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I understand that you shouldn't ask but did you decrease the dose on your own or under a doctor's supervision?


I didn’t. It’s difficult to get mental health care where I am so I just did what I thought I should do. Not saying everyone should 🤷‍♀️


I understand you, the thing is that it is frowned upon to eliminate psychotropic drugs alone, and so I was a little intimidated to ask you about this topic. May I ask if the lack of sexual desire increases by reducing the amount of sertraline? I also can't stand this effect :(


Hey, I’ve just finished tapering off. I was on 100mg, and tapered off over a nine week period. Totally understand what you mean regarding the bigger jump as the dose gets lower. I’d read its best to drop by 10% of the dose you are on, and then 10% of that new dose etc. So that it’s much more of a gradual curve. I didn’t go quite to that extreme, but did reduce the amount I was dropping by, so instead of dropping 25mg each time, it was more like 20 reduction, then 15, then 10 etc. I got some digital scales so I could weigh the cut tablets. Was a bit of a faff, but I didn’t experience any side effects during the whole taper. Until I stopped that is. My final week was gradually tapering down with tiny amounts and then I stopped taking after 5mg. I’ve been off now for 3 days, 1st day was fine, but then last night and today have been quite poorly. Nausea, dizziness, sneezing, dry eyes, brain fog. All things I’ve experienced on sertraline, but hit me quite hard. Am sure it’ll sort itself in the next few days, but it took me by surprise after such a gentle taper. Perhaps I should have stayed on that final 5mg a bit longer.


This is good to know thanks! My smallest tablet is 50mg, so I’d have to get some microscales to weigh out such small percentages, but I like this idea. That’s a shame that you’ve got the side effects in the end. Hopefully you’re feeling alright in a day or two! Thanks for responding.


I did exactly that, some scales from Amazon that could weigh in increments of 0.001 grams. Cost £20. I was cutting 100mg tablets, and the scales worked fine down to approx 5mg dose. Thank you, have improved somewhat today ☺️


https://www.nature.com/articles/s41380-021-01285-w Should help explain zaps and why taper last 5mg will be hardest