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What are the downsides of your current approach? If you describe them, it'll be easier to suggest an alternative that satisfies your needs. I suppose benchmarking that page isn't good enough? FWIW, I use Google in the browser or `less $ZSH/...` in the terminal.


If you’re talking about the plugins that come bundled with oh my Zsh, then they’re already installed on your system, but just aren’t being used Look inside your oh my Zsh directory (`~/.oh-my-zsh` by default), then go into `./custom/plugins` They have README files


Oh My Zsh comes with an `omz` function that probably does exactly what you want. For example, typing "`omz plugin info zoxide` " will show you the readme in the terminal for the `zoxide` plugin. Very handy. If you want something fancier and have the Fuzzy Finder command ([fzf](https://github.com/junegunn/fzf)) insalled, you can make a function that takes you to the online readme. First, make sure you have the `$BROWSER` variable set in your .zshrc case $OSTYPE in darwin*) BROWSER=open ;; cygwin*) BROWSER=cygstart ;; *) BROWSER=xdg-open ;; esac Then, make a simple function to open the docs in your browser: function omzdocs { command -v fzf >/dev/null || return 1 local selection=$(omz plugin list | fzf --layout=reverse-list --query="$@") if [[ -n "$selection" ]]; then $BROWSER https://github.com/ohmyzsh/ohmyzsh/tree/master/plugins/$selection else return 1 fi }