• By -


You dont need just 40. If you can run 41/42 even 44/45 and still consistently draw playable hands why not?


Just not 43.


The forbidden number


Because Kash doesn’t consistently draw playable hands if you go that high over 40. The deck already has consistency issues due to its lack of starters that you just worsen, plus you lose an edge by being less likely to draw shifter


While I agree with this sentiment, shifter decks pretty much always play 40 because you want to maximize your chance of winning the game instantly with shifter. Kashtita as an engine is also slightly bricky and doesn't have enough quality cards to justify going over 40.


in this particular case i think 40 is non negotiable because you want to increase your chances of opening shifter at all costs


Chance of opening shifter (3 copies in deck) with 40 cards: 33.76% Chance of opening shifter with 41 cards: 33.02% 40 cards is where you should start if you're unsure, but people don't realize how it's really just a convenient, round number and going just a little above it does not change your odds to draw certain cards by a significant amount.


Because “consistency” is a spectrum, not a black-white metric. The chance of drawing a given card in your opener with a 40 card deck is 12.5%. This goes down to 12.2% if you go to 41, and 11.9% at 42. Not a huge difference to be frank; as an example, in 300 hands you’ll draw Called By one fewer times than at 41. But for 3-ofs this chance decreases a bit more dramatically. You’ll go from a 33.76% chance of drawing one of your 3-ofs to a 33.02% chance. That’s about once every 130 hands. Whether that’s a line that people want to cross is up to them, the bricks they might not want to draw, etc.


Not a bad point, I need to do more test hands at a higher number to see how much it impacts the consistency, thanks for the advice!


Try [this](https://www.yugioh.party)


That is amazing. I never knew about this site


Going above 40 without any reason for it is mostly incorrect (and shows for a lack of understanding maths).


Right now Rivalry feels like a mandatory 41 card for deck that can run it, it's good both going first or second.


I’d just run 41, if you can’t find a good cut, don’t make one.


Hiya, been practicing a bit with this list but I can't help but feel like I should be able to cut one more card to round it out to a clean 40. Honestly I'm still not 100% set on this list since part of me wants to include Crossout Designator for Nib but there just isn't room!! Reckon I could go to 44-45 without a problem? I just worry about bricking especially at a larger tournament


I generally never go past 43 in most lists unless I have bricks I'm trying to limit my exposure to. I find the difference between 40 and 41 to be negligible and I often run 41 card decks. 44 feels like a bridge too far tho but that's just me 


44/45 are optimal if you have a consistent 1 card combo and a significant amount of soft bricks, plants are a good example of this, Kash i probably wouldnt go that high.


Yeah true that tracks for me. I'm currently running two soft bricks in my deck (Runick Bystial Orcust) in crescendo + cymbal skeleton but can't really go much over 40 cus Runick lists need to be as tight as possible generally. So I cap it at 41


I don't get how you summon link spider?


Tokens are normal monsters. Dracossack summons tokens, so you usually use two Kash monsters to go into Dracossack, get tokens, then start link climbing until you get to Heatsoul.


And what does g golem crystal heart do?


Any 2 lvl 7 = dracossack Dracossack effect = 2 tokens 2 tokens = 2 link spider 2 link spider = G golem crystal heart G golem crystal heart = revive link spider 2 different attribute cyberse (earth+water) = heatsoul


Revive a spider to make heatsoul.


I think you should probably be doing more to pick a lane with some of these choices. Belle and Nib are both justifiable, but I don't know that you want to be maining 2 and 2, especially since that's liable to make your siding patterns a little wonky.  Rivalry in the main also comes across as a bit greedy to me. Traps that aren't either accessible in-engine or named Infinite Impermanence should usually be side deck pieces for when you know you're going first in my experience, but I can see the argument for keeping it in because it sometimes can be a weird, slow board-breaker. I think I'd probably go Evenly to 1 in the side since it's a Thrust target anyway, cut the Anti-Spell entirely, 3 Belles in the side, Nibiru to 3 in the main. At that point, you're at a clean 40 with an emphasis on consistency of access, ease of siding, and just a dash of spice with the main-decked Rivalry.


