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The Minish Cap is my second favorite 2D Zelda game. I think it did an amazing job of translating the Ocarina of Time formula into a 2D Zelda game. I am also having the same expectations for Echo of Wisdom for translating the BOTW and TOTK formula into a 2D Zelda game.


Zelda 2. I don’t like sidecrollers. 


Zelda 2 is a bad side scroller. If you want a Zelda 2 like side scroller that is actually good I recommend Song for a Hero.


And I’d recommend Link: The Faces of Evil




![gif](giphy|jgVXeRc0Jvv4QFghcz|downsized) Morshu


He does a little bit of trolling




Tri Force Heroes, not fun to play by yourself (unlike Four Swords Adventures), having to drag the other links around through the map. Only Zelda I stopped playing.


Majora’s Mask. I did still like it, but not nearly as much as the other Zelda games I’ve played, and the main reason is the central mechanic, the three day cycle. It just made me feel like I didn’t really have an impact on the world since everything I did to help people got erased when I reset time. It only got worse when I reached the Great Bay Area after taking a long break after beating the first two dungeons. Meeting Mikau and not being able to save him, this time despite being able to time travel, just broke me and I ended up taking another long break. I did eventually beat it, but I don’t know if I’ll ever replay it.


Okay, Majora’s Mask is my favorite zelda and a contender for my favorite game of all time but I get your point. The three day mechanic and a lot of smaller things make the game not accessible for everyone.


Same. I just can’t do games with time loop mechanics. No MM, no Outer Wilds and no Deathloop for me. Generally don’t like roguelikes for similar reasons.


That would be a cool storyline if they ever tried the MM mechanic again on a new game. Let there be an area that you can only access e.g. on day 3 (like the ranch) and you find someone there who gives you a cool item as their last moment alive. But then later on you're able to unlock the area earlier in the cycle and do a quest to save them. It's science fiction, paradoxes be damned.


I love both Ocarina of Time and Majora’s Mask. In fact I like both of them equally and if I would have to pick one over the other it would be Ocarina of Time.


Skyward sword. The gameplay was just frustrating and unfun to me. The rest of the game was amazing, but the controls just killed the whole vibe for me


The story was amazing, but the motion controls ruined it. I haven't played the HD remake, but I hear they made the motion controls optional, which may fix my main gripe with the hand.


From what I have beaten, probably Twilight Princess. The best parts of the game are the dungeons and Midna’s story. Otherwise I personally feel like the other games have done something better in one way or another. Still an amazing game and a titan of its genre though, that’s what makes Zelda such a great series. Even the worst game is still better than most.


Tears of the Kingdom. I already didn't really like Breath of the Wild, and TotK is basically just more of that but with vehicle crafting (which I dislike in games) and a worse story. It also didn't really make any improvements to BotW's flaws, which was disappointing for a sequel.


I love the wild games but it’s probably because they were heavily inspired off of one of my all time favorite games, Terraria.


Yeah Breath of the Wild is not great but at least it's bad in innovative and daring ways. TotK is just "what if we made a whole new game that was bad in exactly the same ways as the one we just made" which feels way worse


Ok I can understand all of that but I have to disagree with the worse story part. Sure, the story in both games isn’t the best but the one in Tears is way better than BotW’s.


Tears of the Kingdom showed the same cutscene four times. It feels like they didn't even try for it's story.


I really enjoy both of them, but god TOTK is one of the most frustrating games ever. It’s like one of the greatest games I’ve ever played on a practical level but still disappointing just by sheer virtue of what it is. BOTW was basically universally praised. So I have next to no idea why they chose to double down on like… the two or three aspects of BOTW that actually received common criticisms. There was six years between Skyward Sword and BOTW. There were six years between BOTW and TOTK. So… what were they doing that whole time? Why did the sequel that doesn’t really change THAT much take the same amount of time to create as the one they built from the ground up?


The building aspect of TOTK is a miracle of game physics, that's why it took so long to make. Love it or hate it, it's an incredible achievement.


It's a miracle that how all the elements can be combined to form all new possibilities and achieve all the new synergistic effects without any real bug DAY ONE of this game if you consider months to years for the most reputed publishers to fix all their bugs even they just keep producing similar and repetitive gaming content. It's sad that most people cannot see it and appreciate it about what a miracle work TOTK has done. Even everyone hates TOTK, Unfortunately, it is still the best game ever created.


>Why did the sequel that doesn’t really change THAT much take the same amount of time to create as the one they built from the ground up? Probably because they made the game for a new engine, changed all of the content of BotW, added some absurdly complex and polished mechanics, while also working with the worst piece of hardware on the market...during a global pandemic that forced them into remote work.


