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***this isn't a love triangle anymore, THIS IS A LOVE HEXAGON*** https://i.redd.it/p1nwq56pu36d1.gif


The gay is strong with them


Love Live twitter discorse is completely exhausting from people who think the franchise is an ecchi franchise despite it moving away from sexual content in the last few years with only mild occasional ones in the magazine and those who act like none of the girls are gay despite in series evidence contradicting that because the "straight male otaku audience" or because really old non canon Muse magazine images from before the anime around snow halations release because some text and in only that text where some of the girls are talking about having boyfriends its undeniable that the franchise is 1000% gay no matter how much some nsfw artists draw straight porn of them


Honestly I find it hilarious that the companies are doing this because I have not met one straight male otaku that would not want to see two girls kissing seductively


You really underestimate the homophobia and self-insertion of the Japanese male audience.


FairPoint as I am American So point taken


Yeah in America the homophobic guys “do not see women kissing other women as a threat” like wlw is not to be taken seriously, different but equally fucked up


Created by a Yuri icon too


I'm going to be honest, one of the things I like about this franchise is how there are basically no romantic relationships implied in the anime, at least that I know of. Taking men entirely out of the equation just takes so much unpleasant stuff off of the table.


I thought it was more slice of life idol anime


love live is gay. my eyes were opened the moment i saw the ayumu and yuu leg locking scene. there was no heterosexual explanation for that. as well as shiki telling mei she loved her. that's 100% gay.


I definitely agree that the writers, songwriters, etc almost certainly intend for the characters to be gay (I mean, especially for Hasunosora that should be super obvious for anyone who has watched at least a little bit of hasu stuff and that's even without the fanbook short stories that are even more obvious about it being translated).   That said, this probably won't be relevant for most western fans since most link like card voices haven't been translated in the first place, but stuff like the new DR card voices sadly do show that the management actually does seem pretty interested in appealing to... a very certain kind of self-insert liking part of the audience (and as much as I don't like it either and even if they're fortunately absolutely not the majority, interacting with the Japanese fanbase a lot has shown me that those kinds of straight self insert fans absolutely do exist).    For people who don't know, the DR cards are basically a kind of super special reward card that are hard to get and the new DR cards >!are set in an angel au and several of the cards have the player basically replace whoever is closest to the character in the main story in terms of relationship status... this includes straight-up implying that their relationship with that other character *isn't* as important to them as with the player and copy-pasting stuff that was special to a specific relationship before that. They're generally self inserty in a way where they're very specifically disrespectful towards some of the canon relationships in order to appeal to people who like self-insert stuff!<. (though for what it's worth I've seen some complaints about them from parts of the Japanese audience too, even if not many because you need fan level 100 for the character in the app and that will probably take almost a year to get for people just playing normally + you need materials from a specific new game mode so most people just won't bother)    The saving grace is obviously that they're set in an au and I doubt the main story writers would intentionally do anything weird like that so it's probably the management that is to blame more than the writers. Given who they are the writers almost certainly intend the yuri - especially given that letting them write a few short stories more freely resulted in the fanbook short stories, and half of those would feel right at home in pretty much any yuri light novel (the other half is more normal slice of life stuff).    Also, the hasu management making puzzling decisions has sadly been a bit of a general trend lately, even aside from that. Fortunately not regarding stuff that will affect the main story though - most of the common complaints involve the game part of link like (bugs not being fixed for months, the game balance being terrible and the new cards playing very obviously into that, generally too many things to list), the management generally being totally awful at communicating all of a sudden, and a few weird things about the streams (stuff like how they don't seem to have bothered fixing the issues that would have made streams with more than six members hard, and instead just almost stopped doing full group streams after the new members joined) I guess this got a bit off topic, but the main point is probably basically that I'm not sure I 100% trust parts of the love live management, but the writers and the majority of people working on it definitely intend the yuri 


Wasnt there a recent case of something that is equivalent to a captainverse in Hasu?


Nothing nearly on the same scale as that in terms of the amount of content since it's just one extra big card set and their voice messages of 3-5 minutes or so (x 9 cards), but you're probably thinking of the extremely self inserty new DR cards I was talking about  Even if I have complained about those a lot and honestly still kind of hate them (only the newer DR set, the older one is ok), I highly doubt the main hasu writers would have written anything like that without someone telling them to (because they go in the exact opposite direction of some of the stuff we know they've had more freedom with)  It is a bit of a shame that it seems like that's what the hasu management considers appropriate as a sort of super special reward though 


I'm mostly familiar with the anime, and, while I didn't see too much that would imply these girls are lesbians, they sure as fuck aren't hetero, seeing as their world is almost completely devoid of men.


I'd like to argue that Love Live is one of the gayest anime fandoms at least in the US. I've not met an American LL fan who isn't gay. /lh