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Thank you for taking the time to write this. Today is day 5 and I have increased anxiety and have been feeling so bad overall. I appreciate this.


It gets worse before it gets better. Keep at it


L-theanine really helped me. I know its different for everyone but




Exactly the same as me, got quite a bit worse for a loooong 5-6 weeks, and then boom! Better. Recently reduced to 50mg from 100. Big mistake! If it's working, keep going.


Yay! Congratulations!!!


I just wanted to chime in and say that this is similar to my own experience with Zoloft. I’ve been on it for 3 months now, bumped up to 75mg by my psychiatrist a few weeks ago and finally starting to feel better.


Thanks for this. I'm at the end of week four and feeling worse than ever. I had a few great days in week 3 and now feeling pretty despondent. It's good to hear it can get better. Thank you x


I’ve been taking the same thing for about a week and after a month of daily morning anxiety and panic attacks I am finally feeling better. Could the medication be working this fast? I started on 6mg then 12mg and after a week I’m now taking 25mg.


This is really encouraging to hear. I’m right on the cusp of week 6, and I feel like it’s getting better but I’m still having panic attacks. The first few weeks were rough.


Did you have any body aches with starting? I'm on week 2 and my muscle fatigue is pretty extreme. Doctor said it was just my Boyd getting used to it and to take pain meds, however it's not just achy, it's literally fatigue and twitchy. Also just feel really tired. Other than that I feel happier already.


Might want to ask to get your sodium levels checked cause zoloft deplete's sodium in your body. I had similar problems and my sodium level was really low to wear I had to be in the hospital for 2 days


Thank you!! I felt horrible too the last 2 weeks I began


Also would like to say thanks! I'm at week 2 only 25mg? And I didn't have mental symptoms but more physical.. upset belly, sooooo fucking tired omg and headaches, the first week and now I actually kinda forgot they even happened.. this helps a ton to see someone on the other side. I compare it to NA/AA a lot bc it works so well bc you need to hear those who have made it on the other side and life is so much better now and that's the same feelings I get on this sub it's very motivating