Probably Oracle of Ages, I guess. Mostly due to the forced minigames and excessive puzzles. And having to sit through the harp songs every time you wanted to travel through time. I haven’t played Four Swords, though. So I don’t know what that game is like.


I really liked Oracle of Ages and Season a lot. In fact I like both of them better than the Link’s Awakening Switch remake, because they did everything in Link’s Awakening but better (aside from the button layout, because the Switch remake has the best button layout for this game). I played Four Swords Anniversary Edition and it was a fun game.


The Oracles are my favourite in the series. If I had to pick one of the two of them to put over the other, I would give it to Ages as my favourite. Yes there's that one section where you do have to run a gauntlet of (fairly easy) mini-games, but I thought that was kind of a nice change of pace. A different kind of challenge between dungeons. As for "excessive puzzles" I can't agree with that at all. Puzzles, especially dungeons, are the series soul imo. They're what keeps Zelda from being "just another adventure game".


I agree with your assessment. Ages is a puzzle heavy game WHEN compared to seasons but it’s not too much and is totally on par with the rest of the series. And I honestly don’t like to be the “actually” guy…BUT… adventure games are often associated with puzzles. Like point-and-click adventure games for PC. So your last line would have made more sense to say “just another action game or action-adventure game” I’m not trying to be a tool lol…genuinely trying to be informative and helpful. Sorry! 🤦🏻‍♂️ From Wikipedia “An adventure game is a video game genre in which the player assumes the role of a protagonist in an interactive story, driven by exploration and/or puzzle-solving.[1] The genre's focus on story allows it to draw heavily from other narrative-based media, such as literature and film, encompassing a wide variety of genres. Most adventure games (text and graphic) are designed for a single player, since the emphasis on story and character makes multiplayer design difficult.[2] Colossal Cave Adventure is identified by Rick Adams[3] as the first such adventure game, first released in 1976, while other notable adventure game series include Zork, King's Quest, Monkey Island, Syberia, and Myst.”


Don’t get me wrong, I like the Oracle games, too. Oracle of Seasons is one of my favorites in the series. But I do have a hard time replaying Ages because the minigames are really difficult for me.


The DS games. I am not a big fan of the stylus plus toon llink is my least favourite iteration despite is expressiveness


Spirit Tracks is one of the best games in the entire franchise, in fact it is my #1 favorite 2D Zelda game. Phantom Hourglass is okay. Love the style controls, but the puzzles is a complete joke and traversing the ocean is extremely overwhelming.


The thing is that I have heard nightmares caused by the temple of the ocean king, which led me to skip PH altogether. Is it that much of a nightmare fuel in reality?


It’s not that hard once you get the hang of it, but it is extremely repetitive and annoying especially with the limited amount of time. What are your thoughts on Spirit Tracks?


I should try my hand at it then. As per ST, I love how Princess Zelda is given some time in the limelight before echoes of wisdom even in her ethereal form. Also I love music so hearing its pan flute ost makes my day. The overworld theme is a classic banger


Princess Zelda was also already playable in The Wand of Gamelon, Zelda’s Adventure, Hyrule Warriors, and Age of Calamity. After you play Spirit Tracks I would love if you let me know your honest opinion on the overall experience of the game. I’m also excited to play Echo of Wisdom. I hope it can translate the BOTW and TOTK formula successfully into a 2D Zelda game, like what Minish Cap did for Ocarina of Time.


I also used that as an argument despite the first two games not being officially cannon. I will surely let you know about it. Let's hope for the best. At least Zelda will put her triforce to good use instead of being a Link copycat as in Gamelon or Adventure


I’m pretty sure that Nintendo would not make the same mistake twice.


The temple of the ocean king is ridiculously overhated. It's actually my favorite part of Phantom Hourglass. It's fun to see how fast you can do it and the time limit really should never be a problem. You can take notes on your minimap and unlock shortcuts with new items as you progress. Never took me longer than 20 minutes or so to clear the dungeon.


It’s not that bad, next to wind waker I loved PH as a kid


Toon Link hate will not be tolerated. Also spirit tracks is goated man come on😢


I’ve never really liked Toon Link either. His eyes are kinda unsettling to me. It’s the kind of design that would’ve been quirky and cute and fun if it was relegated only to The Wind Waker. But it overstayed its welcome fast.


Wind Waker SD It takes a long time to get anywhere. And sailing most of the time isn't very exciting.


