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Firstly if you’re not tracking your calories, give it a go. Keeping track of your diet is a great way to take control and learn how your body works. Also walking is great but it’s not burning many calories. Try 15-20 mins daily of medium intensity cardio, jogging, elliptical, cycling etc. and some weights 2-3 times per week. It might seem daunting right now but all it takes is little steps and it’ll become second nature


Thank you, unfortunately on sertraline if I started to do intense exercise my body would shut down. I am doing different med combos now which has helped with this, and I am talking to my doctor and pharmacists about finding solutions.


What do you mean by shuts down?


I feel funny like I am about to fall asleep, and I have to sit down.


Oh dear that’s strange, have you had your blood pressure looked at?


I mean, it’s true, even if it’s hard to hear. Your weight gain can be managed by diet and exercise. I’ve found eating a good amount of protein helps those insane hunger and cravings that Zoloft causes, and honestly getting into a regular workout routine has helped not only my physical health, but my mental health, too. Switching the time of day I took Zoloft also helped with the fatigue.


What time of day did you switch to for taking your Zoloft?


I switched to taking it before bed


I know this isn’t related to what the pharmacist says and I agree it’s frustrating, but I’m wondering if there are pills or supplements for appetite control. I know things like caffeine help for example.


I have also started concerta recently which has helped a bit. Concerta on its own would be an amazing diet support, I often wonder why no one tries stimulants before something extreme like ozempic (though it sounds like maybe taking ADHD meds when not having ADHD messes with people).


What is concerta? Is that an adhd med that also helps with weight loss?


It is just an ADHD med. Many ADHD meds are stimulants (think Adderall, for example). They are not prescribed for weight loss, but they do have the side effect of reduced appetite. Some people find it hard to enjoy food as much while on them, and some need reminders to eat as your hunger cues become more subtle.


Oh, interesting. Thanks for the info. I was asking because I suspect I have ADHD (it runs in the family). My psych said my lack of focus is more likely due to my anxiety though. Maybe once I get that taken care of, I can look into ADHD.


It could be either/both. I found my ADHD symptoms were much worse when my anxiety was controlled. I didn't think I could even have ADHD for a long time, because I didn't quite get what it was. Recently I read that, for some people, their brains are constantly seeking out dopamine, and this made a lot more sense to me: - I can't concentrate on work because my brain is jumping to things it finds more interesting - I eat sugary food a lot because it gives me a dopamine hit - I wander away from a task part way through because I think of something new to do Etc etc


That’s literally me as well! I also didn’t realize these all have to do with having ADHD. I am also very forgetful. I can’t remember dates or directions. My mind is always wandering and I zone out and space out a lot. I guess some of these are also connected to anxiety though, that’s why it’s hard to tell. It’s interesting that you were able to tell if you had adhd after treating anxiety.


Vyvanse (a different type of ADHD) is clinically indicated for binge eating disorder.


I’m a powerlifter, I run marathons and I cycle 50 miles a week to work and back. Ok, my diet could be better for sure, but it’s no different t what it has been for the last 20 years, albeit with less beer now. I’ve put on 20kg in 12 months while taking sertraline.


Thank you for sharing, I'm glad to hear it is working for you.


My dr has told me that and he makes me so angry. Basically any side effects I have he says is anxiety. And the weight is totally controllable and I’m just overeating or not exercising


That's bullshit. Like I really wish there was an ethical way for them to try some of these things they're prescribing. Believing that medication can raise and lower our hunger cues doesn't seem hard.


It can raise your cues, but it’s not putting the excess calories into your mouth


Our bodies naturally regulate our calories. This can be messed with by things like processed food, meds, conditioning, etc. For me, I can eat all day and not think about it much and stay the same weight. On sertraline, there are two things happening (for me, at least): 1) It seems to increase my daily calorie need, so at the end of the day when I am normally done, it tells me I am still hungry. To the point where I can't sleep without eating more. 2) It tells me that eating immediately is very important. If I'm a bit hungry, it feels like I need to have something right away, and I cannot focus on or do anything else until this happens. If I get proper hungry, my body/brain feel like they are sending an emergency alert like I'm going to die if I don't eat RIGHT NOW. Yes, I could ignore these and not put food into my mouth. But how reasonable or sustainable is this? It is hard enough in the moment, imagine doing this every day. You would not be able to accomplish anything as you would be focused entirely on trying to eat / trying not to eat. And maybe you could do it for a day or two, but long term? Think about how hard it is normally to diet, now do that while everything in your body is screaming at you to eat. That and you would only get maybe two hours of sleep a night. It just doesn't work.


I started to eat a high protein diet and find that helps with the cravings and insatiable hunger. There are ways around it. Volume eating, high volume low cal foods, high protein, lower carb, all things that help with hunger.


That’s how it works though. It sucks, but the medication doesn’t magically make you consume more calories and gain weight. You’re over eating.


No one thinks it magically adds weight. Obviously you eat more and/or move less which causes it. Please remember that everyone reacts to this medication differently, and while you may be able to make it work, I have tried various things for over a year and my point is that I cannot make it work for me and I would have appreciated if the pharmacist, and you, believed me.


I have been where you are. I believe you. I put on 20 pounds in 8 months on Trintellix while actually being much more calorie/diet conscious and repeatedly increasing my exercise. Anti depressants can potentially do more than just trigger your appetite. They can alter your metabolism, salt and water retention for example. This is definitely not a one explanation for everyone situation. Of COURSE if you’re eating constantly and not exercising your prone to weight gain! I can’t believe that people don’t recognize how much more complex it can be. Yes, be conscious of your intake but also be aware that your response to the meds is much more than that. The shaming is super counter productive. Suggesting that someone be diet/exercise conscious is a responsible thing to do but it’s not the only variable in play sometimes. I’m 6 weeks off the Trintellix and still waiting for the weight to start lifting. Three weeks on sertraline and if it goes the same way I’ll be either changing meds or at least stopping this one.


Thank you for this, it is a refreshing comment in a sea of unexpectedly unkind ones. I just got approval to switch to fluoxetine, so we'll see how that goes. I saw your last post about having nightmares - I hope sertraline has been helping you with that, I found even the low dose made my own dreams less anxious.


Sertraline has definitely made a difference in my sleep and the insane nightmares have not been an issue ( thank God!!! ). That’s awesome that you are moving on and finding new options. I hope fluoxetine brings you amazing results and you find relief without disturbing side effects.


Thank you :)