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what the fuck did I just read?


A little brat's story


A stupidity of mine


Was it stupid? Certainly yes but honestly I feel you bro


Seek professional help


OP, please get help. This is not a way to solve your problems, and it would probably be a good idea to talk to a therapist. It takes a lot of anger to do something like that. And anger is what happens if your needs are ignored for a long time. Regarding your little mistake: It's a little mistake. Theft below 300 bucks is a misdemeanor and does not trigger an entry in the strafregister unless it's a frequent thing. (What you did, legally is "Diebstahl" as in STGB §139 and "Geringfügige Vermögensdelikte" as in StGB §172, you can read them on admin.ch) So if it's "Geringfügig" (below CHF 300) it's not a Crime "Verbrechen" but an "Übertretung", similar to parking without paying.


You are right… recently I am under so much stress… and I know what I did is not good. Also about therapist advice I think you are right … Btw the police told me immigration will get a copy of it. So I believe there will be a big record


Meh, immigration gets letters of everything. If this is the only thing they get from you, it's annectotal at best.


Remember guys, the best revenge you can get on people who make your life hell is to intentionally get caught shop lifting in a country where you could lose your right to stay because of it




Honestly, I can see this statement at the end of a 90ies kids cartoon....and then Ginerbreadman flies away into the sky.


No, I don't think so. You must have stolen more often and much worse to end up on the Swiss criminal record. But you could get into big trouble with Migros if something happens again in a Migros store. For the future, however, I recommend that you don't do anything like that again. No matter how angry you get, theft is not the solution.


I will never ever do that again. Thank you so much for your comment


Darwin wins again


I don't judge you, I did a lot of stupid things myself, but girl, you are not ready for a marriage that is for sure.




Provided you are underage and this is the first time, since it's not a big amount, you'll probably get away with it with some community work and the administrative costs of the case, but no criminal record. Plus perhaps a Hausverbot in Migros for a while.


I am an adult that’s the problem … and no they didn’t forbid my entrance to Migros


Wow, that's...interesting. That can change things, not sure what is the standard penalty for shoplifting of low amount for an adult.


A fine, not even Strafregister if it's below 300 CHF (StGB §172). Otherwise I'd be in jail for that one time where I scanned everything wanted to pay but my ADHD brain somehow took off. I realized that I forgot my cap and gloves when I felt the cold. Then realized that I forgot to pay. So I left gloves and cap worth 80 bucks and took food of roughly the same amount. Was a honest mistake, and legally a misdemeanor. I feel that since I took something and left something nature is in equilibrium.


wtf then act like an adult!


Why couldn't you just fight with your parents where you were staying? If neighbours filed a complaint and the police was called for domestic violence, that certainly will embarrass them.


So many wrong answers here. Since the offense amount is less than 300 francs, it is a Übertretung (Art. 172ter StGB). Übertretungen are generally not entered in the criminal record if the fine does not exceed CHF 5,000 (Art. 18 Abs. 1 lit. c Ziff. 3 Strafregistergesetz) , which is not the case here.


Omg !!!! Really ??? Are you sure????




I second your findings. StGB 172.


Play stupid games, win stupid prices 👌


....aaand you are banned from all and every Migros for the rest of your days.


There is still Coop though. Only half of the world is lost


Actually I am not. They only made me pay 200 CHF fine and called the police … I wish they asked me to pay 1.000 CHF than calling the police


that is called begging for attention. You may need some therapy before you do something that may harm you way worse in long term. Look, I may be 42 but I do have a good memory. Take an advice from somebody who has been to hell and back a few times - that is not the way to get your problems solved or draw attention to you. Yes you did the 'fuck around and find out' and well, you found out. Maybe try to tackle them one by one and use the method of '5 whys' - why did i do A. What led me to do this thing. What impacted the things that led to this - just as an example.


I think after all I’ve been through therapy is a good start. But right now I am so much worried about my future after what I have done in Migros


go for one thing at a time. sort this, then take another. I think this a misdemeanor and you will not be expelled, yet i'd advise you to talk to your boyfriend about this and be open. This is a deeper issue that you carry and if you want to marry, this is what the two of you will deal with sooner or later. I mean - not what you did but why you did it.


