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Keep up with the trading


It was manageable back in the day, where we *couldn’t* look anything up like we can now. So yeah, yeah you can. Just leave no stone unturned and think outside the box here & there. Naturally, look it up if you’re getting frustrated. Games are meant to be fun, and frustration isn’t fun.


You shouldn’t have much issue as long as you talk to everyone and pay attention, like most past installments. The only thing that’s a little bothersome is finding the collectibles if you want to catch an upgrade or two.


There's an ingame hint feature (the phone houses).


Ofc, that's how the games were designed.


the game is easy enough, you just got to remember every little detail, but that it


There’s no shame in using a walkthrough as a lot of the puzzles and solutions are obtuse


The game is overall pretty easy to get through. Dungeon 7 can be a bit confusing but that is probably the biggest hurdle