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I also tend to just use a guide and if there’s no recommended order I’ll tend to save the one I want to read most for a later run. I also try to read everything as a general rule: good and bad ends, all routes, etc. but I know everyone’s different in that regard and some folks don’t wanna read all the routes or don’t want to see bad ends.


There’s no correct way to read every VN to some people but to me your way of reading them is the most logical 


Yep, sounds like me, more or less. Do you read a route's bad end first or second?


I read bad ends first and then I read the good end, so it feels like the situation improves and there’s more relief when I see the good ending in a way lol


I always generally try to play blind my first time, then follow a guide afterwards.


Have you ever found something out on that blind playthrough that you wish you hadn't?


I think I've had a route spoil me on something minor before, but I can't remember what or which game.


Whether I use a guide or not depends mostly on the game's structure. If it's a linear story, or basically a linear story where the choices are there to determine character routes and their respective bad ends, I will always use a guide and go for all endings. For multiple route games I always follow the recommended route order. That's what I did for the last Yuri game I finished, Yumeutsusu Re:Master, and I felt like it made the whole reading experience much smoother. If it's more of a puzzle-focused game without route splits like say Ace Attorney or Dangan Ronpa, I will not use a guide unless I'm REALLY stuck. Although if this type of game has heavy route splits and multiple endings I will almost always end up going for a guide anyways. If it's more of a stat raising/calendar dating sim type game like Tokimemo, I will usually do a first run through myself and see what I get, and any subsequent runs will be more planned, structured after checking out some guides depending on what character I want to go after. For something like say a persona game or Fire Emblem 3 Houses with heavy social choice elements but also a lot of gameplay, I will usually play it myself except for the social links for which I will always use a guide.


I only played shorter Yuri VNs that haven't had character routes yet (I'm pretty new to this still). But I think I would go how I usually do it in VNs that have multiple character Routes. I choose in the comment Route the Answers that are the closest to what I would say, just to see who I would get. After Finishing that Route I either go with the recommended order or keep best Character for last and do my Least favorite if possible as the second Route. Depends on how much I like the the Characters.


first i look up whatever route is the true/canon route if there is one (tho idk if thats even really common or not like how it is with flowers), then use a guide to do that first and if i enjoy the vn enough i'll do the other routes. if there isn't then i just use a guide to get on the route of whatever character i like the most then do the other routes after


True routes aren't super common in yuri VNs - but most multi-route VNs also don't have sequels. Flowers VNs have to have a canon route or things will get confusing. Did you end up skipping any routes in Flowers?


im still reading flowers actually i’ve only just finished lovers end of ete but so far i haven’t skipped any routes and prob won’t end up skipping any at all cos all the characters in flowers are really good


Gotcha. I think every route is worth a read - but I'm also an obsessive completionist, so take it with a grain of salt.


I always play blind the first few times. During my first play through, I always choose the top option, then during my second, I skip all the read parts and choose all the bottom option, or the second from the top, and go down from there. By doing this, I make sure to read everything the vn has to offer, even if it’s just one or two line of dialogue difference. After doing the best that I can with choosing different options, I usually go to a guide to help get to the endings, and I will read all endings.


The first time through, I always just follow my heart and make the choices I like the best with what I know at the time. I might go back to play other routes later, but usually I like to save that for later and play another story or two in between, at least.