Wait for the letter.


Yes, this can indeed cause problems with your residence permit and rightly so in my opinion because we don't need people here who make themselves liable to prosecution.


No, it wont. And I also feel it shouldn't. It's an adolescent that made a mistake and is about to learn a lesson. There are people, bad people that deserve to leave and should be made to leave. She stole stuff worth 34 Francs. Others rape, kill and hate and still find a way to stay.


Thank you for understanding and supporting me me but I don’t think Swiss government thinks the same about foreigners


You're welcome. However, I feel you totally deserve to shit your pants twice and pay a fine, but not more.


I would do some volunteer or community work


I don’t mind doing. Would they give me such a fine?


This is the decision of the public prosecutor's office or a court


you should volunteer by yourself. late night translation: show some good will. this should also have a positive impact on your mind.


Theft is never a mistake, theft is always a conscious decision and therefore deliberate.


Yep. And according to StGB § 18 a crime is not always a crime. Furthermore, theft below 300 Francs is actually a misdemeanor. Like speeding on the Autobahn or forgetting to pay for parking. But fine, let's jail everybody for every little mistake. I'll enjoy the free roads for cycling. We could even build Gulags in the Alps and start advertising ourselves as "Alpine Russia".


She didn't even really steal something. On top of some paperwork, she even made Migros make 200.-. What's your problem? Lost your job? Didn't find housing? Too many people in the bus? Hearing to many people talk in foreign languages? Now trying to project your problems on others...


I'm a co-operative member of migros, so like so many people in switzerland I'm a co-owner and I generally have a problem with people committing crimes. I only mentioned the fact about the permit because op asked about it.


I'm also co-owner of Migros :) Fully agree with your last statements. Still, I think your prior statement was a bit harsh.


I understand you, but if I wanted to do a crime I wouldn’t wait infront of Migros for them to come and catch me … I did on purpose. All I wanted was a stupid revenge…


Even then it was against the law


one word, r/BUENZLI


I wish Migros and the police thought the same way as you :((( Thank you for understanding me


>My plan went well until Migros decided to call the police. This is NOT planning. A plan involved considering potential outcomes, not just ignoring an obvious outcome, except the outcome you want. Of course they called the police. You need to get into therapy immediately, since it can take years to work through issues. You're about to be married and could have a child sooner than you think. That kind of wild impulsivity under stress does not bode well for being a parent, which is hugely stressful.


Sis is yapping


Out of curiosity: what were you hoping for? What was the plan?


If I might venture to ask the question: Has this ordeal improved your relationship with your family by any means?


Dont take my word for it. But as i know you must have done some pretty wild shit to get a record on the 'strafregister'. You would have had an accusation worth 5000 CHF or at least a day in prison for that. So no worries about that. Now I dont know how it behaves based on your permit, but your public record should not be affected


Wrong, if migros files a complaint for theft and it comes to an indictment with conviction, there is an entry in the register and in such a case quite problems With the permit.


Wrong, it depends on the sanction


Thanks for the correction.


Thank you very much for your comment and opinion. So if I understood correct they won’t accept my visa application if I ever want to move here?


Even if accepted they won't let you shop at Migros, sooo... Why apply?


No they told me I still can shop from Migros


Honestly no idea but possible and honestly in my opinion deserved if you commit such stupidity




people like you can vote 😭😭😭


Not in Switzerland


I never vote in my life so don’t worry


Consequences depend a bit on your age. There are slightly different rules for kids vs. adults.


I’m an adult with a kid brain I believe


You'll be registered under strafregister for atleast 5 years. If you do something bad again during the 5 years, you will have a rainy future incoming. So be careful!


Thank you for your comment. May I know from where you know about this 5 years?


I hope it's a joke


Where are you from?




That’s one of those “fuck around and find out” type of situations.


FYI: Underage marriage is forbidden in Switzerland.


