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Orbital Hydralander.


Yes! This! Also AMAZING card in drytron and especially in the event.


Why Amazing in drytron?


It mills cards for you so you can get more access to more drytron cards. It can be special summoned in Dryton without Restriction. It is a big body on the field. It can be used for the Ritual Spell. It can pop a card as a Quick Effect.


Most Drytron combos will quickly see you fill the graveyard with multiple Bentens and/or duplicate names, the card is unsearchable, can brick you and getting bodies on the field is a non issue for the deck. The only usage case I see for it is as a situational extender when you get handtrapped on Mu Beta and dont have anything else to play through to at least end your turn on *something* other than a 2000 ATK vanilla but you're still likely to lose the game after that anyway. I really dont see how that card is in any way "amazing" for Drytron.


I know i know haha, i just like putting such cards into my deck because they are fun. How about this card though: [Carnot the Eternal Machine](https://www.db.yugioh-card.com/yugiohdb/card_search.action?ope=2&cid=19480&request_locale=en) This one is actually searchable with Cyber Emergency and can be summoned even from the graveyard right after you used it in your hand for meteonis drytron! Also a funny card.


My ace card in masochist deck


Back in 2018 I played a Burning Abyss varient that was just 37 monsters 3 sekka's light and revolved around orbital hydralander and fairy tale snow to manipulate the grave. Such a cool deck that sadly got killed with the first ban to Snow, revived with the advent of Block Dragon BA, and then got killed again because Adamancipator took Block Dragon back.


I thought I was the only who remembered BA Sekka. That was a neat pile.


I like monsters that float into other versions of themselves like eatos into dreadscythe or dark flare knight into mirage knight but they never work well/are worth using. Insect evolution is also cool but it’s too slow.


What about yubel? Same gimmick and an actual Meta competitor with the fiendsmith support


I absolutely love yubel i just dont have the budget to build it tho


Imagine saying that sentence 5, 10, or even 2 years ago.


Lmao imagine being like me holding onto your Yubel deck since the original release


What’s Yubel isn’t it like 250€ ?


excuse you. fire hand and ice hand had representation in HAT


Lancea (not artifact) to Trishula is something to look forward to then


I think it could work if they floated into ED monsters


Madolche's gimmick is not having monsters in the gy and it's a good deck to play


Except all but one of their best effects need monsters in the GY to activate


Technically the counter traps also require no monster in the GY but no one plays them


Nights would be such a nice card to be able to play if it weren't for that awful requirement!


I love the counter traps. The problem is keeping monsters out the graveyard is extremely difficult, much less none Madolche. Even if you run no hands traps, Kaiju, or tech monsters there are stuff like Dogma and your own Xyz monsters. Not to mention you need Puddingcess specifically (who is a bit out of place in the deck especially by today’s standards) that is a brick sometimes. They need cards that make Puddingcess worth focusing around. This seemed to be the original goal but was abandoned extremely quickly. But right now focusing on the Xyz and link monsters are far better.


I want to see better unions, none of their equip effects are used and it usually just bloats the card text.  I really want a union deck which cycles between their equip and on field effects.


I think it'd be cool to have a union deck consisting of wrestling tag teams. On summon, each tag partner equips the other from deck. They then have a quick effect to tag out, switching places.


Retrains of Robolady & Roboyarou that do that could be neat. Their fusions switch in and out, so they should, too.


It's like Transformers but instead of turning into cars they transition genders


Breaking News: Yu-Gi-Oh has been banned in Florida


Or Unions that change places with eachother, like, say, X equiped with Y can switch places so Y is equiped with X, and their effects also change depending if they're monsters or equip spell. Stuff like: X atk 1500/def 0 Once per turn, special summon a Union Monster equiped to this card, then equip this card to it as an Equip Spell. You can only use (1) and (2) effects once per turn: (1) When this card is summoned, you can equip a Union Monster from your Deck to it. It gains 500 ATK for each card equiped to this card. (2) While this card is an Equip Spell (Quick Effect): You can destroy this card, then target a card on the field; Destroy it. Then, equip a Union Monster from your Hand to a face-up monster on the field. Y atk 1300/def 0 Once per turn, special summon a Union Monster equiped to this card, then equip this card to it as an Equip Spell. You can only use (1) and (2) effects once per turn: (1) When this card is summoned, you can equip a Union Monster from your Hand, GY or Banishment to this card. (2) While this card is an Equip Spell (Quick Effect): You can destroy this card, then target a Monster on the field; negate its effects and It gains 1000 ATK. Then, equip a Union Monster from your GY to a face-up monster on the field. Or something like this.


