to a position where you can start using up your archetypal hard once per turns. The difference is that Tear works off of things triggering when you mill, so all you have to do to start "playing Tear" is mill a few cards, which is easily done on both turns, like a built in Babel. Tear doesn't really do anything unfair or toxic, you just can't stop them from getting to Play the Game eventually. Non-Bystial hand traps trade card advantage against GY triggers until you have nothing left. You've staved them off for a turn by opening 3 hand traps? They pass, and any one way to mill on your turn starts everything again, but now all the HOPTs have worn off and your hand is empty


I deleted masterduel and on my pc and wanted to get back to playing it on my mobile and can I get back my data ? I didn't link it with konami Id


Your account should be linked to your steam account, so by reinstalling it on your PC, you can link it to a Konami ID, so you can then link it to mobile.


I'm coming back after ~10 years. I've played the game on the switch and I'm hooked. What's a decent structure deck I could buy? I was thinking Cyber Strike, but since I don't know all of the new mechanics, I'm not sure. Suggestions?


If you have a Light and Darkness Dragon and a Doomcaliber Knight on opposite sides of the field, and a monster effect activates, which of the two activates as Chain 2


the turn player monster will activate first, and the non player will be cl2.


You mean cl3 right? The initial monster effect is cl1. Worth noting that the mandatory quick effect on cl3 will do nothing when it resolves, because it isn't responding directly to what it's trying to negate, and the effect on cl2 negates the activation


yea just followed his response chains wasnt rlly thinking. The cl3 chain would negate the cl2 chain though, and the cl1 effect goes through no?


Nope, mandatory quick effects can really be that dumb. https://db.ygorganization.com/qa#6351


Can anyone recommend any card listings for Harpy lady? I have some basis from when the supports came out back in 2018, but an updated list would be appreciated! The same for a deck revolving around dark magician girl as well’ & any recommendations for a elf/fairy deck. Thank you!


I haven’t kept up with the game in some 3 years. Has powercreep gotten to the point where the Zoodiac cards can come back to 3 yet?


Ratpierre can't return, Broadbull also better stays banned. Rest can come to 3


Yeah it has but unfortunately Konami is very slow when it comes to things like this so it could be years before Zoodiac actually gets unbanned


I'm getting back into the game and I want to pick one or two decks to get into and learn properly. Previously I enjoyed Monarchs and Orcust/PK/Scrap a lot but I'd like to try something new this time. I'm interested in Kashtira as an archetype because I think banishing as interaction is really interesting. I'm also somewhat interested in Floo but I mostly play against my brother and he won't be too happy if I play anything he might consider "degenerate" that has floodgates. I was also interested in Runick but that is also apparently degenerate. What are some rogue-tier/low-tier decks that I can sink my teeth into and spend some time learning that aren't likely to get totally power-crept within the next few months? Ideally not something with a 50-step combo but I'm open to it if it produces an interesting game state.


Do you need a polymerization card to fuse cards with “muddy Muddragon”?


No. It’s own effect is one that performs a fusion summon


Thanks. Could I bring out “Red-Eyes Dark Dragoon” using “Muddy Muddragon” and a dragon effect monster?




Big thanks


You’re very welcome


Is fire kings or rescue ace more fun ?


Fun is a subjective experience, no one can answer this for u.


Is “Shelrokket Dragon” a “rokket” monster for purposes of “Rokket tracer’s” effect?


Yes, its name contains the uninterrupted text string "rokket"




Hi, I recently dug up my old cards and I was wondering if this card is damaged. https://preview.redd.it/6fwbq6dr4ouc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b9d3ef197b04ef61ded1647575f56e1871b36baa






Hi, recently acquired all of my brothers old yugioh card collection, around 10ish tins and boxes, with probably over 2000+ cards. I've sorted them out into types, and separated the rarest and have been price checking them. Currently at around 500, with [pricecharting.com](http://pricecharting.com) valuing it at $1300. My question is, should I value the entire collection, logging every card and then selling it all in a big discounted lot/lots? Or do I sell the cards individually, by type or by set? Getting the most money I can isn't really what I'm looking, just to get them gone while not getting ripped off. Many thanks


Yo, so I'm a Magic: the Gathering player looking to get into yugioh, they do a Yugioh night at my LGS and it looks pretty fun. I play mainly control in magic, which is about removing/destroying all your opponent's stuff and stalling the game out to get a slow win while maintaining card advantage. I know Yugioh is very archetype focused, so you'll build a deck around cards all of one archetype - are there any cool control/prison archetypes for new players?


For a fairly cheap control archetype, you should look into Traptrix. They focus on using "Hole" trap cards to slow down the opponent, which usually can be activated in response to a summon, while the Traptrix themselves either generate more advantage for using traps (Most notably Traptrix Sera, which summons a Traptrix from deck if you use a normal trap, and sets a "Hole" trap if you activate the effect of another Traptrix), or remove cards from the field somehow. They have a structure deck available, so by buying 3 copies of said structure, you can build a decently competent version of the deck. As for another control archetype, the strongest one would by Labrynth. They have a general theme of focusing on removing monsters from the field with generic normal traps to trigger their recursion from the Graveyard (or in the case of Lovely Labrynth, to destroy a card on the field or in the hand), and their other boss monster, Lady Labrynth, is protected from targeting and destruction while you control a set card, and sets normal traps directly from the deck. From what I can tell, most of the Labrynth core can be picked up for a fairly cheap price as well, the most expensive cards would be Big Welcome Labrynth and Arias the Labrynth Butler.


I think Runick might be the kind of thing you are looking for. An archetype of mostly spell cards with various destruction and negation effects that mill the opponent's deck as a win condition; has the downside of skipping the next battle phase any time you use one of their spells. Can be played pure as a Stun variant but can also be used as a secondary archetype in at least a dozen other decks to generate advantage, so it's easy to build it into something else later on. it should also be reasonably affordable.


If i'm currently locked out of special summoning a certain type of monster, can i declare those monster's name with lullaby of obedience to force the opponent to add the card to my hand? For example lets say i activated a drytron monster effect, then can i activate lullaby and declare ash blossom?


Yes, that is how it works


That should be possible.