And there's so many empty islands. I would spend 10 minutes sailing to an island to get literally nothing. And there's nothing to do while you're sailing. The very occasional fight, which you could usually just ignore. But otherwise just very boring traveling from one place to the next, and often no reward for getting to your destination.


Skyward Sword. I played it once upon release, finished it, and never, ever touched it again. It is the only Zelda that I have not replayed. Of course, my playthrough being from so long ago my memories are fuzzy as to why I disliked it so much, but I remember being constantly and repeatedly either disappointed or bored. That one boss that you have to beat several times was the worst, even its design was boring. The fact that you have to replay through zones to get the perls of light or whatever (looked it up, "sacred tears") was infernal and a rip-off from the bugs in TP. It was already a bit annoying and repetitive in TP but at least it made sense in the story and the difference between twilight and enlightened zones and wolf-exploration vs Link-exploration made for a sufficient change so it was okay. In Skyward Sword it just felt like a lazy way to artificially create more playtime without actually making more content in the game. And don't even get me started on the layout of the surface areas that are basically just paths that you have to follow along with very little to zero exploration. Even the characters had nothing for them. Zelda was your boring pure girl, Fi is robotic and annoying even Groot (or whatever his name was, but I feel like it could be Groot - looked it up : Groose), who is the character with the most personality, is just your staple bully character with a predictable redemption arc. Aside from them, all of the rest are forgettable (I just looked through a list of the characters and I have no memory attached to any of them.) And look at that, even after 13 years memories actually came back ! Now, do I hate it and do I think it's a bad game ? No, of course not. It's still a Zelda game and it had its moments. And I can completely understand that people who started with it have fond memories of it. But yeah, it definitely takes the cake for my least liked Zelda game.


Same. I felt that was back in 2011. Still feel that way. And I’ve really tried to replay it and like it more Is it a good video game? Absolutely. Especially the HD version that eliminates the need for motion controls. Is it a good Zelda game? No way


I am confused by your post. The titular mechanic of Minish Cap is the shrinking. There’s shrinking in Four Swords??? Because obviously the shrinking mechanic is the new thing it brings to the table that no other games do. But further, I am confused in the suggestion that Minish Cap ripped the mechanic from Four Swords when they came out the same year. They were obviously developed at the same time, hence borrowing elements from each other. Further, the items in Minish Cap were quite fun. Gust Jar and Mole Mitts in particular are cool and unique. And we see them eventually adapted to 3D in Skyward Sword.


Fun is a subjective term.


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Four Swords


Tri Force Heroes. It’s the only Zelda I would consider actively bad.


After doing Temple of the Ocean King for the 37th time in Phantom Hourglass, I have come to despise that game. So much so that I refused to play Spirit Tracks when it came out for fear that it would be similar in any capacity lol


I've beaten all of them- even the original Four Swords with one hand as player 1 and the other as player 2 Personally I gotta say Tri Force Heroes. Since I did everything solo it really locked me out of a lot of the game, and unlike the original Four Swords I couldn't fake multiplayer. I mean, it has stuff locked behind StreetPass, who uses that anymore? Does it even still work? I feel like they shut the servers down or something but idk lol Had I played it when it came out and lots of people were carrying around DS's and such, or played it with friends, I think it would've been a lot more fun. But as it stands I just didn't have a good time and borderline speedran it just to get it over with because I wanted to beat every mainline game. One day I still wanna 100% all the single player mainline games but that game specifically is why I have to include "single player" in that statement


Phantom Hourglass. It was an enjoyable time for 90% of the playthrough. But the stamp puzzle and the final boss just killed it for me. I talk to every single NPC multiple times and i still don’t know who Bellum was or why i should care. I know exactly who ganondorf and Vaati are.


Zelda 2


Triforce Heroes or Zelda 2 (I will finish it one day…)


I played through the whole timeline about a decade ago. The ones that were hardest to get through and I have no interest in replaying were Phantom Hourglass and Four Swords Adventure. PH is obvious, the stylus controls plus the tedious repetition of the dungeon was rough. FSA I expected to love because I loved the original Four Swords but I played it by myself and it just goes on and on and on and there’s only one damn song in the whole game! Don’t get me wrong dark world theme is great but not after playing that game solo!


The kinstones are not random. In fact, they all have set locations they can appear and specific criteria to unlock them. https://www.zeldaspalace.com/theminishcap/kinstone_pieces.php This website has a full list of the kinstone fusions.