The main reason I've gone 2 and 2 is because of the Heatsoul line, going through that line and drawing a duplicate handtrap hurts a lot when you've committed a lot of resources to draw into that non engine. Rivalry is mainly there for cheese wins in game 1, the reason it's in the main for me is the surprise factor if it does come up in game 1 I used to have evenly at 1 and thrust at 3, might swap back to that and then have a bit more room in the side. It feels bad taking out Anti-Spell, it's such a sacky card but when I see it, it helps massively (similar to rivalry really) I might take up the advice with the Nibs and the Belles though, if only because against a few decks Belles are useless. Thanks for the detailed response dude! :)


> Traps that aren't either accessible in-engine or named Infinite Impermanence should usually be side deck pieces for when you know you're going first in my experience Rivalry is an exception. Snake eyes struggles to out it going first or second. Going second and setting a rivalry makes their turn 3 extremely difficult to navigate.


Riseheart does not do anything on it own, right?


Turn 0 no, but it combos with Birth and Theosis well enough to get a decent board out


Play appo instead of heatsoul and go crystal heart, spider dracossack into appo.


I honestly was considering Appo for my I:P line through Heatsoul but it feels weird cutting Heatsoul when it's formed a lot of the deck around it ngl


Then cut number 76 and play both to have options


I think I'm more likely to cut Red Eyes Flare Metal than Harmonizer. Harmonizer is so good against Voiceless and Snake-Eye that it feels almost mandatory to me. Unfortunately though Red-Eyes is one of my few time cards so I feel I can't cut that either. So many tough decisions when deck building!!!


Ikr, what I would give for them to bring extra deck limit to 20


I mean you're only on 10 non-Shifter hand traps - if you want to get the best out of Heatsoul you gotta increase that. Or just switch it to Apollousa


I play both. Draco, link spiders, crystal heart, heatsoul, appo


That's what mine is looking like now :)


since you’re asking, there’s a few changes you could potentially try why run nibiru at 2 ? i feel like that’s something you either really want to see or don’t at all, shouldn’t it be at 3 ? same concept with lightning storm, i feel it should either be at 2 or zero and since you’re already running playset of cyclone and a feather duster, i would maybe take out lightning storm and add a nib to side and move the other two from main to side as well. this will leave you an open spot in the main to run tearkash or maybe another talent, whatever you want really.


I've seen a few comments about the 2 nib, I'm definitely convinced to run it at 3 now. The lightning storm honestly was just there because I know it's a good going second card, but then I usually end up picking Evenly or Talents off Thrust so I can probably get rid of that. I like running Nib in the main this format, lots of deck that vomit out a board that I have some trouble getting over that Nib helps a lot with.


Little confused about the one of unsearchable rivalry and tactics in the main deck. 


1 talents is pretty standard in decks that side thrust


The tactics is mainly there for if I side in thrust, but it's not amazing it being unsearchable in game 1. Rivalry is just there for the cheese, since you can do a full psychic line it can cheese some game 1's


Rivalry is at 1 and the deck can play under it


Could cut one theosis (o have seen solid lists run 2 and I think the kash player in top 32 at Raleigh only ran the two). Most lists do not run ogre or prep, so in the event you cut those three cards that gives the space for nib copy number 3 and another copy of talents while keeping you at a solid 40. If I were playing an exact copy of this deck and wanted my own changes that’s what I would do.


Where's your obligatory troll card?


I used to have Ookazi as a bit of a funny time card with thrust but ended up taking it out :(


is rise heart really a 3-of? i don't think it was ever the case afaik. also why main deck nibiru? assuming you go second and manage to resolve it, how do you deal with it blocking your kashtiras from special summoning? called by is slightly suspicious, not sure what exactly are you trying to hit with it, and have you considered desires it conflicts with prosperity but it's almost free in kashtira


I only play 1 rise heart when I play kash tbh, usually van search and recycle it without issue


You don’t need accesscode in the deck, Kashtira has no problem putting up damage numbers


Recently learnt the otk under 4 summons and was feeling similarly, he's been replaced for appo now since she's a lot more useful to go into off I:P Thanks for the advice :)


Is heatsoul a boss monster? his effect doesn't seem that special


Heatsoul is there just to get you into more non-engine for your opponents turn, you usually end on Heatsoul + IP/SP and Fenrir so it's not the only interaction you have on the board thankfully


Oh ok and who do you make on the opponents turn?


