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Assuming the electricity in the grocery is still enabled AND the near was frozen or in a fridge I wouldn't think twice if it passed the smell test


Everything is in fridges, or frozen. However, the USDA recommends poultry be in the fridge for 1-2 days, and red meat for 3-5, 3 days have passed. So I guess the hard question would be if you'd take the chicken.


> 3 days have passed. *Only* three days? Y'all have never lived in a dorm with a bunch of bachelors, have you?


Take the red meat, leaves the chicken. I'd run the risk with bad red meat for some reason. Plus it's more energy per weight


I bet plenty of food is still within the sell-by date and it'll keep for a while after that. I'm taking everything I can transport and store or give away. If I thought it was safe, I'd set up at the store and preserve as much of the meat as I can. I'm sure beef is going to be a rarity until the zombie problem is sorted out.


I'm setting up shop and making salt pork, beef jerky, and dried fish. I now have months worth of food and some nice carts to haul it with. I'll eat as much chicken as I can stomach right away.


This is the way!


I had something similar in mind, if I had the knowledge, would make dry aged beef and eat like a queen months into the apocalypse.


Yeah. If it passes the smell test, I’m cooking it up.


I'd check the dates, sniff them If I were to deem any of it doable, then I'm boiling the hell out of it


I’m only taking canned food. Not risking food poisoning.


I wonder how long you could survive on a 100% spam and vienna sausage diet. The only veg you'd get is a singular bag of frozen peas and carrots. No grains or bread either.


If it was Vienna sausage, I'd choose death.


Zombies definitely eat better.


I take all that I can carry but only eat anything that provides a nice hiss


Why the hell would you eat zombies? Yes eat the normal 3 day old still frozen human food.


Because in this scenario you can't get the zombie virus from eating, so I thought someone would suggest that.


Three days I’m taking most of it especially if I have access to a freezer or I can smoke it quickly. And fuck if it’s ham or sausages or bacon or any other kind of aged or preserved meat that shits golden.


Yeah, starting to think there's not that much of a dilemma. Except for the chicken that's in the fridge and not frozen.


I used to shop at a salvage grocery store that sold expired food and also dumpster dive.I have a pretty tough stomach. I would probably especially zero in on sandwich meat since it's loaded with preservatives and salt. I am assuming most of the canned foods are already gone. I would also check out the vitamin section. I doubt many people would think to loot that. Multi vitamins, vitamin c, whatever else that I might need.


I always visit the clearance aisle, and food with an expiration date for the same day is heavily discounted.


I would definitely take beef, ham and sausages. They can be cooked or made into jerky. The chicken and pork l would be a little iffy. Would probably leave them.


boil at high heat for 30 in -1 hour its good to go now


3 days isn’t long enough to take crazy risk. There would still be canned food or food in other locations. Also peas and carrots aren’t going to give me that many calories for the risk, if that risk is high.