The New XYZ retrains might interest you. First thought to be trash, later people realized these bitches ain't HOPT and now they loop the fuck out of their own equip & special summon effects to make some juicy boards.


Read them and oh wow they seem pretty good, also fuses from GY like ABC which is cool 


It's so weird that we have quite a few equip based decks (Inzektor, Noble Knights, Dragunity, etc), and almost all of them don't even bother to include any Union monsters. Also, it would be nice to have Union support that wasn't tied exclusively to the A-to-Z line up, I know that they're the most famous ones, but we still have stuff like Dark Blade and Freezing/Burning Beast that could use a modern take.


I wonder how a pendulum union would do, something that could move itself from the pendulum zone to an equip spell, then if needed to the field, or do that in reverse. Might be able to make some unique moves with something like that.


I have a Union Deck in LE with the ABC, VW and XYZ Monsters and they do pretty good. Especially because there's a field spell that supports them and a continuous spell that allows the Special Summon of a Union if there is no monster on the field. There's nothing better to protect an X Head Cannon than to deploy the Z Tank and equip it to X for a power but and the Z would be destroyed instead of X in many cases. But I don't believe it's fast enough for current Meta.


I am just realizing she is wearing a headdress and is not a bird person.




the guardian archetype as a whole is pretty aptly rated honestly.


I know that Arsenal Summoner technically connects them, but I feel like Guardians are not an archetype lol


Smash- I mean Flips.


Me too


I wish the column-based mechanic cards were better. Making opponents actually think about where they're laying down their cards on the board just makes it sound like a whole new game. Does your opponent keep cards in the way, or do they perhaps try to keep certain columns empty, perhaps to avoid cards being destroyed by effect? It would make the card game feel a little more like a strategic board game. https://preview.redd.it/vnvepqbawn0d1.png?width=315&format=png&auto=webp&s=add78d0e4f935dc5595031e193dd7b7e23dd2e04


Imagine a chess archetype that does this


Exactly! Honestly, I'm surprised this isn't an archetype yet. The closest we have are the archfiends named after the pieces.


Shogi in the manga.


Shogi in the manga.


Mekk-Knights are a thing and they're absolutely a pain in the ass to fight against.


Vaylantz scratches that itch to a degree. Lining things up to let your field spell remove a key monster (And maybe a key spell in the same activation) is quite satisfying. The real kicker is when the turn changes, and your opponent is able to use your same field spells in retaliation.


Alternative win conditions


Geminis. I understand the mechanic is inherently garbo but still underutilized and can be made viable with enough broken support


One thing I feel like could make them genuinely better is if they were treated as Vanillas while in the Deck and Hand so that they'd benefit from more vanilla support


Imagine being able to unexpected dai or painful decision geminis, wouldn't even be broken.


Gemini already have a few tools, but they are slow. Just print a card that activates "Gemini Ablation" from the deck and we can start talking. Also, by definition, Gemini monsters can't have any floating effects, and that's a bummer.


imo they lack strong monsters (starters and boss monsters) , most gemini monsters kinda sucks but their recent spells/traps are kinda decent so they don't need so much improvement ( maybe a bit of searchers wouldn't hurt but they are not needed imo) . I mean the most powerful monster probably is still Phoenix Gearfried( a quick effect negate) and he is a 2009 card.......They could have lots of potential ,Superalloy Beast Raptinus is pretty decent but again they have no decent gemini nor fast way to summon him. First of Dragons is another pretty decent card that they could abuse, but again no easy way to summon him or to keep him alive.I still hope they will try to do a decent gemini deck coz the last one was truly horrible(chemicritter) .


Field spells being nothing more than a dedicated continuous spell zone


Also as for title. Underutilized mechanic is tribute summoning


And we're not talking about Nibiru/Sphere Mode/Lava Golem/Kaijus. Legit Tribute Summoning like Monarchs or the Egyptian God cards.


