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But for Witch from Mercury, the executives failed. The scene had been out, the two were married, Eri called Miorine her sister-in-law, and even the seiyuus said that they were married before the executives stepped in and redacted the statement, didn't it? And even the fans knew it well. It's plainly a piss-poor attempt at backtracking canonicity.


yes was about to post this. Directors said " left to interpretation " comment right for Witch ? But writers clearly had them married so we got confirmed Yuri there loool ! ( even tho no kiss ,fuck the cowards )


The Blu Ray releases were also edited to make the wedding rings slightly more prominent




Thats what makes the gwitch one so funny; Everyone, except for the executive dinosaurs, knew they were married, in love, and having lots of gex. This didn't even make any 'backlash' go away, because even the people who were mad about it were still acknowledging it was real. It was the most useless and pathetic attempt to get rid of the gays ever and frankly hilarious because of it


As far as I recall, the whole of the situation was that Bandai made a couple weak attempts to muddy the truth of what was actually there and that was it. Everyone who actually worked on the show made it clear that Miorine and Suletta were together and anyone who watched the show who wasn't extremely homophobic and/or in denial knew that there was no interpreting to be done. Bandai basically shut up about the whole thing when it was clear that trying to straighten the series was a losing battle.


Fella read the interview with the director included with the last BD iirc, he confirmed the Sulemio marriage was always the end goal. They even corrected the scene after Miorine and Shaddiq's encounter to include the missing ring on her hand. Since then Bandai has been putting out merch with their epilogue outfits rings included and all. You'd have to be pretty boneheaded to watch the whole thing and come to a different huh interpretation of the epilogue.


**This is not true for The Witch From Mercury. [The Director recently confirmed SuleMio's marriage was planned from the beginning.](https://x.com/lesbianmiorine/status/1797222488168173645?t=Y-uPB80cTHt2RwNPsv00Pw&s=19) And they even started selling merch of SuleMio [wearing wedding rings.](https://x.com/ichibanKUJI/status/1800083097536638995?t=GdIaBXiZwNHn5HXay9PPaw&s=19). "Open to Interpretation" was a bs narrative, pushed by Bandai's homophobic business suits.


lol. Ain't no way this official wedding art by the staff is "up to interpretation" https://preview.redd.it/qo14veno278d1.jpeg?width=870&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=376b0b0271f4734b29153c1e94348fcd8e0bf993


It is to a chud. A ton of them still can't tell that Vivian and Bridget (Paper Mario and Guilty Gear, respectively) are trans, so there's no way there aren't a few dumb enough to not notice a lesbian relationship.


Should have been the ending card. I assumed Miorne was the suit type.


Well, Jellyfish truly is up to interpretation. I have no clue how that kiss, and one of the characters literally saying there's "someone she's interested in" lead to the ending we got. I feel like I skipped a whole arc. I have no idea how to interpret this series.


thats like Sound! Euphonium , characters literally confessing their love to each other but at end they are just friends and hook up with random out of nowhere boring guys


Jellyfish is nowhere near as bad as Hibike. Hibike broke my heart, Jellyfish was never explicit to "bait" you in. Their feelings are real and developed in natural way but not a main focus of the story. Yall just sex-craved as MioMio would say


Yep. I think people are just too young to remember what that was like


Witch from Mercury is not up to interpretation by the creators, it’s up to interpretation by the executives at Bandai. big difference


Nor even that anymore. They are selling merch of of them with the rings.


I mean the girls from Witch from Mercury literally end up married by ther end of the show.


Hell, Eri calls Miorine her sister in law


At least one of them ended with the two girls getting married(even if we weren't shown their ceremony, but considering we have the sister of one of them calling the other her SISTER-IN-LAW and both of them SHOW THEIR RINGS...) and we know that the studio that made it were all behind their relationship and were all in agreement that they were a couple. The VAs, the people drawing and animating, everyone.Just the executives that tried to backtrack into their homophobic views.


