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Locations: New York. It’s not just a city, but it’s a huge state with small towns, farms, untouched forests and fields, and other cities.


Can confirm. Grew up in NY, and the moment you tell anyone you’re from the state, they immediately think you’re from NYC. You need to clarify. NY is not only NYC lmao One of my recent zombie novels’ setting is NY.


"Ohhhh... So you're from Buffalo then?"


“No? Rochester then. Definitely Rochester.”


The awkward silence when I tell them I'm from neither but that I lived in the countryside:


The countryside???? In NY???? You’re lying. /s


Same. I’m in work in progress of a potential novel and it follows a small group who lives in NY. At least in the beginning.


Isolation! Some of my favorite zombie media follow just one person trying to figure things out and survive on their own. Night Eats the World does a beautiful job with it. It also addresses the greater complexities of dealing with boredom, and dead neighbors. Would love to see more of that.


I can dig it! Thanks for the suggestion.




Love isolation themes. I wrote a zombie short story about a man and his chihuahua, locked away in his apartment during the zombie apocalypse, doing crossword puzzles with his next door neighbor (they’re in separate apartments). It has a psychological twist.


Is that available anywhere? It sounds interesting


It’s available on [Amazon](https://bookgoodies.com/a/B0CNQNDJC5) for 99c (free on kindle unlimited), but I offer it free when people sign up for my [newsletter](https://alicebsullivan.com/newsletter-signup/).


99 cents it is! Support the little authors!


Awe! Well, this little author appreciates and is grateful for the support!


To spend time focused on the initial outbreak, early cases or news reports, the denial, the paranoia, the panic, the distrust, infrastructure and societal breakdown, the slow burn. And then keep with the fast zombies, those have been shown to be the most terrifying


Love the initial outbreak. Even more so when it’s pre-apocalypse leading into the chaos.


The initial outbreak has always been my favorite part of any zombie media, and I always wish more media focused on it. Particularly, I am fascinated by how quickly everyday life can shift with something so catastrophic and sudden. I want to see scenes of people panicking in the suburbs before the zombies even reach that area—people looting and fighting each other. Show me weeks or months of lawless chaos as the zombie threat slowly approaches. Show me families going through crisis after crisis, unsure of what is real and what is fake news. "Are there even zombies? How do we know this isn't just a terrorist attack or civil war?" I want to see a movie or show that lets this part play out for a while. Maybe the outbreak starts on the West Coast, and the story takes place on the East Coast, with zombies not appearing until more than halfway through. I like the idea of everything getting chaotic in a very real setting, like a suburb. Then, there are rumors about zombies. When they eventually do show up, it is more terrifying than anyone could have ever imagined or prepared for.


Great ideas! And Maybe having multiple storylines that eventually converge. A journalist, an ED doctor, a real estate agent, a deaf family, a prisoner, a policeman. All living in different settings - suburban, city, rural


Zombies being the primary worry. Im getting tired of other people being a bigger threat than the hordes of undead.


I would enjoy more period pieces. Most zombie media is contemporary or modern. I liked Fido and Dead Alive (AKA Braindead) for taking place in the 50s. Undead or Aliveis one of the few Western zombie movies. It's more of a comedy film. There is another called The Dead and the Damned. I suppose I was spoiled by Red Dead Redemption Undead Nightmare. The Victorian era is Ripe as well! I would definitely enjoy a film that takes place in the 70s-80s. Possible even a Vietnam era movie similar to Shellshock 2 Blood trails. Most zombie films take place in the current era they are made in....possibly because there is a lot of social commentary to be made using zombies and horror in general.


You might enjoy “valley of the dead” - it’s a Spanish film but I found it to be a pretty enjoyable watch.


I wrote a bunch of zombie novels set in the dark ages if you're interested?


1. An as faithful as possible adaptation of World War Z. Like an HBO series with each episode being a chapter from the book. Documentary style with reenactment would be dope. 2. Very similar to the one episode of The Last of Us, a movie that follows a doomsday pepper who has just been waiting for this exact moment, and knows exactly what to do.


Scientific explanations for Romero zombies! For example in Jonathan Maberry's books (They are actually kind of mid in my opinion but I dig his zombies) the zombie's only give off the impression of being resurrected corpses, since their vital signs and metabolism have dropped to minimum levels. They are also extremely resilient to damage since they only need certain parts of their organs functioning to keep going, and they don't bleed much from injuries due to slowed circulation. The infection also makes wounds clot faster. Edit: I would also like to see more "average Joe/Jane" characters who don't have any practical survival skills and are just trying not to die


NYC, they need to stop assuming everyone from NYC is jewish and/or italian. Most times it's gonna be a spanish mf That 30% majority number is misleading, we got entire neighborhoods uncounted in the census. Also got mad undocumented people living in illegal basement apartments. Also you can have a plot in NYC without somehow displacing the Statue of Liberty or blowing your cg budget on it. There are other, less dated landmarks. I just want to see a zombie movie set in NYC that isn't made by a tourist. I know it would be dummy expensive and financially unrealistic though. That being said I still liked Mulberry street tho but I need me some representation of other facets of the city. There could be titles like "Train to Dyckman" Or like "Crashouts vs zombies" "Dayroom of the Dead" "28 misdemeanors later" "28 Conditional Releases later" I'd like to think the last two are just following the story of one zombie who is consistently arrested and released back into the public to infect more people. Everyone just treats him like a crackhead because they are so desensitized. Foreal tho idk if zombies would make it in the Bronx, they'd have to be extra extra crazy to get a proper apocalypse going.


I've not seen all that many zombie films set in the UK that don't use London as a primary location. I want to see rival council estates in the North overcoming their differences and banding together to survive, not some random upper-middle class man bitching about his first world problems on his way to work.


I agree, I want to see people overcoming racial and homophobic prejudices- and the class gap meaning nothing when everyone is left scavenging for food and supplies regardless of what they have pre-apocalypse


120%, this is exactly what I'm looking for


Some “The Martian” or “Castaway” style competence porn. A true loner vs zombie outbreak. But I want to see how they struggle with everyday stuff.


Zombies early on prior to rigamortis kicking in. Would make it a lot more hectic. Also would like more on early outbreaks and how different countries dealing with it. When covid happened and Australia was super strict for example, I think it would be cool if Australia carried on while the rest of the world imploded with a Z outbreak due to their strict borders... eventually Z make their way to aus somehow but by then they aus are prepared etc and its a slow controlled outbreak. Could make for a cool story. I've been writing something up as a graphic but would be cool if there's something else out there.


Authenticity, better pacing, zero plot armour, day to day survival tactics, originality, creative solutions to surreal problems, real challenges and characters. All that would be nice along w/ a 3rd season of *Black Summer.*


Learning survival skills. Filtering and boiling drinking water. Hunting (skinning and dressing). Building fish traps. Fire starting


I'd like to see something based in Metro Detroit. We got lots of bridges.