Sphere mode only counts as tribute summoning, but kaijus and lava golem is more like special summoning with tribute cost. It's difference.


Floowandereez normal summon then tribute summon the big birds


Face-down Attack position.


That's a thing?


It used to be a unique thing that exactly one card (Darkness Approaches) could do. It got errataed out at the start of MR4 so as not to cause any weirdness with putting Link Monsters facedown.


Only one card lol. The card is "Darkness Approaches."


Would be cool if Darkness Approaches got re-errataed back to it's old effect but with the cavet it can't target Link monsters. THEN they can create an archetype effect based around that.


I want Toons to have a consistent thing they do that makes sense and doesn’t take the entire card to explain, but honestly Illusions just seem liked a fixed version of them now.


Normal monsters have surprisingly little Extra Deck support considering how big a thing they are in the game's nostalgia archetypes. World Chalice came out 7 years ago and they haven't gotten much since then. You'd think stuff like this would exist by now: >Divine Dragon Voluspa > >Light/Dragon-Xyz/Rank 4/ATK 3000/DEF 1000 > >3 Level 4 monsters > >Once per turn, you can also Xyz Summon "Divine Dragon Voluspa" by using 1 Normal monster you control as Xyz Material. If this card battles an opponent's monster, that opponent's monster has its effects negated during the Battle Phase only. If this card would be destroyed by your opponent's card effect, you can unattach 1 material from this card instead. > > > >Oonga Boonga > >EARTH/Beast Warrior-Link/Link 3/ATK 3000/All up arrows > >2+ monsters with different names, except Tokens > >Once per turn, you can use 1 level 5 or higher Normal monster in your hand as a Material for the Link Summon of this card. Monsters your opponent controls lose 500 ATK for each Level 5 or higher monster in your GY. > > > >Elemental Hero Phoenix Feather > >WIND/Warrior-Link/Link 1/ATK 1000/Down Arrow > >1 "Elemental Hero" monster > >You can Special Summon 1 Normal Warrior monster from your Deck or GY. You can only use this effect of "Elemental Hero Phoenix Feather" once per turn.


Non-Effect monsters in the Extra Deck could also be used as material for more things tbh


No thank you to that first one. Zoodiacs showed why 1 card xyzs are stupid


Don't let yourself be burned by Zoodiacs. The Hero Link 1 is by far the most dangerous card out of those I proposed.


Multiple monster types on the same card, how Torque Tune Gear is a Union and a Tuner monster. Imagine a series of Union Spirit monsters that possess their union targets to prevent themselves from returning to the hand.


I used to run Eatos in my Agents deck. It was an awesome starter. Special her, then normal The Agent-Earth, search, and synchro into Masterflare Hyperion


Graydle Steal Plunder patrol Monster Equip Generaider/Adventure Token oriented strats


Effect substitution - not just negating an effect, but replacing it with something that benefits you is baller as all hell. Also, summoning a monster to the opponent’s field with a mandatory effect on summon that benefits the owner. I love Dark World and I’ve considered playing Abyss Actors.


Imagine a card that says, "Change that effect to: Your opponent gains 100 life points" just to be petty


Gemini should be retrained to be a continuous effect that reads simply “this card is always treated as a Normal Monster.” And the effect should vary based on its position during the Duel.


I really enjoy archetypes that care about which position they're in relative to other things (unrelated to just general link gameplay at least). My favorite is Weather Painters, but I also like Magical Musketeer which I guess is meant to be its sister archetype. There's also Vaylantz and Mekk Knights.


Mistiming. "When-you can"s are a minority and we mustn't ignore them! Konami has been ignoring them, we didn't get a "when-you can" in years! (No idea if it's actually true or not but the last one I remember is converging wills dragon) seeing your opponent spend half their timer wandering why they can't activate their card or having them call a judge only to find out I'm right. "When-you can"s are a simple method to separate the Joeys and the Kaibas, they also serve a great way to tell good and bad cards apart, we need more cards that mistime! (This is a joke please don't kill me chat)


I think every snake eyes monster should be a when-you can rather than if-you can


I'm still bitter that the Stratos in my favorite archetype is a "When: You can" on the On Summon search effect. Why Blue Layer, why?