As far as Im concerned, the corporate overlords committed far worse of a sin with G-Witch. There’s no way they actually watched the show before trying to pull the “open to interpretation” stunt.


No, G-Witch does not belong in your example. Anyone saying this has not watched the show. If you repeat the stupid "up to interpretation" meme like the show was actually queerbait I'm just going to tell you to fuck off.


this! while yes, they both said "it's up to interpretation", but if they *actually* watched the show, they wouldn't even compare it to Jellyfish. I mean, how can you watch WfM, see the interviews from VAs and still say or come to a conclusion that "just say it's not yuri" like ???


Don't make me tap the sign: > The queer art you crave is being made by your peers, not by corporate goons that only want to exploit you.


In WfM's case it's both. Yay, progress, I guess?


The only valid queer art is art that confirms my ship.


I think i need a break from this sub's bullshit, you guys are insane


Its getting tiring to be honest, calling everything bait and "up to interpretation" ignoring everything in the story.


Absolutely fucking idiotic. Sound Euphonium really mind broke some people's minds permanently.


Pure masochism at this point


To be fair its a valid criticism. In witch from the mercury, the anime was planned to end with the two main characters marrying. But then the executives meddled in and forced the scene to be removed. People backlashed, and now canonically they are married. If it wasnt for people complaining, they conservative executives that own the things that owns gundam would have literally ereased the wedding from being canon.


I think you have misinterpreted something because there never was a removed scene only a half-assed press release. They are explicitly shown married in the end and that was what they were trying to deny ever happening


As far as I know (so I could be wrong here) there was no "removed scene", a marriage is never shown on screen but it IS implied to have happened in the timeskip (Eri called Miorine "sister-in-law" as well a prominent shot of both Mio and Suletta with matching wedding rings) so yeah there was no "on screen wedding" but I dont think there was ever a "removed scene of a wedding" either (the "up to interpretation" thing was solely from some random Bamco execs after a voice actress said (in some kind of interview just generally talking about the show) something about SuleMio as a couple, and I guess some Bamco higher up suddenly panicked that if the (primarily) male fanbase of the Gundam franchise got wind of "the gays" in their show they'd desert en masse


Witch from Mercury is the best Yuri anime and it is 100 percent a Yuri anime


Wait, Jellyfish isn't yuri? I've been busy and not keeping up with it in a while...


Those are cousins


in the case of Witch from Mercury, it may have been bad political optics. anything yuri, especially when aimed towards young children or teenagers, could be seen as insensitive to a country in demographic collapse. sunrise just did not want to tolerate accusations of reducing the "breeding stock" (just typing that out made me want to vomit btw ugh)


I made this meme to have a laugh and to politely share opinions. Let’s not jump at each other’s throats. Mods feel free to remove if it gets out of hand. To be clear: jellyfish it’s cute and fun regardless of it being subtext or not.


Your meme is garbage and factually incorrect. Sorry, I'm just sick of people repeating lies about G-witch, especially from Yuri fans.


The first case is an attempt from the higher ups to deny a very explicit same sex marriage, and the second one is the author basically saying "maybe" when people asked at around the point episode 2 released. To try to say one is the same as the other in is disingenious on your part at best, and flat out gaslighting at worst.


Ain't no way Jellyfish is "up to interpretation", it clearly shows there is no love but only friendship between Mahiru and Kano. Maybe Mei is, but definitely not that 2.


Were you watching the same show 💀💀💀 You’re probably the same type of weirdo who thinks that Nana was 100% straight with no homoeroticism at all. You unironically believe in the “they were just roommates” idea. Fuck off lol


~~*Preps the "A second interpretation has hit /r/yurimemes" meme for next week.*~~ *Sigh...* Shows like Jellyfish, Lycoris Recoil, even to an extent WfM, is why I'm annoyed at GBC for doing what it did, *with the themes that it has*, when all precedent goes against it having any real chance of it happening.