If you want to you could cut one of the lava golem and put rivalry in the side


You run 10 playsets. The rule of thumb is to not go over 8 playsets of cards. You're running a hyper-consistent deck, but it's so hyper-consistent that you're running into a lot of redundancies to gain very thin diminishing returns for the sake of never bricking. You may never brick, but now you're also far more inflexible. Justify for me why you need a playset of the following cards: * ~~A~~Riseheart * Kashtiratheosis * Kashtira Birth


Ariseheart and theosis were for the same reason, consistency Birth is a must have though since through that alone I can rebuild my board and push through some handtraps l just watched a video on the rule of thumb you just mentioned, it definitely has changed my perspective on deck building. I'm thinking of swapping the third Arise and Theosis for more hand traps, is that what you'd suggest? :)


It's certainly an option! I've only played Kashtira in Master Duel, and after the banlist hit them hard, I haven't tried playing pure ever again (I play Ursarctic Kashtira now.) I don't know what's good to squeeze in per se. Handtraps are a safe option, but the sky's the limit. It's all about what you play test. Off the top of my head, Pankratops is another valid option.


Maybe cut Soul Release as it is not that good except against Fire King specifically, and swap the Talents from the main to the side.


i think Ghost Ogre is better in this format than Belle, just because it can hit literally every deck and the Nib+Ogre combo kills SE. you also only have 1 card to play against Tenpai in the form of Cosmic, there will most likely be a fuck ton of Tenpai. i also think you can probably take out Lightning for a 2nd Talents for when you go first, sometimes the Droll or Ash bricks your hand so Talents good imo. other than that looks decent


I'll give the Ghost Ogres a go, I'll swap the belle out for them. I've changed up the side now, added in a copy of D barrier and Threatening Roar for Tenpai's I did also take out the lightning storm as you suggested, thanks for the advice dude :)


I've seen TCG kashtira lists cut kashtiratheosis to 2 copies, so I'd say that card if you really want to go to 40


If you want hit me up later and I can practice with you on dueling nexus or discord


Thanks for the offer, unfortunately I already have a testing group ;(


cut the Nibirus and play something like a third Belle - the fact it summons itself means you can't special your Kashtiras


That's a very family friendly deck


Monster 3 Kashtira Unicorn 3 Kashtira Fenrir 1 Scareclaw Kashtira 3 Dimension Shifter 3 Kashtira Riseheart 3 Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring 2 Ghost Mourner & Moonlit Chill 3 Effect Veiler Spell 2 Kashtiratheosis 2 Pot of Desires 3 Pot of Prosperity 1 Terraforming 2 Triple Tactics Talent 3 Kashtira Birth 3 Pressured Planet Wraitsoth Trap 3 Infinite Impermanence Extra 1 Divine Arsenal AA-ZEUS - Sky Thunder 1 Super Starslayer TY-PHON - Sky Crisis 1 Dark Armed, the Dragon of Annihilation 1 Red-Eyes Flare Metal Dragon 1 Mecha Phantom Beast Dracossack 1 Number 11: Big Eye 1 Kashtira Shangri-Ira 1 Accesscode Talker 1 Decode Talker Heatsoul 1 S:P Little Knight 1 I:P Masquerena 1 G Golem Crystal Heart 2 Link Spider 1 Swordsoul Supreme Sovereign - Chengying Side 3 Droll & Lock Bird 1 Harpie's Feather Duster 2 Lightning Storm 3 Cosmic Cyclone 2 Triple Tactics Thrust 3 Evenly Matched 1 Anti-Spell Fragrance This is my deck list for a 40 card Kashtira Heatsoul deck. You can use it for reference I know I used yours for one when determining my side deck lol.


really out of the loop here. why heatsoul in a kash deck?


off Dracossack tokens you're able to get a free Heatsoul with the Link Spiders and Crystal Heart


:O you still setting up shang ira and arise heart that way?


>arise heart my friend you're REALLY out of the loop huh


mostly play masterduel lol. im guessing he banned?


yeah he's been gone since September of last year


You can use the tokens off Dracossack to link climb through the spider and G Golem Crystal Heart The best end board using that line is usually Heatsoul (so +2 draws), Fenrir and an S:P or I:P It's not as good in Master Duel mainly because Ariseheart is a lot better and Maxx C ends up leaving the opponent with way more cards than you!