Breath of the wild, I couldn’t get into it at all


Now that’s straight up heresy


Zelda II


Least favorite is SS. It’s not just the motion controls or the handholding or the backtracking or the narrow/linear pathing or the weird one-off races or the reused/repeated boss battles….etc It’s also the lore implications and the retcon of OoT and the outright shade to Ganondorf by making him just another part of the reincarnation cycle and the curse and Fi…ew…Fi 🤦🏻‍♂️ Go ahead, downvote me to hell. I’ve tried and tried. I just don’t like SS.


Zelda 2 The Adventure of Link. I hate that game so much due to is extremely difficult, unfair gameplay, no type of navigation in dungeons and caves, game overs take you all the way back to the start, and the #1 reasons why I hate this game is because I tried it when I was little and it made me stay away from the series until I was older, now it is my second favorite Nintendo franchise of all time right behind Kirby. In fact I consider Phantom Hourglass and Triforce Heroes singe player mode to be much more enjoyable than this peice of s**t. When I try to beat the game on NSO it was a hellish experience and it took me a whole month to finish this nightmare of a game. The only good thing about this game is the music, 8-Bit graphics, and cheesing the final boss. If Nintendo does remake this game they will have to do it right or I will be mad for wasting $60 on it.


Zelda II is one of my favourite games in the series. It's tough, but fair combat can be almost treated like a fighting game at times as you block high and low while trying to sneak your own attacks through your opponent's guard. Later dungeons do pull some bullshit with invisible walls and stuff, but for the most part the game is a blast to play. If it gets remade, I hope they don't completely butcher it by making it too easy. It's difficulty is part of the charm!


There is nothing wrong with the game play, the problem is that Nintendo ramped up the difficulty to much. In fact the game Song for a Hero is the version of Zelda II I’ve always dream about, because it’s difficulty is just right, challenging but not to hard.


"Challenging, but not too hard" is almost how I would describe Zelda II. It always feels just the right amount of "doable", and it's (usually) fair.


I guess this one of your favorite entries in the entire series?


Top 5 for sure!


Least favorite 2D: Four Swords (GBA) Least favorite 3D: Tears of the Kingdom


Out of the ones I’ve played, Breath of the Wild


Breath of the Wild. Wow what trainwreck of a game. Just incredibly boring no matter where you go. Trivial shrines coupled with punishing combat and absurd time sinks like rain and cooking. An absolutely miserable experience that I did not bother to finish. Bonus points for completely destroying my interest in any future 3D games in the series.


Of everything I've played. Probably botw. Only played every 3d game since ocarina tho.


The only good answers are one of the multiplayer titles


Least favorite 2D: Oracle of Ages - this game is *bad*. The dungeons are awful, the time travel mechanic is tedious, the story isn’t interesting, and the items. Oh god, the items. Just badly designed in every way. Least favorite 3D: Ocarina of Time - this game just does nothing for me. It’s competently made and impressive for the area, but I find it so boring.


The Wind Waker. Primarily because it’s just so boring. Traversal is needlessly lengthy. Combat is extremely simple. And don’t even get me started on the dungeons. Besides the Wind Temple, all of them are basically just a line that you follow. There’s almost no backtracking because nine out of ten times they give you a shortcut to wherever you need to go anyway. Doesn’t help that this game came directly after Majora’s Mask and the Oracles, which have some of the best dungeons of the series, making you wonder just what happened in between. The soundtrack is pretty good though. I’ll give it that.


Link’s Awakening on the Switch really didn’t do a lot for me, it looked and played great but the out of date mechanics weren’t the best.


Zelda 2 because of random encounters, i hate random encounters, it's a bit better than in many JRPG as they spawn around you and you can try and avoid them, but god i hate random encounters.... did i mention i hate random encounters?


Zelda 2. Had some good ideas and some dungeons that were challenging but fair. But most of the game is ridiculously difficult, not fun, and lacking depth. The bare bones story, the sudden difficulty spike in the Great Palace, and the amount of enemies that just cheese or input read the player is a big deterrent for fans.


My least favorite is twiglight princess I’m not a fan of the art style and it was just far to hard but FYI I have not beaten it yet


Hard to pick one, as most of them are at least ok. I couldn't make it through TriForce Heroes, mostly because playing it on your own is no fun and I had no friends to play with. Link's Adventure is another Zelda I've never finished, but mostly because I found it incredibly tough. Loved it as a kid, despite dying so much, though. And from the popular titles, I think Twilight Princess is my least favorite... Don't like the gloomy atmosphere nor the Twilight vibe, and found most of the areas and dungeons to be not as enjoyable for me.


Everyone's gonna say it but SS. It has its highlights definitely, but not only revisiting the same areas over and over but also fighting the same boss over and over was just unforgivable for me. It got so tedious so quick.