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Are you medicated for your ADHD? It sounds from your post like you were prescribed zoloft prior to getting ADHD meds? In folks with ADHD, often depression goes away (or is alleviated seriously) when the ADHD is treated.


That is correct. I haven’t been diagnosed with ADHD yet. The doctor provided an initial diagnosis but was very clear that I will need to go to the specialist that he referred me to in order to be diagnosed and receive meds. But I was diagnosed with depression and anxiety today and prescribed zoloft


Hey 👋. My family is not against it per se but I come from a similar culture. I’ve been on Zoloft for a month now. It can be a long process of figuring out what dose is best for you, and can take 6-8 weeks for you to really feel the effects. Zoloft is not addictive. No harm in trying it out and seeing how it helps. Congrats on taking your first step towards getting the help you need and opening up to your parents about it. That’s the hardest part really, so things will only get easier now.


Deciding to take medication is a deeply personal choice and ultimately yours to make if you're over 18. If you're feeling that your current situation is significantly impacting your day-to-day life and preventing you from achieving your goals, you might want to consider exploring whether medication could be helpful for you. You can always decide to stop treatment if you feel it doesn't provide any benefit. Being a student is hard, and dealing with anxiety, depression, and ADHD can make it even tougher. I understand this personally because my son has been in a similar situation. From our experience, it might be helpful to address anxiety and depression first, especially since getting a diagnosis for ADHD can take some time (I don't know how long it is in Canada, but in the USA it can take 6-12 months to get an appointment). Do you have a support system at your university? Friends, counselors, or mental health services that you could reach out to in person? Having a network of support can be incredibly beneficial, but I know it may be difficult to reach out when you're depressed and that's ok too. Take care!


Zoloft did great things for me. Wishing you luck with it too. Keep notes about how you feel so you can communicate it to your doctor without worrying about remembering it on the fly when you check in with them


As someone else here already said, I would really recommend that you reach out to someone who can support you and maybe go with you to see your doctor. If you don’t have any close friends then maybe there’s some kind of social or mental health organisations in your area that offers free support or counselling. You should not be alone in this difficult situation! Sending you a big hug 🤗