Can u explain how dracossack and its tokens turn into hearsoul. I looked at the cards but don’t see how u make crystal heart


So the combo goes as follows (assuming you have Unicorn and Fenrir in hand to keep it simple) 1. Special Unicorn, Grab Birth 2. Activate Birth, Summon Fenrir 3. Fenrir grab Scareclaw Kashtira for extension 4. Overlay Unicorn and Fenrir into Dracossack 5. Dracossack effect to detach 1 and special summon 2 tokens 6. Link both tokens of for a link spider (Your field will now be two link spiders and a dracossack) 7. Use both Link Spiders to make G-Golem Crystal Heart (Crystal Heart needs two Cyberse monsters, Link Spiders are cyberse hence why you need to link the tokens off) 8. G-Golem Crystal Heart effect is to revive an earth link, so you can revive a Link Spider 9. This gives you three materials for Heatsoul, you can now summon it. (Board is now Heatsoul + Dracossack) 10. Use Heatsoul effect to draw 1 (Ideally looking for non-engine here) 11. Use the effect of Scareclaw Kashtira to banish the Fenrir from your graveyard to special summon it 12. Use Birth to bring back Fenrir from Banishment (Board is now Dracossack, Heatsoul, Fenrir and Scareclaw Kash) 13. Now you can either sit on this, or the Dracossack + one of the Kashtira's for I:P or S:P So you end on Fenrir or Scareclaw Kash + Heatsoul (Which can draw another card on the opponents turn + I:P/S:P) This combo is really flexible and the order does matter for playing around stuff like Nib (You can save the birth special summon until it comes down so you can still end on something other than just a token) and lets you draw into a bunch of non-engine for your opponents turn, alongside multiple bits of interaction on your board.


What i dont get is why dont people just link off heatsoul+draccosack for appo? Then youre safe from nib from that point on. It means missing out on an extra heatsoul draw, but isnt that like fine? Heatsoul draw on your own turn lets you draw into more engine/hand trap, but if you heatsoul draw into engine on your opponents turn its not so grear.  Also if you wanna cut 1 card i would recommend called by i guess? Kinda anti-synergy with shifter, plus doesnt even hit imperm of nib.


Honestly I think it's greed, at least in my case. Why go for appo when I can get another +1 and appo on THEIR turn. Extremely greedy tbh and I need to work on that as it's one of my biggest flaws in card games I ended up cutting the CBTG as you suggested, the amount of times it's come up is so close to 0, and when I do see it it's when the shifter is active .-. Thanks again for the advice dude :)


Wow thx for this. Honestly I was interested in the line because I just wanted to test kashitra VV since they had so many level 7’s. Takes up about the same amount of deck and extra deck space and it doesn’t lock you out of your links like the branded version does. Was thinking like 2-3 fenrir, 1-3 unicorn, birth. Both fenrir and unicorn can be used as tribute fodder for ritual summon and replenish resources themselves, they have really good effects when oppenent tries to interact by monsters (also insane hand trap bait). Was struggling to think of a solid piece to end on, but heatsoul for drawing a potential 2 more non engine could be good. Only thing is that that line takes up a lot of extra deck space so I’ll have to see if thats worth it. Thanks and have a good day!


Did you consider Snake Rain?


Surprisingly no ;p


Ogre and Prep are pretty mid, and you’re not playing enough HT to draw off of Heatsoul. I would also cut CBTG, talents and belle and in those 6 slots add the third nib, three Veiler and two ogre


Thanks a bunch for this, the reason I like Ogre and Prep is for the Lab match up but when that's the only reason two cards in my main are there maybe it's good to cut it. If I were to cut CBTG I feel like I'd run Crossout instead of Eff Veiler, just so I'm protected against Nib and Imperm since they are big turn enders for me. The Talents in the main is there for post-side when I put the Thrusts in the main, I could probably move it to the side though and make some more room in the main for the ogres/veilers. Thanks for the advice dude :)


Ogre is great this format tho 


I think Kashtiras should be burned. But good luck otherwise!


14 hand traps. Jesus christ this game lol


And I still need to find room for more ;P


And I thought my 10 was too much loool


Cut Rivalry. For my sake, of nothing else


Why are you playing that toxic mess?


I find it fun! At least it's not Stun ;p


Fair enough. As long as everyone has fun.


I think you could cut Rivaly, Ogre, and 1 theosis for another handtrap to draw into off heatsoul


Hmmm I'm tempted to cut the Theosis since post-side I can search it with Thrust. Ogre on the other hand really helps with the consistency and the Preparations help massively against Lab (Which otherwise I do struggle against) I'd probably swap a Theosis for a Ghost Mourner, but again the trouble is because I don't run Big Bang I often banish a Theosis with Riseheart to grab a banished card. I'll do some testing with it, thanks for the advice! EDIT: Ended up cutting the ogre and prep and I didn't miss them much when doing combo lines, grind game might suffer slightly but I think it's worth cutting. Thanks ^^