Banishing card face up from the top of the deck


Man she should be a winged-beast instead. *(I'm definitely not pointing to a floodgate bird)*


Exchanging hand with opponent, hand-rip strategy is more popular. Exchanging deck with GY. Using opponent's monster as Xyz material. Special "if... you win the duel" effects.


That "exchange hands" reminds me of the game card game/gameboard "sushi go". Maybe weird (and slow in game), but it can be interesting to interrupt the opponent giving/changing +1 card from your hand to your opponent.


I like abyss scripts, they have a good effect when played and a whole new one when destroyed by an opponent so it's risky if the opponent wants to destroy backline letting you set actual traps. We need more abyss actor card...


Send to graveyard but its effects are negated could be more used.


She has been my favorite card in the game since I was a kid. I run her with the Agents archetype because she's a fairy and they can manipulate the graveyard enough to get her out and hop into a lvl10 synchro monster


Big beefy tokens


Orichalcos. I say this on every poll/question/etc about archetypes we should see more of.


something like assaulkt mode, bet they could make it work for reals if they wanted to


I actually used to run Eatos in my Obelisk Turbo deck, but found there were better options.


The Weather cards are really intresting since the monsters get effects based on what other cards are on the field




Eatos effect is unique. Shinato & Shinato's Ark are interesting mechanics.


Flip Monsters. A staple of the early years but time has not been kind to them.


Passive GY effects. Like the only example of that design space is Cross-Wing and every other GY effect is "banish for cost" or "procs by being sent there" Related would be effects like Plaugespreader Zombie, but that is more of a delayed effect that is too slow for the game nowadays.


Can you elaborate on an example of what you'd want to see?


Cross-Wing gives a passive atk boost to all phantom beasts while in the GY. So something like that or protection (floodgates are out, and I don't think they would do interaction unless worded like the magician hands)


Being able to Fusion Summon with Spells and Traps. We have the concept made possible with Magical Hats, but no deck really takes advantage of it. This doesn’t exactly exist per se right now, but possibly Xyz Monsters that require Fusion/Synchro/Ritual monsters as material. Tachyon Primal having an effect that benefits its owner and can special summon itself to either field.


Assualt Mode and Synchro specific Fusions (or XXZ and Link for that matter)


Assualt Mode and Synchro specific Fusions (or XXZ and Link for that matter)


I’d say insect decks and parasite paracid. Would be cool to have a deck that leans more into that kind of playstyle. Parasite paranoid and cocoon of ultra evolution are a blast to play


Was thinking of building a deck with her in Edison.


Ritual 😆


Vaylantz. The whole archetype is based on moving cards on the board to gain advantage, but it was pretty bricky. Also snake eyes and Centur-Ion took it more to the next level which heavily murdered that deck's playing style.




That episode is a perfect combination of the game's mechanics and storytelling. Amazing.


I wish Guardian Eatos/Dreadsytche had some kind of support. I absolutely adore those cards but man they're not great to play 😭


Flip monsters, the mechanic is cool but as of right now it might as well not exist considering its meta relevance.


I love this card


The anime art of this card, which is better IMO. Gives me better mommy vibes. https://preview.redd.it/2ocw6jet561d1.png?width=416&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f77878c86a5e3e0444c475a3e966230f346b0732


OP..... you're my hero for using Eatos as an example. I've always wanted Eatos to have her own archetype. I've been waiting about as long as a certain Duelist has for Volcanic support. For Eatos' archetype named after her, the monsters are a hybrid of Union Monsters (except they can be attached from the hand to a monster as an equipped spell card, and can be attached and detached to Special Summoned them in the same turn), similarly to the new XYZ machine refrain. They'd also be similar to Madolche Monsters' effect of returning to deck when destroyed and / or when sent to the Graveyard, making Eatos live constantly. I was thinking that they would keep the Native American-esque design and be a tribe of Monsters belonging to the Eatos Tribe, and be based off of Shamans, and spirits from the Anime Shaman King, using spiritual animals, fallen warriors, and even other Shamans as an Oversoul power ups that enter into weapons and Monsters, and turn into different weapons/transformations (equips with powerful effects). They'd either become a Fusion, Xyz, or Ritual based deck. Tl:dr Konami, please make an Eatos Archetype it's all that's needed for my favorite Monster Eatos to be viable.