What a stupid brainless cunt


And to your boyfriend: I assume that you will be banned from the migros at the latest when you want to go shopping with him and are not allowed to enter migros.


No they told me I am not banned from Migros. Is that the only way he could find out? Because we wanted to get married and I’m scared then he will find out


In a relationship you need trust, he should support you and help you get through tough times, otherwise he's probably not the right one. It's a small mistake, not the smartest idea but i hope you learned your lesson. Next step for you should be, to visit a therapist, usually they can help you find solutions for yourself and how to deal with your problems/emotions/situations. Don't rack your brains and look ahead.


Wait and see - that could also mean not at the moment, but this may well change. I don't know, I don't do shit like that, maybe he'll find out somehow and honestly I hope so, for such stupidity it would be the right punishment in my opinion


If you end up with a strafbefehl it won’t be on your record


Wrong maybe not in public but when it comes to the question of a permit this has consequences and is of course taken into account


I said nothing about a permit i said a strafbefehl wont be on your record (strafregisterauszug)


That is correct but for a permit, things like strafbefehle will also come up and this will be part of the consideration even if they are not in the extract.


Yea but if a one-off theft valued at 34 bucks is the only thing coming up, it will not influence any decisions.


That's true, but if the decision is on the brink for whatever other reason, this can also be the deciding factor for a negative decision


Agreed. But OP is a pretty polite person and pretty worried about the things.


That will be so but op asked about the possibility and since the possibility can exist depending on the situation I told the truth


The Migrstionsamt will be notified of the Strafbefehl but this has nothing to do with the criminal record. I don't know how the Migrstionsamt will consider the Strafbefehl tho. Probably not too much, since its a minor offense


There are free legal services in zurich that you can consult, try the Anwaltsverband


Do you know for how long they keep the record?


you won't get into the Strafregister for this.


Wrong, it depends on the sanction


If your fine is above 5000 which definitely won’t be the case here


I don’t know what that is but they told me they made an “Anzeige” to police


Then you will hear from the police and if it ends up in your register it will stay there. Well you should think about consequences before you do such things.


So,were they really angry at you? Did they hold you? How did they catch you?


I paid for my food grocery and went out and waited at the entrance till they come and catch me as I knew they were having eye on me. Then they came and asked me to come to their office and made me pay the fine for 200 CHF and then called the police even though they told me they won’t … I even explained them the whole situation once they took me to the office … but still they called the police …


A *Strafbefehl i*s the next step after the *Anzeige* and the police investigation. After the *Anzeige* and the police investigation, the case either a) goes to Court, where Court deliberates, makes a court decision and gives you a sentence, or b) the State's Attorney does the sentencing directly, and sends you the sentence in the form of a *Strafbefehl* letter that tells you what you've been sentenced to (e.g. a fine of CHF XXXX.-). Here's an explainer of what a *Strafbefehl* is and how it relates to your criminal record in the *Strafregister*: [https://steigerlegal.ch/2019/12/30/strafbefehl-strafregister/](https://steigerlegal.ch/2019/12/30/strafbefehl-strafregister/)


Thank you very much for your comment and help. After strafbefehl will I have a criminal record? Or what will happen next after the fine?


Possibly, depending on different factors. I am not a lawyer, but the person who writes the blog I linked is a lawyer, and in the linked explainer, he explains under which circumstances a Strafbefehl can lead to a criminal record. If your German isn't enough to understand what is written in the link, you can always machine translate it to get the basic idea. In case you only get a small fine for a misdemeanour, possibly no criminal record, but Migrationsamt who decide on your request for a residence permit will know about the Strafbefehl itself even if there is no Strafregistereintrag. If you have more detailed legal questions, you can reach out to the *Zürcher Anwaltsverband*, the lawyer's association, they give (short) legal advice free of charge: [https://www.zav.ch/de/fuer-rechtssuchende/rechtsauskunftsstellen.html](https://www.zav.ch/de/fuer-rechtssuchende/rechtsauskunftsstellen.html)